Just opened my phone, and found myself inexplicably added to a WeChat group that was in a state of mute.

At this time, the number of people in the group was 129.

"Dear passengers, good evening."

An anonymous person posted.

WeChat can still be anonymous?

Anonymous: "Due to certain reasons, the train is about to stop running. During this time, I hope all passengers can carefully read the group reminders and remember the rules of survival. Pay attention, be sure to remember!"

"1. This train is stopping in the extremely cold suburbs. Please cover yourself with a blanket, do not let your hands, feet, including head stick out of the blanket. It is very cold and very dangerous outside. The train will restart at three in the morning, providing heating.

Attention: Before three o'clock, try to sleep, do not make any noise, you can pretend to sleep.

2. This train provides free catering services, bread, eggs, mineral water are all provided free of charge, please receive food from the steward wearing a blue uniform, do not buy food from the steward in red uniform.

Attention: We only provide bread, eggs, mineral water, absolutely no other food!

Attention: There are no stewards in red uniform on this train.

Attention: If you see a steward in red uniform, please do not talk to "it", try to close your eyes and pretend to sleep.

Attention: Do not make eye contact with stewards in red uniform, otherwise, your own luck.

3. For public hygiene, please do not smoke in the train compartment, smoking is harmful to health.

Attention: if you can't stand it, you can smoke in the toilet before the train stops.

4. Once the train stops, the toilet door will lock automatically and cannot be opened. If someone can't get out, crouch down, crouch down! So as not to be seen by people outside the window!

Attention: The deserted wilderness outside the train has no one. If you see a figure outside the window, it must be an illusion.

Attention: If the person outside the toilet window starts staring at you, keep still, hold your breath until "it" leaves.

Attention: after the train stops, do not go to the toilet before three in the morning. Not safe! Not safe!"

"Reminder, 25 minutes before the train stops, if you need to go to the toilet, go to the toilet, if you want to smoke, go ahead."


"Damn! Are they crazy!"

"Who is the lunatic!"

"Playing tricks!"

After a burst of cursing in the carriage, the air suddenly became eerily quiet.


For a long time.

"Something's wrong, who added me to the group?"

"It's strange, no mutual friends, who could pull so many people into a WeChat group at once?"

The guy sleeping in the bunk opposite me put on his headphones and asked me softly, "Bro, are you in the group too?"

I nodded, but didn't say a word.

Just as the crowd was noisy for a while, the train broadcast suddenly sounded with a sweet female voice:

"Attention passengers, attention passengers, it is now August 20, 2023, one o'clock in the morning.

Due to an unknown virus outbreak at the next station, disinfection work is in progress, and the K104 train is about to stop. Passengers are requested not to panic and stay calm in the car."

It's about to stop! Immediately, I recalled the information on my phone, my mind buzzing as if electrified, feeling my scalp tingling.

Is the information in the group real? Is something bad going to happen?

The cabin fell silent, and the oppressive air became extremely heavy.

I jumped off the bed, went to the toilet ahead of everyone else, just rushed in, only to find several shadows rushing down the bed behind me...

Fortunately, my mind was quick, or else I would have to line up.

Nervous, I peed on my fingers in the toilet, already in a panic, under the pressure I cursed, "Damn! The trash train!"

As I was about to turn around and wash my hands, I suddenly had a strong feeling that a pair of eyes were staring at me - from outside the train window!

The feeling was strong, like being watched by a vulture circling ready to feast, sending chills down my spine.

Gulp! I suddenly swallowed hard.

"Don't scare yourself, trust in science."

But humans are curious creatures, the more dangerous, the more curious.

I couldn't control myself and slowly turned around to look out the window.

Even though I was somewhat prepared, I was still startled when I saw it!

There was a figu...

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