I went out and didn't return until evening. My best friend sent me a message: "He and Shanshan are sitting on the chair next to the jacaranda tree outside the school."

I drove there.

After getting out of the car, I didn't walk directly towards them.

I stood not far from their right side, quietly watching the two of them.

Zhao Shanshan doesn't seem to have changed much over the years. She always exudes a youthful charm, with a hint of cuteness in her laughter.

They were sitting on a bench with rows of withered trees behind them, preparing for winter.

Xu Qin seemed a bit restless. He occasionally took out his phone, glanced at it for a while, and then put it back.

After a while, he finally took out his phone again, hesitated for a moment, and tapped on the screen.

My phone vibrated.

I took it out, and it was a WeChat message from him: "What are you doing?"

I stared at those words for a long time before feeling like laughing.

Upon careful consideration, I realized that this was the first time he had taken the initiative to message me.

In the past, almost every day, I would occasionally take the time to send him messages. Often, I shared many interesting things, but all I got in return was a nonchalant "Hmm."

I was used to his personality being like that. Now, thinking about it, it's really funny.

Since he started dating Zhao Shanshan, in the videos my best friend sent me, the things he said to her on his own initiative probably far exceeded what we've exchanged in the few years of our marriage.

I didn't reply to him. I put my phone back in my pocket and walked towards him.

Hearing footsteps, Xu Qin looked up.

In the instant he saw me, I thought he would show some panic as if being caught cheating, but unexpectedly, his first reaction was to reach out and protect Zhao Shanshan by his side.

The surprise in his eyes only flashed for a moment before returning to calm waters.

As if he was certain that I wouldn't react in any particular way.

Or perhaps, my actions in those years of relentlessly pursuing him made him believe that I couldn't live without him.

Zhao Shanshan beside him looked at me anxiously.

I ignored her and took out the divorce agreement from my bag and handed it to him, saying, "Take a look. If you think there's no problem, we'll sign it."

Xu Qin took it. As he read the words on it, cracks and astonishment gradually appeared in his usually calm eyes.

Without waiting for him to speak, I turned around and walked towards the car, saying, "Once you've made up your mind and read it clearly, then call me."

I opened the car door, got in, and drove away, raising a cloud of dust.

In the rearview mirror, I saw Xu Qin suddenly stand up and take a few steps towards my direction.

Then, at the turning point, I couldn't see him anymore.
