The next day at noon, Gui Yanye met with Wen Nuan.

Wen Nuan arrived late with a fake smile.

"It's really surprising that General Gui took the initiative to meet me. It's rare."

Gui Yanye said coldly, "Let's get straight to the point. The Heart of the Ocean, I want to buy it."

Wen Nuan picked up a teacup and held it between her fingers.

"I like your directness, General Gui. However, I have no intention of selling that watch."

Gui Yanye didn't buy into her act.

"As businessmen, we should all understand that as long as the price is right, we can negotiate. You can just state your price directly."

"You understand well, General Gui. But before we discuss the price, I want to make it clear, what do you want to do with this watch? It's a men's watch. Is General Gui planning to spend a fortune and buy it to give it to someone?"

Gui Yanye's lips twitched slightly. "Naturally, it's for the most important person to me."

"Our superstar, Ito Makoto?"

Wen Nuan tapped the table again.

"It seems it's not for Ito Makoto. I heard before that Lu Chen also wanted to buy this watch. However, he arrived late that day and missed the opportunity. Apart from Lu Chen, I don't know who else would be interested in this watch."

I was taken aback.

How did Wen Nuan know so much about me?

Gui Yanye also narrowed her eyes and questioned.

"Why do you know so much about Lu Chen?"

"Compared to someone who never cares about his own wife, I just know a little more about him."

Gui Yanye looked deeply at Wen Nuan.

"You know Lu Chen?"

"We were high school classmates."

So, she still remembers me.

Gui Yanye wanted to ask more, but Wen Nuan interrupted her.

"Let's talk about the price. Show me how deep your love for Lu Chen is."

"Ten million. I'll buy it for double the price you originally paid. I'll take it."

Wen Nuan clapped her hands mockingly, "Haha, ten million. So, your husband is worth ten million to you."

Gui Yanye wasn't angry but asked in return.

"How much do you want?"

"It's not about how much I want, but I have two conditions that you must agree to. First, withdraw from the bid for the pier."

Gui Yanye's brow twitched.

"Second, if Wen's Corporation opens a branch, Lu's Corporation cannot open a branch within a three-kilometer radius."

Gui Yanye's brow twitched again.

Wen Nuan's conditions became more and more demanding. If Gui Yanye agreed, the loss would be not just a few million but would affect the future of Gui's Corporation.

I also stared at Gui Yanye closely, waiting to see her reaction.

"You're really asking for a lot with a lion's mouth. An necklace? Do you want me to ruin Gui's Corporation?"

"Then I can't help it. I've stated my conditions. If General Gui doesn't agree, you can leave."

Both sides reached a deadlock.

I wondered why Gui Yanye hadn't left yet.

She wouldn't stay and agree to these conditions, would she?

I floated in the air, waiting quietly for the continuation.

Assistant Chen stepped forward.

"President Wen, if you think ten million is not enough, you can make it twenty million. This watch, even if it breaks the sky, it's only worth ten million."

"Just these two conditions, no more negotiations."

Gui Yanye suddenly spoke up.

"Okay, I agree. Did you bring the watch?"


Gui Yanye agreed to Wen Nuan's overbearing terms, and everyone in the room was stunned, including myself.

Assistant Chen reminded in astonishment, "President Gui, you can't agree."

Wen Nuan was also shocked, "Are you sure you want to agree?"

"Yes, I agree," Gui Yanye said firmly. "But I have one condition of my own."

Wen Nuan raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What is it?"

Gui Yanye's gaze hardened as she stated, "I want you to tell me everything you know about Lu Chen. His past, his secrets, everything."

Wen Nuan's expression turned serious as she paused for a moment, contemplating Gui Yanye's request. Finally, she nodded.

"Alright, I'll tell you everything I know about Lu Chen. But remember, the truth might not be what you expect."

Gui Yanye's eyes flickered with determination. "I want to know the truth, no matter what it is."

Wen Nuan sighed and began to recount her knowledge of Lu Chen.

As the conversation continued, I listened intently, absorbing every detail. Wen Nuan revealed surprising information about Lu Chen's family background, his struggles, and his rise to fame. She also shared some of his personal experiences and relationships.

Throughout the conversation, Gui Yanye's expression changed multiple times, reflecting a mix of shock, disbelief, and even sadness. It seemed that the truth about Lu Chen was far more complex than she had imagined.

After hearing everything, Gui Yanye fell into deep thought. She thanked Wen Nuan for her honesty and asked for some time to process the information.

As Gui Yanye left the meeting, her mind was filled with conflicting emotions. She couldn't help but question her own perceptions and the decisions she had made.

Back in her office, Gui Yanye sat alone, contemplating the revelations she had just learned. The room was enveloped in silence as she grappled with her thoughts.

I, as a floating consciousness, observed her silently. The events that had unfolded had taken an unexpected turn, and the consequences were yet to be seen.

Days turned into weeks, and Gui Yanye remained deep in contemplation. She had withdrawn from the bid for the pier, as per Wen Nuan's condition, and her corporation faced some setbacks as a result.

Meanwhile, rumors began to spread within the business community about Gui Yanye's agreement with Wen Nuan and the shocking revelations about Lu Chen.

During this time, I noticed a change in Gui Yanye. She became more introspective and reserved, focusing on her personal life rather than solely on business matters.

One evening, Gui Yanye made a decision. She called for a meeting with her closest advisors and announced her plan to step down as the CEO of Gui's Corporation.

Her decision shocked everyone present, but Gui Yanye remained resolute. She explained that she had come to realize the importance of personal relationships and wanted to prioritize her family and loved ones.

Gui Yanye's announcement sent shockwaves through the business world, and the media was abuzz with speculation about her motives. Some praised her for recognizing the significance of personal happiness, while others criticized her for abandoning her responsibilities.

As for me, I couldn't help but feel a mix of admiration and curiosity. Gui Yanye's journey had taken an unexpected turn, and it seemed that she was now determined to pursue a different path.

Only time would tell where this new direction would lead Gui Yanye and how it would impact her relationship with Lu Chen.

As the days went by, I continued to follow Gui Yanye's story, eager to see how her life would unfold.
