Seven years ago today, I just added Zhao Zhao to our class QQ group. She was the most inconspicuous girl in our class, rarely participating in group activities and mostly busy with other things.

When my roommate asked which girl was prettier, I pointed to a photo of Qi Zhao Zhao and said seriously:

"She's the prettiest."

The moment I saw her, I firmly believed that we would have a future together.

"Do you need something?" Zhao Zhao replied politely.

I was so excited that my hands were shaking. When I replied to her message, I typed each word carefully and felt that it wasn't right. I made several revisions, but in the end, I decided to be straightforward:

【Hello, Qi Zhao Zhao, I'm Zhang Qiao, your classmate. I'm sorry for appearing suddenly and possibly disturbing you. I want to apologize in advance. I was amazed by you when I saw you on the first day of school. I think you're a beautiful girl.

【Of course, I'm not saying these things to ask for a relationship with you. I just want to let you know that I like you.】

She took a long time to reply and said, "Sorry, thank you for liking me."

She was very cautious, but I still brought her breakfast during the day, sat next to her in class, and accompanied her on night runs. I tried every possible way to be good to her.

She remained indifferent.

During a solo performance at a party, Zhao Zhao became famous on the confession wall, and there were always boys coming to confess to her.

They held bouquets of roses and expensive necklaces, hoping to win her favor.

Well, what's the big deal about money? Aren't 9.9 flowers still flowers?

Their attempts were futile. Qi Zhao Zhao was not a materialistic girl.

Until one time, a rejected senior brother became angry and humiliated, "What are you pretending to be high and mighty for?

"Tell me, how much for a night?"

He was disgusting!

People with a dirty heart see everything as dirty.

"What are you saying?" I rushed forward and fought with him, leaving him bruised and battered, and apologized to Qi Zhao Zhao with frustration.

That day, she genuinely smiled at me for the first time. I thought she was so beautiful. She was good at studying and could play the piano. If she could be my girlfriend, I would be happy for a lifetime.

Then, on the day of the confession, I remembered that she didn't like being surrounded by onlookers, so I deliberately chose a place with fewer people. I spent a lot of money buying candles and flowers, and I asked classmates to help bring her over.

My heart was pounding, but no matter what, I had to confess my feelings to her.

Unexpectedly, she agreed!

She cried and said she never expected someone to take her words to heart. This day came so suddenly for her.

Her soft body pressed against mine, and my face turned red all the way to my neck. I couldn't speak properly.

"You must continue to be good to me in the future," Qi Zhao Zhao held my face and gently kissed me on the cheek.

"That's a promise," she said.

Seven years later today, I finally realized, belatedly, that I had truly lost love.

Even the clothes on my body were bought by Zhao Zhao.

I buried my head in my sleeves and kept smelling the scent on them like a pervert. Everything was gone. The laundry detergent she often used was discontinued, and even the scent she left for me was gone.

But I can't contact her, and she doesn't want me to find her again.

When we were together, Zhao Zhao always found ways to make me happy. She accommodated my emotions and elevated me to a proud height with her love.

Zhao Zhao is excellent in her work and earns much more than me. Day by day, my mentality became imbalanced.

I grew tired of her incessant chatter.

I became annoyed by her constant persuasion and encouragement.

This made me feel like a worthless person who had to be supported by his girlfriend.

Looking back now, I was a jerk.

I spent a week in a daze, with memories of her and me flooding my mind everymoment. The laughter we shared, the places we visited, the dreams we had together—it all haunted me relentlessly.

One day, I couldn't bear the emptiness anymore. I decided to reach out to her, to apologize and try to make amends. I found her number and composed a long message:

"Zhao Zhao, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not appreciating what we had, for taking you for granted, and for not being the partner you deserved. I miss you, and I realize now how much you meant to me. I understand if you don't want to forgive me or give me another chance, but I needed to tell you how deeply sorry I am. You deserve all the happiness in the world, and I hope you've found it. If there's ever a possibility of us reconnecting, please let me know."

I hesitated for a moment, my finger hovering over the send button. The fear of rejection and the uncertainty of her response overwhelmed me, but I knew I had to take this step.

After a deep breath, I pressed send and waited anxiously for a reply.

Days turned into weeks, and there was no response. I began to lose hope, accepting that I had lost her forever.

But just when I was about to give up, a message notification appeared on my phone. It was from Zhao Zhao.

With trembling hands, I opened the message and read her words:

"Zhang Qiao, it took me a long time to process your message. I appreciate your apology, and I want you to know that I've forgiven you. We were both young and made mistakes. I've moved on and found happiness in my life. I hope you can find it too. Take care."

Her words struck me with a mix of relief and sadness. I was relieved that she had forgiven me, but the sadness of realizing that she had moved on and found happiness without me was overwhelming.

I took a deep breath, composing myself, and replied to her:

"Thank you, Zhao Zhao, for your forgiveness. I'm glad to hear that you're doing well and have found happiness. I wish you all the best in life. Take care too."

As I pressed the send button, I knew deep down that it was time for me to move on as well. It was time to learn from my mistakes, grow as a person, and find my own happiness.

Seven years ago, I believed that Zhao Zhao and I would have a future together. Today, I realize that sometimes love is not enough, and relationships require effort, understanding, and appreciation. I will always cherish the memories we had, and I will carry the lessons learned from our relationship throughout my life.

Life goes on, and although it's difficult to let go, it's necessary for personal growth. I will continue my journey, hoping to find love again and this time, be a better partner.

The future is uncertain, but I'm ready to embrace it with open arms and a heart that has learned from its mistakes.
