I resigned from the job of testing haunted houses and prepared to return to my hometown.

The night before leaving, the police officer in charge of my case treated me to a meal:

"The dishes have already been ordered. Do they suit your taste? Is there anything else you want to eat?"

The table was filled with numerous dishes, brilliantly red. I smiled and said, "No, thank you."

"You've been in good spirits lately? Are you still taking the medication prescribed by the doctor?"

"Yes. I've had fewer hallucinations recently." I smiled in response.

"The psychiatrist said that your hallucinations are a reflection of childhood trauma. You've had serious psychological issues since you were twelve years old due to your mother's situation. Have you been living a difficult life all these years?"

"Not too bad."

"Are you wary of me?" He picked up a piece of tomato and scrambled eggs and offered it to me.


"Then why aren't you eating? You haven't taken a single bite."

"I'm feeling a bit unwell, Officer."

"Is it because this is the last meal your mother cooked for you?" He was clearly smiling, but his eyes showed no kindness.

Seeing that I remained silent, he put down his chopsticks and explained, "I've been working on the case report these past few days and also investigated your mother and stepfather's situation. Your mother passed away when you were only ten years old. The cause of death was an overdose of sleeping pills, and you were the one who bought them."


"Your stepfather died from excessive drinking six months later, and after that, you moved away from this place. Interestingly enough, Liu Lin, your stepfather's illegitimate child, also died in that house twenty years later."

I frowned and asked in astonishment, "Illegitimate child?"

"You didn't know about this?"

I immediately denied it, saying, "How is that possible? He doesn't resemble that man at all!"

He observed my expression, and he didn't believe me.

"I really didn't know. I only met Liu Lin in the past two years. Like me, he was an orphan." I sighed, "How could he possibly be that man's son? In the end, Officer, you still don't believe me. You're trying to find any evidence that connects me to his death."

"That's right, I hate that man. My father passed away early, and initially, it was just my mother and me, relying on each other. Although it was hard, we were happy. Later on, my mother was deceived by that man's sweet talk and married him."

"That man revealed his true colors. Not only did he swindle my mother's money, but he also drank excessively and gambled all day. He would frequently beat and abuse my mother."

"He had a strong desire for control. Every day, what we ate and how it was made had to follow his rules. Whatever we did at home, we had to listen to him—when to wake up, when to take a bath."

"He treated us like dogs, not as human beings. Even in front of guests, as long as I didn't perform according to his wishes, he would publicly beat me and send me to the hospital. In less than a year, he drove my mother into depression."

I looked up at him and said, "I have killed someone, but it wasn't Liu Lin; it was my mother. I killed her with my own hands."

The police officer looked at me with shock in his eyes.

"During that time, she was in a lot of pain, and I think she really wanted to die. That day, she asked me if I wanted to eat a hamburger, and I said yes. Later on, she gave me money to buy the hamburger and asked me to buy medicine for her."

"I ate the long-awaited hamburger, and she got the medicine she wanted. She died, and I should have died on that day too, but I survived."

"Officer, do you think that if I hadn't been so greedy, maybe I would still be a child with a mother." I looked at the officer and laughed, a laughter that made his eyes turn red.

"If it weren't for Liu Lin, I would never have set foot in that house again. He wanted to cure me, but unfortunately, he lost his life as well."

The officer remained silent for a while and said, "I'm sorry to hear about the difficult experiences you've gone through. It's clear that you've had a challenging upbringing, and it's understandable that you harbor strong emotions towards your stepfather. However, it's important to remember that taking matters into your own hands and resorting to violence is not the solution."

"I'm here to investigate the truth behind Liu Lin's death, and I'll consider all the information you've shared with me. It's my duty to find evidence and uncover the facts of the case. I understand that you have your own perspective, but I need to remain impartial and follow the evidence."

"If you truly believe that you're responsible for your mother's death, it's crucial that you seek professional help and support. There are therapists and counselors who specialize in trauma and can assist you in processing your emotions and experiences."

"I won't make any promises, but I'll do my best to ensure a fair investigation into Liu Lin's death. If there's any evidence that suggests your innocence, it will be taken into consideration. It's important to let the legal system handle these matters, rather than taking matters into your own hands."

"Please, take care of yourself and consider reaching out to professionals who can provide the help you need. It's never too late to seek healing and find a path forward."

The officer's words were empathetic and understanding, but I couldn't help but feel a sense of skepticism. My journey back to my hometown would soon reveal more about the haunted house and the truth behind the deaths that occurred within its walls.
