My younger brother died in a car accident.

At that time, my mother was driving out for a picnic, and my younger brother and I were standing by the roadside. Suddenly, a car came rushing towards us.

Before I could react, my brother pushed me inside.

I narrowly escaped death, but my brother was crushed under the car.

Before he died, he handed me a piece of paper.

At that time, I was filled with fear and sorrow, and didn't have time to read it.

By the time I looked at the paper, it had been more than half a month.

On it was written:

1. Mom during the day is safer, but don't defy her.

2. The house is very clean, no roaches will appear.

3. The attic is very scary, do not enter at night.

4. Do not leave the bedroom at midnight, and make sure to lock the bedroom door.

5. If you have no other way out, you may see a dad without eyeballs, but do not scream.

6. If mom is nearby, quickly hide, do not let her find you.


Mom is the most terrifying!

Mom is the most terrifying!

Mom is the most terrifying!

Looking at the red handwriting, I felt a bit scared.

What did my brother mean by writing these words? What was he trying to tell me?

Didn't dad pass away a year ago? Why did he mention dad, especially a dad without eyeballs?

Could it be that dad is a ghost?

Thinking about this, my hair stood on end, and my blood felt as if it had frozen.

What does "Mom is the most terrifying" really mean?

Before I could understand, the bedroom door was opened.


I heard the sound and shuddered in fear.

Looking over, my mother came in holding a bowl.

She smiled as she sat down beside my desk and placed the bowl on the table.

"Xiao Ying, remember to take the medicine prescribed by the doctor, otherwise your body won't recover."

As I looked at her smiling face, her eyes full of care, I couldn't believe that this was genuine. How could a mother like this be terrifying?

Perhaps all those warnings were just made up by my brother?

Feeling a bit relieved, I forced a smile and said to my mom,

"Got it, mom, I'll definitely remember."

She nodded and reached out to pat my head.

In that instant, I saw the red marks under her nails. Was my mom wearing nail polish?

I discreetly held her hand and pretended to touch my face, her hand passing over my nose.

I could clearly smell the pungent scent of nail polish, but mixed within was a faint smell of iron, the scent of oxidized blood!

My body felt as if it had frozen, unable to move.

Luckily, my mom didn't notice my reaction.

She just lovingly rubbed my nose and told me to take the medicine.

I tried to control my expression and nodded.

I picked up the bowl on the table and brought it to my lips.

A strong smell of blood filled my nose.

I had previously wondered why the medicine prescribed by the doctor had a fishy smell, and now I seemed to understand.

This bowl of medicine was likely not prescribed by the doctor, but made by my mom herself, perhaps containing human blood.

"Xiao Ying, why aren't you drinking? Mom has cooled it down for you."

My mom looked at me with a smile, but I was too afraid to move.

Was she really my mother?

Suddenly, I remembered the note saying that Mom during the day is safer, but don't defy her.

If I didn't listen to my mom and drink this bowl of medicine, would she kill me?

I didn't dare to gamble, so I obediently drank the medicine.

My mom watched me finish it, satisfied, and took the bowl away.

As soon as she left, I immediately spat out the medicine into the trash can.

I felt like there was something stuck on my tongue. I reached in and pulled out a few black hairs.

The hair was short, almost the length of eyelashes.

It might have accidentally fallen in while my mom was making it.

Looking at the hair soaked in medicine, I couldn't help but vomit.
