Before returning to the dormitory after dinner, Zhang Wen and I took a detour to a dessert shop.

The dessert shop was about to close, and Zhang Wen and I bought the last birthday cake in the shop.

It was a very small one, only six inches, but very delicately made.

We carefully carried it back to the dormitory. When we entered the dormitory building, the cleaning lady asked who was celebrating a birthday today. I borrowed a lighter from her and said:

"Oh, the birthday has already passed. We are just making up for it now. After all, my roommate is far from home."

As I stood at the dormitory door with the cake, I didn't rush to open the door with the key.

It was now 10:30 at night, and there was the sound of someone talking on the phone in the dorm, speaking in a dialect I couldn't understand. After a minute or two, I heard Chen Luoluo's voice rising:

"You talk nonsense all the time! Only you use dialect to make phone calls. Sure enough, you're from a small place, no manners at all."

Zhang Wen and I couldn't understand how manners were related to dialects. After a while, the dormitory door suddenly opened, and a figure rushed out from inside. As the person passed by me, I heard them say on the phone:

"I'm doing well, my roommates are taking good care of me. It's just that their tone isn't very good, so don't think too much about it."

Chen Luoluo saw me and Zhang Wen squatting at the door:

"Why are you back so late? Come in quickly, I am going to close the door."

I asked her:

"Did Qiao Qiao just run out with the key?"

"I don't care whether she took the key or not. She ran out on her own, it's none of my business. Have a look at what time it is now."

Zhang Wen stood up and chased after Qiao Qiao, who had just run off in another direction. Chen Luoluo shouted from behind:

"Don't expect me to open the door for you later!"

Zhang Wen turned around and shouted:

"Do you think you're the only one with a key?"

When we found Qiao Qiao, she was curled up on the ground, crying. It was a shadow, crystallized from strong posthumous attachment.

I placed the cake on the ground, unwrapped it, and Zhang Wen and I inserted candles into the cake, lighting them with the lighter:

"Qiao Qiao, we're celebrating your birthday."

Qiao Qiao looked up, her face was quite delicate, but due to long-term malnutrition, it appeared pale and dull. Her hair was dry, and her clothes seemed worn out, although clean. Upon seeing us, she wiped away her tears and asked:

"Why are you here?"

"We're here to celebrate your birthday. Sorry, we weren't here on your actual birthday."

"It's okay. I'm not bothered by that."

"But you've celebrated our birthdays before."

Qiao Qiao started crying again, and Zhang Wen and I sat beside her, comforting her. After she stopped crying, Qiao Qiao looked up and asked:

"I haven't done anything to upset you. Why did you take my money? That five thousand yuan, I worked hard to earn it!" I patted Qiao Qiao's shoulder and said:

"I know who did it. I will report her to the college where she applied for a recommendation."

"Will it make a difference?"

"Yes, it will."

Zhang Wen cut a piece of cake for Qiao Qiao, and she took a couple of bites.

"It's so sweet."

"You'll have sweeter days ahead."

Qiao Qiao set down the cake, hugged me and Zhang Wen, and whispered an apology:

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to involve you. I was just so upset. Your friend Chen Luoluo is also okay. The current Chen Luoluo is not the real Chen Luoluo. It's just me imitating my old roommate."

I hugged Qiao Qiao and said:

"You're really kind." Qiao Qiao smiled, then disappeared.
