Song Zhirang has changed a lot.

I remember the first time I saw him. It was when he transferred to our class in the second semester of his first year of high school.

He was wearing a school uniform, standing on the platform, tall and thin. The clothes hung loosely on him, and his facial features were ordinary and dull. At most, he could be considered a plain and refined scholar. There was a sense of nervousness on his face.

The class teacher was smiling happily and said, "This is Song Zhirang, who always ranks high in the provincial joint examinations. Let's welcome him."

Countless curious gazes fell on Song Zhirang in silence. We attended a private elite high school, and most of us were either wealthy or from prestigious backgrounds. Academic performance was not the only criterion for acceptance, let alone Song Zhirang's unimpressive appearance.

I felt a little sorry for him at the time, so I smiled, applauded first, and then there were scattered applause in the class, until the applause filled every corner of the classroom.

The class teacher smiled gratefully at me and pointed at me, saying to Song Zhirang, "This is the class monitor, Lu Wenzhou. You can ask him for help if you have any questions."

Although that's what he said, Song Zhirang never asked me for help.

Because he had Meng Jinxia to protect him—Meng Jinxia, who was my girlfriend at the time.

When Song Zhirang transferred, there was no extra seat except next to Meng Jinxia, so he became Meng Jinxia's deskmate.

I don't know if the seeds of their later betrayal of me sprouted from here.

For example, Song Zhirang came from a poor family. He had severe hypoglycemia and anemia. One time during morning self-study, he suddenly fainted, and it was Meng Jinxia who accompanied him to the clinic.

For example, when Aunt Meng returned from Belgium and bought many gifts for me and Meng Jinxia, she asked me to choose first. Meng Jinxia, who was standing beside me, took out a box of handmade chocolates and said, "I'll take this box of candy."

At that time, I was still puzzled because Meng Jinxia didn't like anything sweet, and I had never seen her particularly fond of chocolates. Later, she even asked me for the recipe for the pastries made by my family chef. I found it troublesome, so I had my family chef make them and gave them directly to her.

At that time, I thought Meng Jinxia had developed a new preference.

It wasn't until later when I saw candy wrappers and the pastries made by my family chef on Song Zhirang's desk that I realized it.

Song Zhirang was the one who loved eating chocolate, and he was also the one who liked pastries and sweets.

Because he had hypoglycemia.

I convinced myself that it was just Meng Jinxia's way of caring for her poor deskmate, even though Meng Jinxia was not a kind person who liked to meddle in and redeem others.

Actually, I did have some doubts, but Song Zhirang was just too ordinary. I never thought that Meng Jinxia would betray me and fall in love with Song Zhirang.

After all, I was excellent. I was the most outstanding person in the whole school. I was a prodigy, and I had the nickname "Lu Sanhao" because my family background was good, my grades were good, and I had a good reputation.

How could I have imagined that Meng Jinxia would betray me and fall in love with Song Zhirang?

But now, seven years have passed, and Song Zhirang is no longer the thin and shabby person he used to be. He is dressed in high-end suits from head to toe, and he looks somewhat presentable.

He walked over and smiled at me, saying, "Wenzhou, you're back?"

After he finished speaking, his gaze hesitated between me and Meng Jinxia. The inquisitive meaning in his eyes made me uncomfortable, and I frowned slightly, feeling displeased.

Meng Jinxia spoke first in a cold tone, "Why are you here?"

Song Zhirang cautiously looked at Meng Jinxia's expression and tried to please her with a pitiful smile. "I came out for something, and the manager of the club said you and your friends wereasking for me."

Meng Jinxia's expression softened slightly, but she still looked cold. "What do you want?"

Song Zhirang took a deep breath and said, "I... I want to apologize to Lu Wenzhou."

I raised an eyebrow in surprise. Apologize? What did he have to apologize for?

Song Zhirang continued, "I... I know I've made a terrible mistake. I betrayed Lu Wenzhou's trust, and I hurt him deeply. I want to apologize and make amends."

I looked at him skeptically. This seemed like a sudden change of heart. What was his motive?

Song Zhirang seemed to sense my doubt and quickly said, "I know you won't believe me right away, but please give me a chance to explain. I've come to realize my mistakes and I want to make things right."

I glanced at Meng Jinxia, who was silent throughout the conversation. Her face was unreadable, but there was a flicker of curiosity in her eyes.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to hear Song Zhirang out. If nothing else, it would at least provide some closure to the past.

"Fine," I said, crossing my arms. "Explain yourself."

Song Zhirang took a deep breath and began his story.

"After you left, I realized the gravity of my betrayal. I couldn't forgive myself for what I did to you. But instead of facing the consequences, I chose to bury my guilt and continue with my life. I focused on my studies, got into a good university, and eventually started working in a reputable company. I thought that by achieving success, I could forget about the past."

He paused for a moment, his eyes filled with regret.

"But it haunted me. Every night, I would lie awake, unable to escape the guilt and shame. I realized that I needed to confront my wrongdoing and seek forgiveness."

I listened intently, surprised by his sincerity.

"It wasn't until recently that I stumbled upon some old letters and diaries from high school. In those writings, I saw the pain I caused you, the hurt that I willfully ignored. I couldn't bear it any longer. I knew I had to find you and apologize."

Song Zhirang's voice trembled with emotion, and I could see the genuine remorse in his eyes.

"I know it may be too late, and you may never be able to forgive me. But I want you to know that I am truly sorry for what I did. I want to make amends, even if it's just a small step towards redemption."

He finished speaking and looked at me, waiting for my response.

I took a moment to process his words. It was a lot to take in, and part of me still felt skeptical. But there was also a part of me that wanted to believe in the possibility of forgiveness and growth.

"I appreciate your apology," I finally said, my voice calm. "But forgiveness is not something that can be given easily. It takes time and genuine effort to rebuild trust. If you're truly sincere, then prove it through your actions."

Song Zhirang nodded earnestly. "I understand, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right."

With that, we ended our conversation, leaving the door open for the possibility of reconciliation.

As I watched Song Zhirang walk away, I couldn't help but wonder if people can truly change. Time would tell, but for now, I was willing to give him a chance.
