I started to envision our future life, raising a little cat and two little dogs, and exploring the world, witnessing the sunrise and sunset in different places.

But it seems that something is wrong with my body. I thought it was just a minor issue, thinking that taking some medicine would solve it. However, reality is cruel.

On November 13, 2018, I was diagnosed with cancer. I began treatment, and the doctor said there was a fifty percent chance of a full recovery with proper treatment.

I started to hate the heavens. Why is it so unfair? Why did it give me this illness?

I spent less and less time at school, losing weight, and my face turned pale. I had to use lipstick to conceal it...

I truly feel that I'm too selfish. It's already a luxury for me to stay alive, and yet I have to make her worry about me. Maybe we should separate so that she won't suffer like this...

Fortunately, my health gradually improved. It's great! I enjoy being a pain in the neck, and even the heavens don't want to take me!


Today is her twentieth birthday. I brought a cake for her, and she laughed at me for not being girly enough.

She took out a black dress for me to change into, while she wore a red dress, looking as elegant as a rose.

She stared at the cake for a long time.

I was curious, "Why don't you make a wish?"

She giggled and said, "I already did!"

"My wish is for Shen Qianjin to accompany me on every birthday!"

Yes, I silently replied in my heart.

I gave her one of the couple rings to wear, and we danced together.

The Russian inscription on the back of the ring is what I want to say to you, but I hope you won't find it strange when you know...

On March 20, 2020, when I went back to the hospital for a check-up, the doctor said my condition had worsened...

How could this happen? It was clearly... clearly showing signs of improvement...

The heavens played a huge joke on me, giving me a glimmer of hope, only to find it was an endless abyss.

My body changed rapidly. My hair was thinning, my memory was fading, and slowly, I discovered that my sense of taste was gone...

My mother took me to seek medical help everywhere, but to no avail...

The doctor gave me the final verdict - I could live for at most six months.

Six months? It's already enough...

But I still want to live. I can't be a part of your past, but I want to be a part of your future...

Cancer is so terrifying. It can turn a lively person into a melancholy one...

Despite planning for the future, I'm afraid I'll have to break my promise...

On August 10, 2020, I could clearly feel life slipping away, organ failure.

Death itself is not scary. What's most painful is witnessing your loved ones and friends grieving for you helplessly. They live with the pain of your departure, and that pain may accompany them for the rest of their lives.

I blocked all her contact information. Only Xiao Li knows about my impending death.

When I couldn't hear any sounds anymore, I slowly closed my eyes. In a burst of white light, I saw her face...

"I love you..."

But her wish could no longer be fulfilled.


Many years later, Yu Wei finally understood the meaning of the text on the back of the ring.

"I love you."

Yu Wei never met anyone who could compare to Shen Qianjin in her entire life. She also didn't marry or have children as her mother wished.

And when Shen Qianjin left, she didn't know that the girl she had loved since her youth loved her back.

(End of the main story)


Shen Qianjin resurrected with a Guardian Angel, reappearing before Yu Wei after three seconds. When she saw Yu Wei, tears filled her eyes.

Yu Wei saw Shen Qianjin frantically tapping away, but Shen Qianjin didn't feel any pain. She happily said to Yu Wei, "Give ita try! Look, I can type again!"

Yu Wei couldn't believe her eyes. Shen Qianjin, who had passed away, was standing in front of her, alive and well. She reached out and touched Shen Qianjin's face, confirming that it was indeed her.

"Is this real? How is this possible?" Yu Wei asked, her voice trembling with a mix of disbelief and joy.

Shen Qianjin smiled and explained, "I was given a second chance. A Guardian Angel appeared before me and offered me the opportunity to come back to life. I couldn't bear the thought of leaving you, so I accepted."

Overwhelmed with emotions, Yu Wei hugged Shen Qianjin tightly, tears streaming down her face. She couldn't believe that they had been given another chance to be together.

As they held each other, the weight of the past faded away, replaced by a renewed sense of hope and love. They both knew that they would cherish every moment they had together.

From that day forward, Shen Qianjin and Yu Wei lived their lives to the fullest. They traveled the world, experiencing new cultures and creating memories together. They adopted a little cat and two little dogs, just as they had always dreamed.

Their love for each other grew stronger with each passing day. They supported and cared for each other, cherishing the miracle that had brought them back together.

Shen Qianjin's experience with cancer had taught them the value of life and the importance of treasuring every moment. They made the most of their time together, making new memories and embracing the happiness they had been given.

As the years went by, Shen Qianjin and Yu Wei grew old together, surrounded by their loving pets. They watched countless sunrises and sunsets, hand in hand, grateful for the life they had shared.

When their time finally came to leave this world, they did so with smiles on their faces, knowing that they had lived a life filled with love and happiness.

Their story became an inspiration to many, a reminder that love can overcome even the greatest challenges. Shen Qianjin and Yu Wei's love story lives on, a testament to the power of love and the beauty of second chances.

(End of the extra story)
