I questioned: "Why is it that in my memory, I arrived two days ago?"

"Because of the Dirac half-cone loop," was the answer.

I questioned her again about what the Dirac half-cone loop was.

Huihui told me to search it directly on Baidu.

I took out my phone, typed those seven words, and then I got a vaguely comprehensible popular science explanation.

The content roughly said: "In quantum mechanics, the time and space structure exhibits extraordinary topological properties, which can lead to the possible existence of wormholes or time loops. Dirac proposed that in a specific environment, the topological properties of time and space undergo variations, with space entering a continuous trajectory and specific time oscillating within the loop."

I asked Huihui what it meant.

Huihui gave me an answer I could understand: "Time is in a loop, but space is not."

"During these 300 days, every night I would hear the monster knocking on the door, one day being one cycle."

"The same scene repeats the next day."

"But since space doesn't loop, you can remember everything that happens each day."

I questioned, "But I only remember what happened in the past two days."

"That's because you died."

"You died two days ago, and your memory was reset."

"You can remember the process of renting the apartment because you hadn't entered the loop yet."

"The loop started only after you entered this apartment."

"So, in these 300 days, I died sixty times, and my memory was reset sixty times? And every time I woke up, I thought I had just arrived?"


I was astonished by Huihui's answer and couldn't say a word for a while.

Then I asked her again:

"What about this monster?"

"This monster is the owner of this apartment. During the day, he is a human, everything is normal."

"But once it's nighttime, he turns into a monster and starts eating people."

"The people who come to rent the apartment become his targets. Once they move in, they become his prey."

I asked her again, "Can't we just walk out?"

She replied, "Of course not. The loop is endless unless we find the exit of the loop."

"Moreover, the location of the loop in this apartment is uncertain. We can only enter the loop in specific spaces."

"Once we leave the loop, if we are eaten by the monster, we will die permanently."

I thought for a moment. If some places can escape the loop, can't we find those places to get out?

Huihui's reply to this question was:

"You can compare this loop space to a pool covered with ice."

"There may be some bubbles in the pool that have come out of the water, but they can't escape unless they find a crack in the ice."

"Currently, it is known that we are mostly within the loop space of the room."

I asked, "So as long as we don't leave the room at night, it should be safe?"


I was surprised, didn't expect her to know so much.

But on second thought, it wasn't surprising. After all, we've been here for 300 days, found relevant information online, and it makes sense to record it.

I asked again, "Do we have any clues about the exit?"

"Well, we finally come back to this question. It's also the focus of our current loop!"

Huihui's response seemed somewhat excited.

By her answer, I guessed that she must have made some major discovery.

So I continued to ask, "What major discovery?"

Huihui said, "In my notebook, it says that in the previous loop, I accidentally discovered something."
