The night had just fallen when a chilly wind blew in the courtyard.

I smeared oil on my face and hands, then quickly hid under the blanket.

A cracking sound came from the courtyard. A dark figure slowly passed by from outside, then quickly retreated and stuck to the window with a bang.

"Ah, sister, sister..."

"Look at my legs, look!"

"You said my legs would get better, you promised, why are you going back on your word?"

Her voice became sharp, "How could you deceive me!"

I bit my finger hard to suppress a scream.

I never thought that there would be such a huge difference between being alive and dead.

There was silence outside for a while. I felt the breath under the blanket was hot, and I was covered in sweat.


The rooster crowed, and it was dawn!

I couldn't wait to lift a corner of the blanket, and indeed, it was bright outside.

I leaned out, but suddenly froze.

All of our chickens died yesterday, so how could there be a rooster crowing?

A face suddenly appeared in front of me. My sister's pale eyes stared straight at me, and she grinned.

"Sister, quickly look at my legs."

My sister's upper body was the only part on the bed, and she was lying down, almost the same height as me.

I followed the direction of her finger and saw a pair of legs under the bed.

"Look, my legs are gone, they're gone!"

"Can you tell me where brother and mother are? Why can't I find them?"

My sister and I were almost face to face, barely daring to breathe. With trembling hands, I applied the thin oil on my own face, a desperate attempt.

My sister exclaimed, "Why has the person disappeared?"

She jumped off the bed, holding the severed limbs of her legs with her hands, propping herself up, slowly moving outward, like using crutches.
