Zhou Zhi said he would introduce me to one of his friends.

I thought it might be a lawyer or a police officer, after all, I am now at the center of public opinion.

Unexpectedly, I actually met Huo Donglin, the person in charge of the Huo family, the richest family in Beijing.

Unlike the stern and serious boss in the news, Huo Donglin had a gentle expression, and even a hint of a smile.

After a simple greeting, Huo Donglin looked at Zhou Zhi curiously and asked, "You've never asked me for help before, so is this Miss Li your...?"

Zhou Zhi: "My sister's friend."

Huo Donglin nodded understandingly, and when he looked at me, there was a hint of exploration in his deep eyes.

Even though he deliberately suppressed the imposing aura that seemed to emanate from him, I still felt a bit inexplicably uneasy and nervous.

Seemingly aware of my discomfort, Huo Donglin smiled at me in a friendly manner.

"Miss Li, for some reason, you make me feel very familiar. Have we met somewhere...?"

"Let's skip the pleasantries,"

Zhou Zhi interrupted him directly without mercy. Huo Donglin looked somewhat helpless, but after Zhou Zhi explained the cause and effect, Huo Donglin nodded and said, "Leave it to me, I know Shen Zhixia's father."

Huo Donglin agreed so readily that it stunned me for a moment.

After finishing the business, Zhou Zhi got up to take me away, but Huo Donglin hurriedly stopped him.

"It's not easy for you to come all the way here. Can't you accompany me for a meal?"

"Next time, she's pregnant now and has already been through a lot of shocks today. She needs more rest."

"She's already pregnant, and you say she's just your sister's friend?"

Me: "..."

Zhou Zhi couldn't be bothered to explain to Huo Donglin and took me away directly.

On the way back, I learned that Zhou Zhi and Huo Donglin had a history of helping each other out. Huo Donglin had been threatened by armed militants overseas, and Zhou Zhi saved him, so they became good friends.

Zhou Zhi asked me to stay in his apartment for a while until the hot search was taken down before I could go home.

I was grateful and agreed. He was the only one willing to help me now.

Huo Donglin was very efficient in handling things.

Two days later, I opened my phone again and found that all the hot searches about me had been taken down.

Shen Zhixia's official Weibo also posted a clarification video, saying that we were just filming and didn't expect everyone to misunderstand.

Even Huo Donghai's million-liked comment was gone, replaced by a new post-

An extremely angry expression, with an ambiguous meaning.

It seems that he is still very unhappy with me, thinking that I bullied his idol, Bai Lianhua.

I couldn't help but feel emotional. I had heard that Huo Donglin was the king of the entire Beijing, and today I truly experienced it.

Ten minutes after the clarification video was posted, a strange number sent me a message.

[Li Xiang, I underestimated you.]

I could tell from the tone that it was Shen Zhixia. I replied to her calmly.

[Shen Zhixia, I have already broken up with Qi Yu, so please don't harass me in the future.]

Shen Zhixia didn't send any more messages. But even if she threatened me again, I wouldn't be afraid anymore.

With Zhou Zhi's appearance, I seemed to have gained some inexplicable confidence.

I walked out of the bedroom, and the living room with cold tones was empty, with only the closed door of the study emitting light from underneath.

I pushed the door open and entered. Zhou Zhi was busy in front of the computer, his long and fair fingers typing non-stop, and there were many medical materials on the table.

"Um, am I disturbing you?"

Zhou Zhi didn't look at me, his pitch-black eyes focused on the computer screen. "Speak, what's thematter?"

I hesitated for a moment before speaking up. "I just received a message from Shen Zhixia. She said she underestimated me."

Zhou Zhi paused for a moment, then turned his head to look at me. There was a gentle smile on his face. "That's good. It means she won't bother you anymore."

I nodded, feeling relieved. "Yes, hopefully this will be the end of it."

Zhou Zhi walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "You've been through a lot, but you handled it well. I'm proud of you."

His words touched me, and I couldn't help but smile. "Thank you, Zhou Zhi. I couldn't have gotten through this without your support."

He gave me a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. "You're not alone in this, Li Xiang. I'll always be here for you."

I felt a warmth spreading through me, knowing that I had someone like Zhou Zhi by my side. It gave me strength and comfort.

As we stood there in the study, I realized that this unexpected turn of events had brought us closer together. Our friendship had deepened, and perhaps there was even something more between us.

But for now, I was content with having Zhou Zhi as a trusted friend and confidant. With his support, I knew I could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Together, we would navigate the ups and downs of life, and find our own happiness.
