I leaned against the door, trying to stop the fat man outside from barging in with brute force, while listening to the girl in front of the mirror:

"If you can leave this restroom alive."

"Then search for scattered clues."

However, her expression became increasingly strange, and her voice was no longer calm: "Otherwise, you will stay here forever, accompanying me."

"How does it feel to never find eternal peace?"

Is she crazy?

I feel like she's gone insane too!

I glanced at my watch. According to the rules, I couldn't stay in the restroom for more than three minutes, and at this moment, the hand on the watch was approaching the last minute.

Compared to the brutal and deranged man outside, the restroom seemed slightly better.

But what would happen if I exceeded three minutes? The rules didn't say.

Nine, eight, seven...

In the countdown of the second hand, the entire restroom became a gradually collapsing pile of data, flickering with multiple frequencies like illusions.

As the last second approached, I opened the door and rushed out.

Immediately, the restroom disappeared, and even the door I entered through turned into a solid wall.

That was close, I almost got trapped here forever.

Fortunately, I don't know where that man went.

Just as I was relieved and about to catch my breath, the class monitor limped towards me with bloodied legs.

It seemed her right leg had been forcefully smashed with something sharp.

This must be the doing of that deranged man!

I started to hate him and even felt sympathy for the class monitor who was chasing after me.

Based on my speculation, I attempted to communicate with the class monitor for the first time:

"Don't kill me, you should kill the principal who caused the death of your sister, right?"

But she couldn't listen at all: "Of course, he must die, and you must die too!"

Heavens, this is simply unreasonable.

We are not even in the same grade, and it was reported in the newspaper that her sister had a fragile mental state and couldn't handle the principal's harsh criticism, so she retaliated by jumping out of the window. The police evidence didn't point to him as the killer.

Even if there were bystanders, I definitely wasn't involved.

We don't even know each other!

Communication failed, and she somehow found a baseball bat from somewhere, fiercely chasing after me.

Fortunately, she was not very agile with her legs right now, so I easily shook her off.

However, the corridor seemed endless like a Möbius strip.

When I reached the entrance of the guidance office, I recalled the words "Try to find scattered clues."

Without hesitation, I once again pushed open the door to the office.

This time, there was no sound inside. The teaching materials were neatly arranged, and the desk was clean, as if no heinous crimes had ever occurred here.

Camera? Could all the evidence be in the camera?

I searched for red dots everywhere, but unfortunately, the school hadn't installed cameras in the office.

Could it be that the violent scene just now was deliberately misleading me in this world?

According to the setting, everything was supposed to be the opposite, right?

But entering here from the depths of my mind wouldn't allow me to see such obvious clues.

So, I focused and opened the drawer, flipping through them one by one.

At that moment, a stack of photos appeared in the man's drawer. The shots were blurry, the focus was chaotic, but the figures were clear, obviously taken without consent!

And among those photos, there was a pair of twin sisters.

They were completely different from the ones I had seen now. In the photos, they were radiant, with clear eyes, so beautiful and harmonious.


Among this stack of twin sisters' photos, there was even one of me!
