On the evening of March 6th, a car accident occurred in the city center. The TV in my father's hospital room was broadcasting this accident.

"This is the evening news in Haishi City. Just moments ago, a car accident occurred in the city center. A silver Maserati crashed into the guardrail, severely damaging the front of the car. Preliminary confirmation reveals that the owner of the car is Ms. Gui Yanye, the CEO of Gui Corporation. Currently, the extent of Ms. Gui Yanye's injuries is still unclear."

I suddenly turned my head and looked at the screen. I happened to see Gui Yanye, covered in blood, being carried out and placed into an ambulance.

"Gui... Yan..."

Ten minutes later, Gui Yanye was taken to the operating room of San Yuan Hospital. I hurriedly floated to her operating room.

Gui Yanye lay on the bed, her lips turning purple, her face pale and lifeless.

After half an hour of rescue efforts, Gui Yanye's face grew increasingly pale and lifeless. The lead surgeon looked up and glanced at the colleagues in the ward, saying, "The patient is not doing well. Three months ago, she underwent a liver transplant surgery, removing a large portion of her liver and donating it. The previous living donor transplant didn't go well, with the incision getting infected. Now, she has suffered massive internal bleeding due to the car accident."

The deputy surgeon looked at the red jumping instruments beside him.

"The patient's will to survive is very weak, or rather, she has given up on survival."

...Liver transplant, Gui Yanye underwent a liver transplant?

No wonder... she has a horrifyingly long suture line on her side.

Gui Yanye had a liver transplant, and someone anonymously donated half of their liver to my father. The two are connected. I suddenly understood.

"Something is wrong. The patient's breathing is getting weaker."

"Her lips are moving. What is she trying to say?"

The surgeon and I leaned close to Gui Yanye's lips. "Lu... Chen?... Husband..."

The surgeon looked up in astonishment. "She's saying her husband's name."

"But her husband has already passed away."

"She's still speaking..."

The surgeon immediately bent down to listen again.

"Dr. Chen, what did she say?"

The surgeon looked at everyone, shook his head, and walked out of the operating room.

At the same time, Gui Yanye's heart stopped beating.

The surgeon stopped at the doorway.

"Her final words were, 'Husband, I've come to accompany you...'"
