Grim and bloodthirsty pupils floated in my mind, and blood stained the scene as a snake with a long mouth swallowed towards me.


Reborn once again, I supported my heavy head and couldn't help but curse in my heart: Damn it, why do I have to chop off my head every time? Can't I chop somewhere else?

This demon actually slaughtered the entire village!

But even though he killed so many people, even if our family is remote, shouldn't we be able to hear the screams?

Why is there no sound at all?

When I regained my senses and turned my head, I realized that it was pitch black outside the window.

Hasn't it dawned yet?

It seems that every time I am reborn, the time I wake up is pushed forward.

And the longer I avoid death, the longer the time I wake up is delayed.

I subconsciously checked my phone, and the time was 5:10 a.m.

I tried calling 110, but there was still no signal.

I quickly ran to Fang Zhixuan's room and woke him up.

"Fang Zhiyao, what the hell are you doing, disturbing people's sleep in the middle of the night!"

Fang Zhixuan was even more annoyed than me when he woke up.

I supported his shoulder and said solemnly, "Someone is slaughtering the village. We split up, you go wake up grandpa and grandma, I'll call mom and Xiaoling. We have to escape quickly!"

With a dazed look in his eyes, he coldly smiled at me and teased, "Sister, have you read too many novels? Are you dreaming and haven't woken up yet?"

"Do you want to live or not?" I roared and slapped him directly on the face. There's no time for me to waste words with him now.

Suppressed by his bloodline, he dared not defy my words.

Grandpa and grandma are old, so they woke up early and were tidying up in the kitchen.

It took a bit more effort with my mom and Xiaoling.

Winter, 5 a.m., the road in the mountains was still pitch black.

I hurriedly led them in a panic, thinking that Dazhuang should be wreaking havoc in the village, so I deliberately chose another path to leave the village.

"Yao Yao, who do you think is slaughtering the village?" My mom asked while carrying Xiaoling and jogging. She still thought I hadn't woken up yet.

After all, all the way here, I didn't hear any movement, only a faint smell of blood.

"It's Dazhuang at the entrance of the village."

I supported my grandma and casually replied.

Hearing this, my grandma suddenly stopped and waved her hand dismissively, saying, "Impossible. Dazhuang is honest, he doesn't even dare to kill a cat, how could he dare to kill people, let alone slaughter the village? Besides, he's about to get married soon, why would he slaughter the village? Impossible! Impossible!"

Why slaughter the village?

Who knows?

Could it be that his bride-to-be, who hasn't married him yet, cheated on him?

So he took it out on the people in the village?

When I returned to the village today, I passed by the banyan tree and heard someone gossiping.

They said that Dazhuang's bride-to-be had been married before.

Because she cheated on her ex-husband, she was kicked out and left with nothing. Her reputation was extremely bad, so she had no choice but to choose Dazhuang, an old bachelor.

"Grandma, let's go quickly, otherwise it'll be too late!" I pulled my grandma's wrist and urged her to continue walking forward.

"Yao Yao, where did you hear this news?" My mom stopped and asked, "It's the middle of the night, and you've been tossing the whole family."

"Ah! Ah!"

It was Fang Zhixuan who suddenly screamed in terror.

We followed his terrified gaze and saw a figure in the dark.

Through the blurry light of the phone, we could see that rough man, dragging something in his lefthand...

My heart sank as I recognized the figure. It was indeed Dazhuang, covered in blood and dragging a lifeless body. His eyes were vacant, devoid of any humanity.

"Dazhuang!" I shouted, hoping to somehow reach the person he once was.

He turned his head towards us, his face twisted with madness and rage. The sight sent shivers down my spine.

"You! You're all against me!" Dazhuang's voice was filled with a mix of anguish and anger.

My family and I took a step back, fear gripping our hearts. I knew it was no use reasoning with him in his current state.

"Run!" I screamed, grabbing my family's hands and sprinting away from Dazhuang as fast as we could.

We ran through the dark forest, the sound of our footsteps echoing in the silence of the night. My mind raced, trying to come up with a plan to escape this nightmare.

But no matter how fast we ran, Dazhuang seemed to be right behind us, his heavy footsteps closing in.

I glanced back and saw him gaining on us, his bloodied hands reaching out towards us.

"There's a small cave up ahead!" I shouted, pointing towards a rocky formation in the distance.

We veered off our path and rushed towards the cave, hoping it would provide us with temporary shelter.

As we entered the cave, I could hear Dazhuang's enraged screams growing louder. We huddled together, our hearts pounding in our chests.

"What do we do now?" my mom whispered, her voice trembling.

I thought for a moment, trying to find a way out of this dire situation.

"We need to find a way to break his curse," I said, recalling the strange pattern of my rebirths and the delayed waking time.

"Curse? What curse?" my grandma asked, her voice filled with confusion.

"I don't have time to explain everything now, but there must be a reason why I keep reliving this nightmare," I replied. "We need to find a way to break the cycle and stop Dazhuang."

My family looked at me with a mix of hope and desperation.

"We'll figure it out together," I said, trying to reassure them.

Just then, we heard Dazhuang's footsteps approaching the cave entrance. Time was running out, and we had to act fast.

As we prepared ourselves for another encounter with the bloodthirsty Dazhuang, I couldn't help but wonder what had driven him to commit such heinous acts. And more importantly, how could we break free from this never-ending cycle of death and rebirth?
