This record was written by a person named Jieye Youdao.

That is the owner of this apartment, an old man.

He claims to be an expert in the field of quantum from Japan and met another doctor named Ye Weishan in the same field after coming to China.

The two of them moved into this apartment and developed the basement into a laboratory to conduct research on the "measurement of the precise value of Planck time".

And this apartment was originally a laboratory.

The so-called Planck time is the smallest unit of time in the microscopic world.

In order to find its precise value, the two of them conducted research for thirty years.

However, during these thirty years, something incredibly strange happened...

After adopting and correcting various data and performing the final calculation using the Planck equation, they obtained two different answers.

One precise value A and one precise value B.

At first, both of them thought they had made a mistake, so they repeatedly corrected it.

However, with repeated corrections, things became increasingly bizarre.

Their answers were always jumping between the two values A and B.

It was an extremely strange kind of jumping.

Whenever they calculated on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday, the answer would be A.

But if they calculated on Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday, the answer would be B.

All of the above answers were obtained using the same formula and conditions.

Both of them were completely baffled.

At this point, their experiment came to a complete standstill.

Jieye Youdao felt that there was something mysterious interfering, preventing them from obtaining precise answers and locking their experimental results, thus they could never set foot in that realm.

Dr. Ye Weishan agreed with his viewpoint and referred to this phenomenon as the "Planck demon".

When I read up to this point, my brain felt like it had been devoured by zombies, completely overwhelmed.

Then I continued reading.

Until one day, Dr. Ye Weishan discovered a massive quantum leap during the experiment, all triggered at the same time.

And that monster, the "Planck demon," suddenly appeared without any warning.

The "Planck demon" truly exists in the four-dimensional space and cannot be seen by people in the three-dimensional world.

Unless the precise value of Planck time is found, time is quantized, and entry into the four-dimensional space is achieved.

However, the "Planck demon" can easily travel between different spaces and times.

After it was discovered, this monster immediately killed Dr. Ye Weishan.

Before his death, Dr. Ye sent a message to Jieye Youdao, asking him to activate the quantum collapse equation.

Upon seeing the message, Jieye Youdao immediately guessed what had happened.

So he activated the quantum collapse, and the entire apartment formed a closed loop.

And that monster... and Jieye Youdao... were both trapped in the loop and unable to escape.

After reading this record, I felt completely numb.

So, when I came to this apartment, did I enter the loop space? Am I also unable to leave?

But what does the old man's mention of Room 302 have to do with the end of the loop?

Just at that moment, I heard the creaking sound of footsteps behind me.

I was scared and quickly turned around.

At this moment, a girl was standing at the entrance of the basement, looking at me.


I guessed.

She smiled at me in a strange way.

"You're not Huihui, who are you?"

I shouted at her.
