Today is Monday, and the first class is Calculus.

The classroom is Room 512 in the teaching building.

There are many pedestrians on the way, but most of them have anxious expressions on their faces and their footsteps are more hurried than usual.

We pretended not to see the people wearing black masks and didn't make eye contact.

At 7:45, we arrived at the teaching building.

"Oh no, why are there so many people?!" Zhang Lin exclaimed.

There is a long line of people in front of the elevator. This is a normal situation for the first class on Monday.

[Please strictly follow the bell for class start and end time, neither be late nor leave early.]

If we wait in line for the elevator, we definitely won't make it to the classroom before the 8 o'clock class bell.

"We can't wait, let's take the stairs!"

Many other students who came later realized that waiting for the elevator might make them late, so they ran towards the stairs.

A few of us were also caught in the crowd.

First floor, 7:47.

Second floor, 7:48.

Third floor, 7:50.

Fourth floor, 7:52.

Fifth floor, 7:54.

There are still six minutes left, we all breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

The corridor on the fifth floor is very dark, many classroom doors are locked, and the other two groups of students who arrived on the fifth floor with us have found their classrooms.


Classrooms in our school are distributed on the left and right sides according to odd and even numbers. According to the logic, Room 512 should be between 510 and 514.

But now, it seems to have disappeared into thin air.

It's 7:56, and we still haven't found the classroom.

Zhang Lin became anxious, "Yusuang, count again carefully, did you miss anything?!"

"Don't make noise! Look for yourself, there is no Room 512 at all!"

"What should we do? It's almost time for class."

We were as anxious as four ants on a hot pan.

"Did we go to the wrong building? Let's check the schedule again. It's the teaching building, right?"

Something is not right.

Clearly, the current situation is not our mistake.

No matter which building it is, a classroom cannot simply disappear out of thin air.

[It's easy to get lost in the school. If you can't find the classroom, remember to cover your eyes and walk ten meters forward.]

I closed my eyes, and the surrounding sounds seemed to disappear instantly.

But there was a strong feeling of being watched from behind.

When I opened my eyes again, the noisy voices of the three of them reappeared.

"Don't talk, let's hold hands now, close your eyes, and walk ten meters together."

It's 7:58, and we only have two minutes left.

If we continue to wander around like headless flies, we will definitely be late!

They immediately remembered that strange rule.

According to our current positions, we held hands one by one.

Closed our eyes.

The surroundings plunged into endless darkness and silence.

I stood in the second position on the right, holding Zheng Xinyue's left hand and Yusuang's right hand.

Yusuang kept trembling.

"Yaoyao... Are you there?"

I softly responded, and she trembled even more.

"There is someone on my right."

We all shivered at the same time.

Yusuang stood on the far right, so how could there be someone on her right.

"Don't move! Don't let go, keep walking forward! Listen to my slogan."

The girls took a step of about 60 centimeters, which means that as long as we continue to walk twenty steps together, the distance will definitely be more than ten meters.


After completing these twenty steps, my back was almost soaked in cold sweat.

"Open your eyes."

The four of us openedour eyes at the same time, and what appeared before us was a completely unfamiliar scene.

The classroom we were looking for, Room 512, was right in front of us. It was as if it had materialized out of thin air.

The classroom door was slightly ajar, and we could hear the sound of the class bell ringing from inside.

Without hesitation, we rushed into the classroom just as the bell stopped ringing.

The students inside turned their heads to look at us, their eyes filled with surprise and confusion.

Professor Chen, who was about to start the class, paused for a moment and then continued as if nothing had happened.

We quickly found empty seats and tried to calm ourselves down.

As the professor began the lecture, I couldn't help but glance at the classroom door, wondering what had just happened.

Had we stumbled upon some kind of supernatural phenomenon? Or was it all just a strange coincidence?

Throughout the class, my mind was filled with questions, but I couldn't find any answers.

After the class ended, we walked out of the classroom and looked at each other in disbelief.

"Did that really happen?" Zhang Lin asked, her voice filled with uncertainty.

"I don't know," I replied, my thoughts still lingering on the strange experience.

"Let's not think about it too much for now. We should focus on finding some information or clues to understand what just happened," suggested Zheng Xinyue.

We agreed and decided to investigate further. We asked other students if they had ever encountered anything similar or if they had any knowledge about the mysterious disappearance of Room 512.

However, most of the students we talked to seemed confused and had no idea what we were talking about. Some even thought we were playing a prank.

After hours of searching and questioning, we found no concrete answers. It seemed like the incident was known only to us.

We decided to keep the experience to ourselves, fearing that others might think we were crazy or making up stories.

Days turned into weeks, and eventually, the incident faded from our minds as we got caught up in our daily routines.

However, deep down, we knew that something extraordinary had happened that day.

We couldn't explain it, but it had changed us in some way.

From that day forward, we became more aware of our surroundings, more curious about the mysteries of the world, and more open to the idea that there might be phenomena beyond our understanding.

Although we never found a definitive answer to what happened with Room 512, it became a reminder for us to embrace the unknown and to always be prepared for unexpected twists in life.
