The car drove all the way to Ji Qianqian's house.

She asked a familiar doctor to examine my body.

Other than a slight inflammation in my throat caused by a small amount of smoke inhalation, there was nothing serious.

But compared to my physical condition, the girl was more concerned about my mental state.

She contacted Chen Yi and asked him to accompany me for a few days.

Chen Yi saw me grinding my teeth and said, "Ding is just a lunatic. You haven't done anything wrong to her, so why does she treat you like this?"

When it came to Ji Qianqian, he became very gossipy and urged me to be with her.

But I didn't have any thoughts in that direction at all.

After a few days, I saw the news on TV. The official announcement from Jia Bo Group stated that they were terminating all cooperation with the Ding family.

The marriage alliance between the two families came to an end.

"Ding Ning ran away from the engagement banquet that day."

Seeing my confusion, Chen Yi hesitated before telling the truth.

"The Ding family had a fire, and she sent all the guests home. Jia Bo Group is a well-known and respectable company. It's obvious that they didn't take them seriously, so the engagement was canceled. I didn't tell you because I was afraid you would have any thoughts about her."

I shook my head.

There was no fluctuation in my heart.

Ding Ning is an adult, and whatever she does is her own choice.

But I didn't expect that Ding Ning went completely crazy after that day.

She started to actively look for me.

She, who had always rejected the media, unexpectedly accepted interviews with various reporters, publicly declaring that she was searching for her missing fiancé.


That's the new title she gave me.

Soon, my name appeared on various financial and social media platforms.

The media found my photos and started helping Ding Ning with missing person notices for free.

I used to be the person Ding Ning was most ashamed to mention.

And now, she actually admitted that I was the person she liked.

She shouted to the media, admitting her mistakes and asking for my forgiveness.

But it was too late.

We couldn't go back anymore.

Ji Qianqian didn't restrict my actions, and I could still socialize normally.

I used to be an ordinary person, completely unknown.

Recently, thanks to Ding Ning, more and more people started paying attention to me.

On that day, when I came back from the supermarket, I was unexpectedly discovered by the media and they posted it online.

Soon, the news of "Ding Ning's fiancé having an affair and cohabiting with Ji Family's youngest daughter" appeared on the front page headlines.

And as an ordinary person who had sunk into obscurity, I had the privilege of experiencing the joy of being a celebrity.

After that day, Ding Ning, who knew my whereabouts, finally ended her media search strategy.

She publicly stated that Ji Qianqian should let go of me.

Otherwise, the Ding Corporation would cut off all business dealings with the Ji family at any cost.

Only a few people realized that Ji Qianqian was adopted by the Ji family.

When the daughter of the Ji family died unexpectedly, it was the old master of the Ji family who picked up Ji Qianqian on the road and brought her back as his own granddaughter.

Out of mutual sympathy.

I knew Ji Qianqian's situation and didn't want to drag her down because of this.

I compromised.

When I wanted to leave that day, Ji Qianqian stopped me.

"I've put in so much effort. I don't want to see you give up," Ji Qianqian's eyes were filled with tears. "I've lived well in the Ji family these years. Whether I'm the Ji family's daughter or not, I will always be filial. Even if I'm kicked out of the Ji family, I've picked up trash before. What's there to be afraid of?"

Seeing her expression, Ji Qianqian smiled gently. "If you feel guilty, tellme, and I'll help you bear the burden. But don't make decisions for me."

I looked at her, feeling a mix of emotions.

She had always been strong and independent.

Even though she was adopted, she had never relied on anyone or played the victim.

I admired her resilience.

Perhaps it was time for me to stop running away and face the consequences of my actions.

But before that, I needed to have a conversation with Ding Ning.

I contacted her and agreed to meet in a neutral location.

When we met, she looked different from before.

Gone was the confident and composed woman I once knew.

She appeared fragile and vulnerable.

She apologized profusely for her past behavior and expressed her regret for how things had turned out.

But deep down, I could sense a hint of desperation.

She was clinging to the last sliver of hope, hoping that I would forgive her and give her another chance.

After listening to her, I took a deep breath and spoke calmly.

"Ding Ning, I appreciate your apology, but I can't go back to how things were before. Our relationship has been irreparably damaged."

Her face turned pale, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"I understand," she whispered.

Feeling a pang of guilt, I continued, "But I hope you can learn from this experience. Reflect on your actions and make changes for the better. Life is full of ups and downs, and it's how we handle them that defines us."

She nodded, her tears streaming down her face.

As I walked away from that meeting, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders.

It wasn't an easy decision, but it was necessary for both of us to move on.

Days turned into weeks, and the media circus slowly died down.

I focused on rebuilding my life and nurturing my relationship with Ji Qianqian.

She stood by my side through it all, offering unwavering support and love.

Together, we faced the challenges that came our way.

Life wasn't perfect, but we found solace in each other's company.

And as time passed, the scars of the past began to fade, replaced by new memories and a brighter future.
