When I left, Mu Zining was completely stunned.

Even when Tang Linlin hugged him, he didn't react. He just frowned and looked at me, puzzled.

I averted my gaze and didn't look back.

Lin Chezhi, unusually obedient, didn't say a word after he dropped me off at home and drove away.

He's still somewhat of a good person.

The next day, when I went to work, the manager wanted to scold me, but he found out that Lin Chezhi had bought me coffee. He scratched his Mediterranean hair in confusion, didn't say anything, and left.

And this brat Lin Chezhi finally started to do some work. He would complete the tasks I gave him and no longer slacked off or passed them on to others.

Occasionally, he would come to drink with me and talk about establishing a "deep friendship."

What a load of nonsense.


When the year-end bonus was distributed, I found a new job and deleted this damn thing.

He made such garbage reports, messing up the statistical data. It's better not to submit anything at all.

I asked the people in the team to teach him.

As a result, it came back to me after going around in a circle.

Damn rich second generation.

Teaching him is harder than teaching a dog.

At least a dog listens.

"Xiao An, the project just ended. Let's go have a drink. I'm tired," he said.

"Are you a dog?"

I frowned.

He was immune to my words a long time ago, with a smirk on his face, looking like a debauched and unrestrained person.

"Don't you want to drink?"

Me: ...

When I turned back, our whole team was sitting in a familiar bar, starting to drink.

Everyone rolled dice and played games, enjoying themselves.

After half a year of getting along with Lin Chezhi, he finally wasn't the troublemaker he used to be.

Oh no, the debauched and unrestrained dog.

I scolded him.

After a few rounds of drinks, everyone was almost drunk, except me.

I didn't drink and escorted each person to the subway station.

As for this dog Lin Chezhi, he was already drunk and unconscious, like an idiot.

I searched his whole body but didn't find a single penny.

What a dog.

He didn't even bring his ID?

Finally, I reluctantly brought him back to the entrance of my house and kicked him hard. "Get up."

He kept his eyes closed, not moving at all.

Truly speechless.

I got out of the car, opened the door, and bent down to undo his seatbelt.

But when I stood up, I found him looking at me with open eyes, his gaze focused, reflecting my appearance in his pupils.

I was stunned for a moment.

There was an inexplicable ambiguity flowing between us, and only then did I realize that I was a bit close to him.

"What are you doing? Xiao An, do you want to assault me?"

"Huh, are you crazy? Get some treatment."

I stood up, stretched lazily, and cleared my mind.

This dog is five years younger than me. Although he has a rotten personality and dresses in a non-mainstream way, he's rich at least, and many young girls in the company like him.

Maybe it's been too long since I've been in a relationship, and I'm starting to have illusions about men.

That's what I thought, yawning, "When you wake up, find a designated driver. Don't lie down. I'll send you the address."

As I said that, I lowered my head and checked my phone.

He also sat up, with his long legs on the ground, looking at me and saying, "My dad agreed to let me study photography in Country M. I might not come back in the future."

I was stunned for a moment and gritted my teeth, "Congratulations!"

The nth day of being jealous of the rich second generation,I woke up to find a message from Mu Zining on my phone.

It said, "I'm sorry for not being able to face you yesterday. Let's meet and talk."

I sighed and replied, "There's nothing to talk about. It's over between us."

After sending the message, I blocked his number.

There's no point in dwelling on the past.

I got out of bed and started getting ready for work.

When I arrived at the office, Lin Chezhi was already there, looking surprisingly serious.

"Good morning," he greeted me with a smile.

I nodded and replied, "Morning."

He seemed different today, no longer the carefree and mischievous person I had known. It made me wonder what had happened.

The day went by without any noteworthy incidents. I focused on my work and tried to avoid thinking about Mu Zining.

In the evening, as I was about to leave the office, Lin Chezhi approached me.

"Xiao An, can we talk?" he asked, his voice unusually gentle.

I hesitated for a moment but eventually agreed.

We went to a nearby cafe and found a quiet corner to sit.

"What's the matter?" I asked, trying to keep my tone neutral.

Lin Chezhi took a deep breath and looked at me earnestly.

"I've been thinking a lot lately, Xiao An. About us."

I raised an eyebrow. "What about us?"

He reached out and held my hand, surprising me.

"I like you, Xiao An. I've liked you for a long time."

I pulled my hand back and stared at him in disbelief.

"What are you talking about? We're just colleagues."

Lin Chezhi shook his head. "No, it's more than that. I've been trying to suppress my feelings, but I can't anymore. I want to be with you."

I felt a mix of emotions. Confusion, surprise, and a hint of irritation.

"Lin Chezhi, this is not the time for jokes. I'm not in the mood."

He looked hurt by my words.

"I'm serious, Xiao An. I know I've been immature in the past, but I've changed. I want to be a better person for you."

I sighed and rubbed my temples.

"Lin Chezhi, this is not fair to me. I just ended a relationship, and I need time to heal. I can't jump into another one so quickly."

He nodded, looking disappointed but understanding.

"I understand. I'll give you the time you need. Just know that my feelings for you are genuine."

I didn't know how to respond, so I simply nodded.

After that conversation, things between us became a bit awkward. We continued to work together, but there was a tension in the air.

Over time, however, we managed to find a new balance in our relationship. We became good friends, supporting each other through our respective challenges.

As for Mu Zining, I gradually let go of the pain and moved on with my life. It wasn't easy, but I knew it was for the best.

Life goes on, and sometimes unexpected connections can blossom in the most unexpected ways.
