I quickly returned to Xiaojing's room and nervously knocked on the door.

Perhaps it was only a few seconds, but it felt incredibly long to me.

Finally, the door opened, and Xiaojing only showed half of her body, looking at me with some caution.

"I left my phone in your room, can I go in and get it?"

I was afraid that if Xiaojing took the phone, she would notice the video call. At this moment, I could only pray that Zhou Hao had already ended the call.

"No need, I'll get it for you." Xiaojing turned around and handed me the phone, while her other hand kept pressing against the door, as if she was guarding against me entering.

I took the phone and quickly escaped back to my room.

After locking the door, I finally opened the phone, luckily the video call had already ended.

I quickly dialed Zhou Hao's number.

"Darling, are you okay?" Zhou Hao's expression was full of fear.

"I accidentally left my phone in her room, she didn't see you, right?"

"I turned off the camera when you entered her room, she couldn't see me. But my phone got stuck just now and didn't hang up in time, she might have noticed it."

I immediately collapsed on the bed. She must have known that I was suspecting her.

"That's not the most important thing," Zhou Hao continued, "when I was talking to you, I had the recording function on. Take a look at what she looks like after you left."

Zhou Hao sent me a video.

In the video, I had just left the room.

Just as the door closed, her gaze fell on my phone.

Her eyes were incredibly cold, as if she had already noticed my phone.

She pounced on the phone, the camera facing downwards, and all I could see was the shaking ground.

I heard the sound of nails tapping on the screen, accompanied by a spine-chilling low growl.

It was a kind of low growl I had never heard before, horrifying.

It seemed that she had seen the video call and was trying to end it.

This terrifying scene lasted for about ten seconds until I heard the sound of knocking on the door.

Finally, the video ended.

"Why did it take her so long to end the video call? My phone wasn't stuck, was it?"

Zhou Hao fell silent for a while. "In simple terms, the human skin contains a lot of moisture and electrolytes, which can conduct weak electric currents. But if it's the skin of a corpse... it becomes dry, poor in conductivity, and cannot be sensed by the phone screen."

"Could she really be a resurrected corpse? Zhou Hao, come and pick me up right now, I'm leaving."

"I'm coming to pick you up. Be careful."

Zhou Hao lived in the north of the city, it would take him half an hour to get here.

I didn't have time to pack my things, so I quietly went downstairs, planning to escape from the house first.

Unexpectedly, Xiaojing was mopping the floor in the living room.

I had never seen her clean the room before, but tonight, so late, she was actually mopping the floor.

Could it be that she's watching me? At this point, I couldn't care about that anymore.

I walked straight to the door.

"You're going out so late?" Xiaojing's eyes seemed to see directly into my heart.

I was in a panic, but still pretended to be calm. "I'm going out to buy something."

I pulled the door, but it was locked from the inside.

"I heard there are robbers outside recently, so I always lock the door at night." Xiaojing said.

The lock on this house's door is an old-fashioned one that requires a key to lock it from both inside and outside.

Xiaojing hardly goes out, so after I rented the house, I never had a spare key.

Seeing that I was standing still, she continued, "It's late, I'm worried about you. If there's something, let's talk about it tomorrow."

"Okay." I turned around and slowly went upstairs. From the mirror on the wall, I noticedthat Xiaojing was still watching me with a strange smile on her face.

Back in my room, I frantically searched for any alternative escape routes. The window seemed to be my only option. It was a small window, but I was desperate.

I opened the window quietly and looked outside. The drop was not too high, but it was still risky. However, I couldn't stay in this house any longer.

As I was about to climb out of the window, I heard a soft voice behind me.

"Leaving so soon?" It was Xiaojing's voice, but it sounded different, almost ethereal.

I froze, my heart pounding in my chest. Slowly, I turned around to face her.

Xiaojing's appearance had changed. Her eyes were hollow, devoid of any life. Her skin was pale and had a sickly grayish tint. Her lips were cracked and dry, revealing yellowed teeth. It was a horrifying sight.

"What... what happened to you?" I stammered, unable to comprehend what I was witnessing.

Xiaojing's smile widened, revealing her decaying teeth. "You should have listened to your intuition, my dear."

I took a step back, my mind racing with fear and confusion. "Who are you? What do you want from me?"

"I am Xiaojing's true form," she said, her voice chillingly calm. "And I want your life."

I felt a surge of adrenaline and instinctively lunged for the window, desperate to escape. But Xiaojing moved with unnatural speed, blocking my path.

"You can't escape," she whispered, her voice echoing in my ears. "You're trapped in my domain now."

I looked around the room, searching for anything I could use as a weapon. My eyes settled on a heavy glass vase on the dresser. I grabbed it and swung it towards Xiaojing, hoping to create a distraction.

But to my horror, the vase passed right through her, as if she was nothing but a specter.

"You can't harm me," she taunted, her voice filled with malice. "But I can harm you."

With a sudden surge of energy, Xiaojing lunged at me, her hands reaching for my throat. I screamed and tried to fight her off, but her grip was icy cold and tightening.

Just as I thought I would meet my demise, there was a loud crash from the door. Zhou Hao burst into the room, wielding a metal pipe.

He swung the pipe at Xiaojing, and this time, it connected. She recoiled in pain, releasing her grip on me.

"Get out of here!" Zhou Hao yelled, his voice filled with determination.

I didn't need to be told twice. I scrambled towards the window, ignoring the pain in my throat. With one last look at Zhou Hao's fierce struggle against the apparition that had taken the form of Xiaojing, I climbed out of the window and made my escape.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, tears streaming down my face. I didn't stop until I reached a crowded street, where I finally felt a semblance of safety.

I took out my phone and dialed the police, recounting the horrifying events that had transpired. They assured me that they would send officers to investigate.

As I waited for the police to arrive, I couldn't help but think about Zhou Hao and what had become of him. I prayed that he would be safe, that he would find a way to defeat the vengeful spirit that had taken Xiaojing's form.

But deep down, I knew that the nightmare was far from over.
