At this moment, Sun Jianing suddenly said, "Beibei, did you receive the video I sent you? It's just a performance video, don't be scared."

Her boyfriend is a special effects actor, so it's possible for him to shoot this kind of video for observing the performance effect.

On one side was my boyfriend whom I have loved for many years, and on the other side was a strange Taoist who seemed unreliable but could instantly see that I was in trouble.

I didn't know who to believe for a moment.

During my hesitation, the master on my phone kept sending messages.

[Don't open it! Your boyfriend is already dead! The person outside the door is fake!]

[He has already consumed your boyfriend's heart, and you're next!]

The sound of the key turning in the lock came, and only then did I remember that he had a key to my house.

I stood at the door, and as soon as the man opened it, he saw me. He stood outside the dimly lit door, his mouth curled into a sinister smile.

"Beibei, you're home. Why didn't you open the door for me?"

At this moment, the barrage on the screen was scrolling rapidly, but I had no time to pay attention.

Because as my gaze scrolled down, it landed on his wrist.

I widened my eyes.

There was no red string on his wrist.

I casually asked, "Jianing, you didn't bring the red string I asked for, did you?"

He turned his wrist over indifferently and smiled, "I took it off while taking a shower just now. I was in a hurry to see you, so I didn't bring it."


I had begged for the red string to protect my safety from the temple, and he would never take it off, especially not while showering.

He once said it was a proof of my love for him, something he would never lose.

[Oh my god, if it's true that this is a blood corpse like the Taoist said, I can't imagine what the anchor will do next!]

[Why did the anchor open the door for him? The smile on his face when he opened the door almost scared my soul out.]

[It seems like the anchor doesn't really believe the Taoist's words and is planning to test it herself.]

I looked at the scrolling barrage on my phone and thought, they were right.

Now I don't trust anyone and can only prepare to test it myself.

"Jianing, I was busy just now and didn't hear the knocking. What's the matter with you coming to find me?"

He stood under the backlight, gently replied, "Beibei, it was my fault for our last fight. It's all my fault. Can you forgive me?"

I smiled and said, "Okay. Haven't you eaten yet? How about I cook for you? Today, I'm going to make pig heart soup."


I watched Sun Jianing obediently sitting beside the coffee table, looking at me with anticipation.

I paused for a few seconds, then turned and walked towards the kitchen.

Soon, I brought out a bowl of pig blood.

"Jianing, could you help me seal it in a bag and throw it in the trash bin later? The smell is too strong."

He almost eagerly took the bowl of pig blood from my hand and sniffed it in his palm.

"No, I think it's fine." He took a big sniff, his face filled with delight.

Seemingly realizing that it wasn't appropriate, he chuckled, "You know, I really like fresh food. This pig was obviously freshly slaughtered. The smell of pig blood is so fragrant, I wonder how delicious it will be as pig heart soup. I'm in luck."

"Yeah." If this "luck" wasn't mine.

I repeatedly reminded him, "But you can't drink this, because this pig blood hasn't been sterilized at high temperature, so you can't drink it directly. You can help me throw it away later."

While Sun Jianing agreed, he reluctantly poured the pig blood into the trash bin.

I turned and entered the kitchen, seemingly dealing with the pig heart, but in reality, I was observing Sun Jianing through another phone placed in theroom. I had set up a hidden camera to monitor his actions without him noticing.

I watched as he rummaged through the trash bin, picking up the bag of pig blood. His eyes gleamed with excitement and he brought the bag closer to his face, sniffing it again.

My heart raced. The pieces were starting to fall into place, confirming the Taoist's words.

I continued to pretend to cook in the kitchen, my hands trembling slightly. I needed to gather more evidence before confronting Sun Jianing.

As I cooked, I heard him mutter to himself, "The smell is incredible. I can't resist it."

My mind was racing, trying to come up with a plan. Suddenly, an idea struck me.

I walked out of the kitchen with a bowl of soup in my hands. The aroma of the pig heart soup filled the room, but I knew there was something else that could overpower it.

"Jianing, I made some chili oil to go with the soup. It's really spicy, but I think it will enhance the flavor. Do you want to try it?" I suggested, trying to divert his attention.

His eyes lit up. "Spicy food? You know I love spicy food! Bring it here!"

I handed him a small bowl of chili oil, making sure to distract him as I observed his reaction.

He took a spoonful of the chili oil and brought it close to his nose, inhaling deeply. His expression changed from excitement to disgust.

"What's wrong?" I asked innocently.

"This chili oil... it smells horrible! It's so pungent!" he exclaimed, his face contorting in disgust.

My heart skipped a beat. It was the confirmation I needed.

With trembling hands, I took out my phone and showed him the barrage of messages from the Taoist, the warnings of the blood corpse.

"You're not Sun Jianing, are you?" I asked, my voice quivering.

His smile disappeared, replaced by a cold, sinister expression. "You're smarter than I thought, Beibei. But it's too late now."

My heart raced as I realized the danger I was in. I had exposed his true identity, and now I had to find a way to protect myself.

As he lunged towards me, I grabbed a kitchen knife from the counter and held it in front of me, ready to defend myself.

The room filled with tension as we faced each other, both aware that this confrontation would determine our fates.

To be continued...
