I started to have doubts in my heart. Can I still trust Grandma? Although I don't know if I can still trust Grandma, I know that I can't let them discover the words Grandma left for me.

I directly tore off that sentence, chewed on it for a long time, and finally swallowed it reluctantly. The rest were all torn to pieces by me.

I curled up on my bed, looking at the time on my phone watch, feeling that time was passing very slowly.

I think I am still looking forward to Grandma. Otherwise, why would I be watching the time here?

Suddenly, my mind opened up like a door.

Yes, although Grandma is gone, she couldn't have harmed herself, but Dad and Mom are different. They just want my heart.

In the agonizing hours, I finally reached five fifty-nine.

I silently counted down the time in my heart. Fifty-nine, fifty-eight, fifty-seven...

And the last five seconds. I finally opened the door at the fastest speed and rushed to the living room door.

As I opened the door, Grandma really came to find me at six o'clock, just as she said.

She was still wearing the same clothes, and the stench was even stronger. There were even more corpse spots on her body. But I didn't mind at all.

My eyes became moist. I saw Grandma's contented smile.

"Xiaoxi, you can't go with her. She will harm you."

A sharp scream from the monster came from behind. However, Grandma's stooped figure blocked me.

Grandma eagerly handed me a report.

"Take the report and go to the hospital to find your little brother. Hurry."


I felt reluctant. But I knew that if I didn't leave, it would be too late. I saw Dad had tightly grabbed Grandma.

I could only run, run to the corridor, run to the street, run to the hospital.

However, even though it was early morning, I felt that the surrounding light was getting dimmer and darker.

I didn't know how long I had been running, and finally arrived at the hospital. When I saw the prominent name of the hospital, a thousand-pound boulder in my heart finally fell.

I walked into the hospital wearily.

"Excuse me, which ward is Lin Xiahe in?"

However, the nurse standing at the nurse's station looked at me strangely.

"Lin Xiahe? Can't you even remember your own name? We only have Lin Xiaxi here."

We only have Lin Xiaxi. This sentence kept repeating like a spell in my mind.

Suddenly my mind went blank. I unfolded the report Grandma gave me. The name "Lin Xiahe" that was originally on it turned into "Lin Xiaxi" in front of me.

A surge of memories rushed into my mind.

The surrounding voices seemed to amplify several times.

"Patient Lin Xiaxi, severe heart damage. The worst-case scenario is a heart transplant. Of course, that's the worst-case scenario."

This should be the doctor's voice.

"Please, save our daughter. Sob..."

This was Dad's voice. A grown man crying so sadly.

"It's all my fault for spoiling Xiahe too much. I neglected my daughter. That's why it has come to this. It's all my fault."

I heard the beeping sound of the ECG alarm again.

I felt the chaotic footsteps. It seemed that many people entered the room.

I felt the surges of electricity in my body. I felt someone squeezing my heart.

I felt that I was being moved to another place. My body was filled with tubes.

I had a dream, a very long dream...

Chapter 8: Lin Xiaxi

My name is Lin Xiaxi. Originally, I was an only child. But one day, Dad told me that I would have a little brother or sister to play with in the future.

I was very happy. I was looking forward to it.

However, after my little brother was born, I felt that Mom and Dad didn't love me anymore.

Clearly, it was my little brother who took my toys. But Mom and Dad hurriedly scolded me.

"Xiaoxi, how can you, as an older sister,allow your brother to cry? You should be more understanding and caring."

I was puzzled. Why did they always favor my little brother?

The feeling of being ignored made me feel sad and lonely. I wanted to be loved by Mom and Dad again.

One day, when I was playing in the backyard, I found a stray cat. It was injured and looked weak.

I felt sorry for it and decided to take care of it. I brought it home secretly and hid it in my room.

I named the cat Mimi. Mimi became my best friend. I spent all my time with Mimi, playing and talking to her.

I didn't feel lonely anymore. Mimi understood me and loved me unconditionally.

But one day, Mom found out about Mimi. She was furious and scolded me.

"How dare you bring a dirty stray cat into our house? Get rid of it immediately!"

I couldn't bear to part with Mimi. I cried and begged Mom to let me keep her.

But Mom didn't listen. She took Mimi away and left her outside.

I was heartbroken. I couldn't understand why Mom didn't want me to be happy.

I went outside to look for Mimi, but she was gone. I searched everywhere, but she was nowhere to be found.

I cried myself to sleep that night, feeling lost and abandoned.

From that day on, I became distant from Mom and Dad. I didn't trust them anymore.

Years passed, and I grew up. I focused on my studies and tried to become independent.

But deep down, I still longed for love and acceptance.

Then one day, Grandma came to visit. She was different from Mom and Dad. She listened to me and understood me.

She told me stories about her own childhood and shared her wisdom with me.

I felt a connection with Grandma. She became my confidante and mentor.

But as I grew closer to Grandma, I noticed something strange.

She would sometimes say things that didn't make sense. She would talk about things that happened in the past as if they were happening now.

I was worried about her, but I didn't want to confront her. I didn't want to lose the only person who truly cared about me.

Then one day, Grandma gave me a letter. She told me it was important and that I should keep it safe.

I opened the letter and read its contents. It was a confession from Grandma.

She revealed that she wasn't my biological grandmother. She had found me abandoned as a baby and decided to raise me as her own.

She explained that she had kept this secret from me to protect me from the truth.

I was shocked. Everything I thought I knew about my family was turned upside down.

But amidst the confusion, I realized something important.

Grandma loved me unconditionally. She had been there for me when no one else was.

Her love and care for me were real, even if our blood connection wasn't.

I decided to confront Grandma about her confession. I wanted to understand why she had kept it a secret.

When I asked her, she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Xiaxi, my dear, I kept it a secret to protect you. I didn't want you to feel abandoned or unloved."

I could see the pain in her eyes. She had carried this burden alone for so long.

In that moment, I realized that family wasn't just about blood. It was about love, trust, and support.

Grandma had shown me what true family meant. She had been my rock, my guiding light.

From that day on, I knew that I could trust Grandma with my life.

She had proven her love for me time and time again.

And no matter what secrets or pasts we had, our bond was unbreakable.

I would always cherish the time I had with Grandma, and I would carry her love with me forever.

Grandma may not have been my biological grandmother, but she was the only family that truly mattered to me.

And I would do anything to protect her, just as she had protected me.
