That night, I took a Soul Fragrance Pill and indeed slept better. It felt like floating in the clouds, but I felt like there was a figure watching me from a distance in my dream.

I didn't pay much attention to it, after all, it's normal to have anything in dreams.

In the morning, when I looked in the mirror, I unexpectedly found that the pimples on my face were gone. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that the wrinkles around my eyes had faded a bit. Could it be that the Soul Fragrance Pill also has a beautifying effect?

I was overjoyed and even felt energized for work.

After work, my husband said he had to work overtime, so I made plans to go shopping at the mall with my girlfriend, Zhao Xue.

On the way, I saw a lost little boy. He had a round face, and his dark eyes were spinning around, looking particularly adorable.

Looking at him, I couldn't help but feel a bit sad. My husband and I have been married for seven years, and our relationship has always been good, but unfortunately, there has been no good news.

I have also felt anxious, but my husband has always comforted me, saying that we are still young and have plenty of time. My mother-in-law also reassured me, telling me not to worry, that good things take time. I feel extremely fortunate to have such a supportive family-in-law.

Looking at the anxious little boy, I walked up to him and asked in a low voice, "Little friend, have you lost your family?"

The little boy looked at me and suddenly covered his nose, taking a step back. In a childish voice, he said, "Sister, you smell bad."

Smell bad? I was momentarily perplexed.

How could I smell bad? I looked at Zhao Xue with a puzzled expression, seeking an answer.

"No, you don't smell bad. Xiaosheng, you smell really nice. I was actually going to ask you what perfume you've been using lately." Zhao Xue smelled the scent on me and replied with certainty.

Once I was sure that there was no odor coming from me, I continued talking to the little boy, saying, "Little friend, sister doesn't smell bad, she smells nice. Are you lost? Let sister take you to the staff."

Unexpectedly, the little boy insisted, "It is smelly, sister. There's nothing wrong with my nose."

I smiled and didn't intend to argue with the little boy any further.

At that moment, a girl rushed over, looking a bit flustered, and quickly apologized, saying, "I'm sorry, I lost my little brother. Thank you all."

When the little boy saw the girl, he happily ran towards her.

Seeing that the little boy's family had arrived, I prepared to leave. Before leaving, Zhao Xue spoke a few more words on my behalf, saying, "Little friend, this sister smells really nice. Next time, don't say someone else smells bad."

The girl, upon hearing this, looked surprised. She walked up to me, sniffed, and said seriously,

"Miss, what I'm about to say may sound sudden, but you have the smell of a corpse on you. My brother has a sensitive sense of smell since he was little, and he's the most gifted person in our family. He wouldn't smell it wrong."

After speaking, she gave me her contact information and said that I could reach out to her if needed.

Both Zhao Xue and I were puzzled, feeling that this sister and brother were quite strange. So we didn't pay much attention to this matter, but I saved the contact information.

In the evening, my mother-in-law handed me a cup of warm water and told me to take the Soul Fragrance Pill. Holding the pill, I remembered the conversation between the little boy and his sister during the day. I smelled the Soul Fragrance Pill again and confirmed that it was a fragrance, not an odor.

I couldn't help but laugh. How could I be influenced by others?

After my mother-in-law finished lighting the Soothing Incense, she noticed that I hadn't taken the Soul Fragrance Pill yet and became a bit anxious, saying, "Why haven't you taken it? It will melt if exposed to the air for too long."

I nodded and quickly took it.

Tonight was still a night of sweet dreams, but in the dream, that figure appeared again, and itseemed to be getting closer. I could feel its presence, but I couldn't see its face or make out any details. It was just a shadowy figure lurking in the background.

When I woke up the next morning, I felt a strange heaviness in my body. It was as if a weight had been placed upon me overnight. I tried to shake off the feeling and went about my daily routine.

As the days went by, I started noticing some peculiar changes in my body. My skin became paler, and my energy levels plummeted. I also started experiencing strange cravings for raw meat and a constant thirst that couldn't be quenched no matter how much water I drank.

Concerned, I decided to reach out to the girl I had met at the mall, the one whose little brother had claimed I smelled like a corpse. I thought she might have some answers or at least be able to shed some light on the situation.

She agreed to meet me, and we arranged to have coffee at a nearby cafe. When we met, she looked at me with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

"I'm glad you reached out," she said. "I've been researching some things, and I think I might have an explanation for what's happening to you."

I listened intently as she explained that the Soul Fragrance Pill I had been taking might have unintended side effects. According to her research, the pill had been developed by a secretive organization known as the Twilight Society, and it was rumored to contain extracts from rare and exotic plants.

She went on to say that some of these plants had mystical properties and were believed to have connections to the spirit realm. It was possible that the pill had somehow opened a door or awakened something within me.

"Based on what you've described, it seems like you might have attracted the attention of a spirit or entity," she said cautiously. "It could explain the strange dreams, the changes in your body, and the lingering presence you feel."

I was taken aback by her explanation. It sounded like something out of a horror movie, not something that could happen in real life. But the evidence was right in front of me, and I couldn't deny what I was experiencing.

"What can I do?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly.

The girl paused for a moment, contemplating her response. "There are a few things we could try," she finally said. "But the first step would be to sever the connection between you and whatever entity you've attracted. We need to find a way to close that door."

I nodded, determined to find a solution. I didn't want to live in fear or uncertainty anymore.

Over the next few weeks, the girl and I delved deeper into the mystery surrounding the Soul Fragrance Pill and the Twilight Society. We consulted experts in the occult, researched ancient rituals, and sought advice from those who had encountered similar situations.

Finally, we came across a ritual that had the potential to sever the connection. It was a complex and risky process, but it offered the best chance of restoring my life to normal.

We gathered the necessary materials and performed the ritual under the guidance of a seasoned occultist. It was a tense and nerve-wracking experience, but when it was over, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders.

The lingering presence was gone, and the strange changes in my body gradually subsided. I was relieved and grateful to have found a solution.

Since then, I've been more cautious about the things I consume and the potential effects they may have on me. I've learned that not everything that promises to enhance our lives is worth the risk.

As for the Soul Fragrance Pill, I discontinued its use and warned others about its potential side effects. It was a valuable lesson learned, and I was determined to move forward with a newfound appreciation for the delicate balance between the physical and spiritual realms.
