A square, uncut sandwich wrapped in plastic wrap.

You glanced hurriedly, afraid that Glasses Guy would snatch it again, and took a big bite.

The taste of grass filled your mouth, and you saw that the filling in the sandwich was actually grass!

A chill ran through you.

Based on the previous situation, this kind of grass might be addictive. I wonder if it will be the same this time.

Thinking of the previous struggle, you remembered the second sentence on the note: Stay awake.

Just when you didn't know whether to swallow what was in your mouth, repeated exclamations made you uneasy.

The first row's muscular guy got a fist-sized ruby.

The third row's old lady got an emerald snuff bottle.

Lamb fat jade bracelet, night pearl, pearl necklace...

All of them were exceptionally high-quality.

Gold bricks and silver bricks became trivial things.

You quickly swallowed the sandwich in your mouth.

A dizziness swept over you, and you felt light all over, as if entering a certain space.

The people around you also disappeared, and your consciousness gradually blurred.

After a few seconds, a dazzling golden light made it impossible for you to open your eyes.

You arrived outside a magnificent palace, where the steps were covered with silver bricks. As you entered, the silver bricks under your feet turned into gold bricks.

Walking forward, the dazzling jewels made you dizzy.

No matter which one you took out, they were all incredibly rich.

You were extremely excited and kept looking around as you walked.

Recalling that everyone only brought one piece of jewelry, you wanted to choose something more valuable, so as not to be left out next time.

The palace was huge, so big that it felt endless.

However, when you were mentally exhausted from walking, a black door appeared right in front of you.

The ancient wooden door emitted black energy, with a faint hint of gold, which was very enticing.

This door had a strong attraction to you, and you were very curious about what was behind it.

Moreover, you noticed that the further you went inside, the rarer and more precious the jewels became. So, could there be even more valuable things waiting for you behind the door?

You eagerly rubbed your hands, eager to try.

You took two steps forward, but stepped into empty space and fell down...
