Qi Yu turned his head and glanced at Jiang Ying. He turned back expressionlessly, his eyes staring straight at me. "That was an accident. The child won't stay. Shu Yi, I promise you, I will send Jiang Ying away, and she will never appear in front of you again. I made a mistake this time. Give me a chance, I promise you, I will never make you sad again..."

Qi Yanjin raised an eyebrow, taking the opportunity to squeeze my hand, and cautiously continued, "Shen Shuyi, a good horse doesn't turn back."


I find it difficult to understand Qi Yu's current behavior. Clearly, I have already made concessions to this extent, so why is he still pushing so hard?

Could it be that I am still trapped in their twisted and deep love affair?

Jiang Ying stood behind him, hearing his words, already wearing a sad expression, but she refused to move.

"Qi Yu, if you don't want the child, I do! He is not yours alone. Why do you have the right to reject my child?"

Qi Yu didn't turn around, "I won't marry you. Your child will be a bastard."

Jiang Ying wiped away her tears, "Then I will give birth to the child. If you want to get rid of my child, I will die."

"Enough!" Qi Yu yelled at her angrily.

"I'll leave, I'll leave now, I'll leave this place, far away, and never appear in front of you again. This way, you can be with your beloved woman forever, and I will make it happen!"

"Do you dare to leave?" Qi Yu grabbed her fiercely.

I exchanged a glance with Qi Yanjin and Jin, and saw a silent understanding in each other's eyes.

I pointed at my head, meaning that your nephew seems to have some problems.

He shrugged helplessly.

Whenever it comes to Jiang Ying, Qi Yu's attempt to have the best of both worlds will always backfire, and more often than not, I'm the one who suffers.

That day was no different. He went after Jiang Ying.

Deep down, I already understood that for someone like Qi Yu, the more unattainable something is, the harder it is for him to let go.

He wants everything, but he's destined to have nothing.

At this point, I thought Qi Yu would marry Jiang Ying.

But later I heard that he actually sent Jiang Ying away, with no intention of marrying her or taking responsibility.

As for where Jiang Ying went, I couldn't be bothered.

This time, away from Qi Yu and Jiang Ying, I finally avoided repeating the same mistakes.
