During a night chat in the dormitory, it was unanimously agreed that a man's love for a woman begins with compassion and curiosity.

Many years later, when Lu Yinong was asked by Xie Yizhou why she allowed him to become an "accident" in her life, somehow, she remembered this sentence.

Compassion and curiosity.

When she saw him, she couldn't bear to refuse, she would soften her heart, she would be curious about what he was thinking.

Although she was still hesitating, worried about causing him harm, he had already solemnly said, "As long as day and night."

Things developed too quickly afterwards, and Lu Yinong never dared to let herself love him unreservedly.

She had been tangled whether she should understand and express her feelings, like him, completely and openly giving away her love.

But many years later, at a critical moment on the Sino-Vietnamese border, Lu Yinong was always very grateful.

The less love she showed, the easier it was for him to extricate himself, wasn't it?

Lu Yinong started dreaming again.

In the dream, there were not only young parents, but also his figure squatting in the bathroom, silently crying.

Lu Yinong remembered the day of their breakup, how Xie Yizhou begged her, asking only for no contact, just wanting to know that she was still alive.

And she used silence as her answer.

Later, she was about to embark on an extremely dangerous mission with great exposure risks.

Before setting off, Lu Yinong entrusted her superior and sent that timed email.

She didn't leave a suicide note for anyone, she just wanted Xie Yizhou to think that she was still living safely in some corner of the world.

He loved her very much, but she didn't want him to love her so much.

Afterwards, only fragmented and faint memories remained in her mind.

The psychologist invited by the Provincial Bureau told Lu Yinong that it was the human brain's self-protection mechanism.

The most cruel memories of bone picking, flesh gouging, and beheading were filtered out, leaving only some traces with a sense of reality on her young and scarred body.

The treatment was not yet over when Lu Yinong heard about Xie Yizhou's upcoming marriage.

She rushed to Beijing overnight.

Standing in front of the hotel, looking at the photo of him smiling and embracing the bride, she couldn't help but ask herself: Lu Yinong, what meaning do you have in coming here?

However, her legs still walked uncontrollably towards the banquet hall.

At the registration desk, a round-faced girl looked at her with a smiling gaze.

Lu Yinong saw a stack of red envelopes by her side and suddenly realized, so she immediately walked out of the hotel and went to the nearest bank to withdraw money.

She only had a hundred thousand yuan in the card she carried with her, so she took out a hundred thousand yuan.

The round-faced girl was stunned, holding the pen in her hand and asked for her name.

Lu Yinong remained silent for a long time, smiled and said, "No need to write a name, I'll just go in and sit."

She found a secluded corner and sat down, surrounded by the bride's relatives and friends, talking about how perfect the couple was.

She just silently listened and pieced together bit by bit what she had missed of his life from the words of others.

He went to study in Switzerland, and his mentor admired him very much and wanted him to continue his Ph.D.

But he said he wanted to return to China early, so he came back to Beijing and found a job near his undergraduate university.

They also mentioned that the groom was too thin, and another person smiled and said, "Let Yao Yao cook more delicious food to fatten him up."

Lu Yinong suddenly felt that she had no need to stay any longer.

She poured a glass of wine and raised it toward the newlyweds exchanging vows on stage.

After escaping from the border, her vision deteriorated greatly, and she was waiting to undergo the relevant surgery.

So she didn't see the groom suddenly freeze and tremble on the stage.

The friends and relatives at the same table were still enthusiastically discussing where the groom planned to settle down and whetherhe would continue working in Beijing.

Lu Yinong quietly left the banquet hall, leaving behind the glass of wine she had raised.

She didn't want to disturb his happiness, nor did she want him to see her in her current state.

Outside the hotel, a light rain was falling.

Lu Yinong stood under the eaves, letting the raindrops wet her face.

She felt a mix of emotions in her heart: sadness, regret, and a strange sense of relief.

She realized that she had made the right decision by not contacting him all these years.

It was painful to see him moving on with his life, but it was also a confirmation that she had done the right thing.

She had chosen to protect him, even if it meant sacrificing her own happiness.

As the rain continued to fall, Lu Yinong made a silent promise to herself.

She would focus on her recovery, regain her strength, and find a new purpose in life.

She would cherish the memories of their time together but also learn to let go.

Perhaps one day, when they were both in a better place, they could meet again as friends.

But for now, she needed to distance herself and heal.

With renewed determination, Lu Yinong stepped forward, walking into the rain, and embracing the uncertain future that lay ahead.
