I relaxed suddenly, leaning against the door of the dormitory, and started thinking.

Could the ghost in the dormitory be Cao Yan? Her behavior doesn't seem like that of a normal person.

Or is it Li Qing? The manual says that the ghost in the dormitory won't harm me. When Li Qing covered me, it might have been to prevent me from making any noise and attracting the attention of the dormitory supervisor.

Or perhaps this dormitory has two ghosts, or maybe all four of them are ghosts!

I was startled by my own speculation, but then I comforted myself.

The corridor was filled with an eerie silence. In the dormitory, you could still sense a bit of vitality from the living, but here there was only the flickering of the old light bulb above, occasionally accompanied by the hissing sound of aging circuits.

At the end of the corridor was the restroom inside the dormitory building. Looking ahead, it resembled a dark hole with no end in sight.

I finally made it to the restroom.

There were three stalls in the women's restroom. After surveying the area, I was about to turn on the lights when I suddenly saw a girl in the distance, holding a flashlight and walking towards the restroom.

I quickly retreated into the nearest stall and locked the door. I pressed my ear against the door, trying to listen to any sounds outside.

I could hear the footsteps of the approaching person, getting closer and closer. I couldn't do anything, not knowing whether the person was a human or a ghost.

I was so nervous that my palms were sweaty. I could feel the footsteps getting closer and faster.

I heard a click as she turned on the restroom light.

I'm not a superstitious person, but now I found myself silently praying, hoping she wouldn't open my door. One step, two steps, I felt like she was slowly approaching me.
