Damn it.

I was furious and couldn't easily take action against the innocent-looking Xie Rui, so I could only slap Ji Yuan on the head.

"Did you fail chemistry?"

"Come to the kitchen and help me, or else there'll be no food."

Ji Yuan, who had been huddled on the side, immediately perked up and followed me into the kitchen.

"Does sister like spicy chicken?"

"I'll do it, I'll do it."

To my surprise, Ji Yuan could actually cook.

The boy was skillful and quick, busying himself with cutting, washing, and frying. In the gaps between his cooking tasks, he glanced at me with a hint of attentiveness.

Just as I was about to speak, I saw a tall figure blocking the slanting sunlight, casting a silent shadow over my own.

"Do you need help?"


Xie Rui's voice came from outside the door, and I instinctively looked at him, but he appeared different from what I imagined.

His eyes were filled with longing, as if he was afraid that I wouldn't respond to his "sister."

In a past life, he clearly hated calling me sister. Xie Rui said that this title would remind him of the fear and loneliness of losing a loved one.

And now, he willingly accepted it and smiled as he spoke:

"Sister, can I call you that too?"

"I can cook for you every day."


I thought he was just saying it casually, but I didn't expect Xie Rui to actually follow through.

Not only that, but there was sweet and soft corn porridge on the dining table in the morning, fresh bouquets of flowers that were often changed by the bedroom window, and I even caught him and Ji Yuan feeding stray cats nearby, their eyes full of compassion.

One time, I deliberately spilled the porridge Xie Rui handed to me and spoke harshly to him:

"It tastes terrible. If you can't cook, don't waste ingredients."

"I don't keep idle people in my house."

But Xie Rui just quietly cleaned up the mess, the curve of his lips unchanged:

"Then I'll go buy your favorite drink in the south of the city."

Xie Rui's gaze was gentle, like a calm lake that embraced everything, as if asking me through the distant time:

"Does this make you feel better?"

I was too sharp in my attitude towards Xie Rui, to the point that even Ji Yuan, who was usually carefree, discreetly came to inquire if there was something Xie Rui had done to upset me.

Unexpectedly, Ji Yuan and Xie Rui grew closer and closer.

I often saw them in the kitchen, arguing over who would wash the dishes, starting with stubborn necks, and in the end, Xie Rui won and threw a stack of dishes at Ji Yuan, laughing to himself.

It was the first time I saw such a vivid expression on Xie Rui's face, with a provoking and youthful spirit in his eyes and eyebrows.

On a whim, I went to the library and saw Xie Rui earnestly tutoring Ji Yuan in chemistry.

The library was quiet, and sunlight poured in through the huge windows. I could see tiny specks of golden dust dancing in the air. And those two figures, bathed in sunlight, their heads lowered as they worked on their assignments, gave me a sense of tranquility that felt unreal.

Unconsciously, I felt that this Xie Rui in front of me was different from the gloomy and cold one in my memories.

Something unsettling was quietly changing with the turning gears of time.

But the system said that I was overly concerned about Xie Rui, and in its view, the task of guiding and redeeming him was on the right track, bringing me one step closer to my wish to return home.

The yellow sunlight shone through the gaps in the clouds, as if all things in the world were finally reconciling.

Intentionally or unintentionally, I hinted to the system, or perhaps it was due to Xie Rui's blatant goodwill, that my attitude towards him finally softened.

I convinced myself to let go of my prejudice and tried to care for and cherish him, justas he had cared for and cherished me in his own way.

Over time, I realized that Xie Rui's transformation wasn't just a facade to win my favor. He genuinely wanted to change and become a better person. He was determined to make amends for his past mistakes and find redemption.

One day, while we were sitting on the rooftop, watching the sunset paint the sky in shades of orange and pink, Xie Rui mustered up the courage to talk to me about his past.

"Sister, I know I've caused you pain and hurt you deeply," he began, his voice tinged with remorse. "But I want you to know that I've changed. I've realized the consequences of my actions and the pain I've inflicted on others."

I listened attentively, my heart slowly softening with each word he spoke.

"I want to make things right, not just for myself, but for everyone I've hurt," Xie Rui continued. "I want to be a better person, someone who can bring joy and happiness to others."

His sincerity was palpable, and I could see the determination and remorse in his eyes. It was hard to believe that this was the same person who had once caused so much pain and suffering.

"Xie Rui, I can see how much you've changed," I said, my voice filled with a mix of emotions. "I believe in your ability to become a better person. Just remember that change takes time, and it's important to stay committed to your growth."

He nodded, gratitude and determination etched on his face.

From that day forward, Xie Rui continued to prove his transformation through his actions. He actively sought opportunities to help others, volunteered at local charities, and genuinely showed kindness and empathy towards those around him.

As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, I found myself gradually letting go of my initial resentment and embracing the person Xie Rui was becoming.

With time, our relationship evolved from one filled with animosity and distrust to something more akin to a genuine bond. We became confidants, supporting each other through the challenges we faced.

Through my interactions with Xie Rui, I learned the power of forgiveness and the potential for growth and redemption in every individual. I realized that people could change if they were willing to confront their past mistakes and actively work towards becoming better versions of themselves.

Though the scars of our past may never fully fade, they serve as a reminder of the transformative power of second chances.

Xie Rui taught me that redemption is possible, and that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of hope.
