This long passage made me feel a bit absent-minded.

I lowered my gaze and found it really difficult to remain calm in my heart.

After twelve whole years, how could it be possible to have no reaction at all?

The studio fell silent at this moment, and everyone's gaze was focused on me and Ling Zhizhi.


"Hart Hart, twelve years, these two people are really courageous..."

"Indeed, if I were in a twelve-year relationship, I wouldn't be able to let go. I always feel like letting go would be a loss."

"Who else noticed that the guest couple this time is similar to their situation? They've been together for ten years, their lives have become mundane, and they want to break up. I really want to hear Ling Zhizhi and Fang Zhiyun's opinions!"


After a moment of silence, the host intervened:

"Alright, let's stop here with the reminiscing. Let's continue watching the videos of the two amateur guests."

Before the host's words even fell, the television started playing the following videos.

The opening scene depicted a day of interaction between the amateur girl and boy.

Their interaction was unremarkable. From the moment they woke up, they showed a high level of understanding, which resulted in almost no conversation between them.

Even when the boy and girl sat at the same table for a meal, there was no conversation between them.

It wasn't until right before leaving the house that the girl spoke the first words between them that morning:

"Where are my white high heels?"

The boy turned his head, rummaged through the shoe cabinet for a while, and handed the girl a pair of white high heels:


After that, they said their goodbyes and went their separate ways after the boy dropped the girl off at the entrance of her company.

This couple seemed to be people of few words.

However, during the subsequent filming, the girl showed herself to be an optimistic and generous person when chatting with her colleagues about makeup and gossip in the department.

Similarly, the boy showed himself to be talkative when he went out for lunch with his friends at noon.

But when these two people were together, they didn't speak, and the atmosphere became oppressive.

The girl, who was lively and full of smiles at work during the day, became calm and lowered her head, engrossed in her phone, once she got in the boy's car.

And the boy, who was friendly during the day, drove silently without saying a word when picking up the girl.

It seemed that neither of them cared about what the other had done that day.

They were unwilling to say even a casual question like whether the other was tired from work.

It wasn't until they returned home that they spoke again. The boy asked the girl:

"I'm thinking of getting barbecue, what do you want to eat?"

The girl came out of the bathroom and said:

"Just order a plate of fried noodles for me."

After the takeout arrived, they each took their own food and ate.

The boy finished first and went to take a shower, while the girl leisurely ate for a while longer, leaving half of the plate of fried noodles.

The girl covered the half-eaten plate of fried noodles and returned to her room.

They didn't say another word until the lights went out.

As the lights dimmed, the screen went black.

When it lit up again, it was still the girl's interview.

The host asked:

"Don't you feel depressed after spending a day like this?""

The girl smiled and said:

"It's fine. Ever since we met each other's parents, we've been in this state more or less."

The host asked again, "Why don't you talk much? Is it because you don't have common topics?"

The girl shook her head and said, "No, it's just that we've talked about certain things too much over the years, and it's not interesting anymore."

The girl paused for a moment, chuckled softly, and continued, "Besides, no matter how many common topics you have, if you talk about them too much, it becomes annoying."

The host asked, "Then how do you wantto continue the relationship? Do you have any plans?"

The girl hesitated for a moment and said, "Actually, we've talked about it before. We both feel that our lives have become too predictable and stagnant. We want to break up and explore new possibilities."

The host was surprised and asked, "Then why haven't you broken up yet?"

The girl smiled and said, "We're both afraid. We're afraid of losing the stability and familiarity we have now. We're afraid of the uncertainty that comes with starting over. But we also know that if we continue like this, we'll only be burying ourselves deeper."

The host nodded and said, "It's a difficult decision to make. Have you discussed this with your partner?"

The girl replied, "Not yet. We're waiting for the right time, the right moment to have this conversation. We want to be fully prepared and make sure we're both ready for it."

The host concluded the interview and turned to the audience.

"Now, let's welcome the girl's partner, the boy, to the stage."

The boy walked onto the stage with a calm expression.

The host asked, "After watching the video, do you agree with what the girl said? Do you feel the same way?"

The boy nodded and said, "Yes, I do. We've been together for a long time, and our relationship has become stagnant. We both feel the need for change."

The host asked, "So, are you prepared to break up?"

The boy took a deep breath and said, "I think we're slowly preparing ourselves for that possibility. We want to have an honest conversation and make a decision that's best for both of us."

The host thanked the boy for his honesty and invited the girl back on stage.

They sat side by side, looking at each other with a mix of sadness and determination in their eyes.

The host said, "It's clear that both of you have put a lot of thought into this. Breaking up is never easy, especially after being together for such a long time. But sometimes, it's necessary for personal growth and happiness."

The audience applauded, some with tears in their eyes.

The host continued, "I hope that whatever decision you make, it will lead to a brighter future for both of you. And remember, even if you choose to go your separate ways, the memories and experiences you've shared will always be a part of who you are."

The girl and the boy exchanged a glance, their eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and gratitude.

The host concluded the episode, leaving the audience with a message of hope and resilience in the face of difficult decisions.

The screen faded to black, and the studio lights turned off.

It was a thought-provoking episode, leaving the viewers with a sense of introspection about their own relationships and the importance of open communication.
