All the scenery in the house was the same as before, but it was completely the opposite of reality.

For example:

The two people who had been separated did not get divorced here, and they even prepared a birthday cake for me and knew what gift I wanted.

For another example:

Today is June 9th, but the calendar shows September 6th.

This just happens to be my birthday.

I had no choice but to rush out onto the street in a panic.

Although my strong intuition told me not to go to school, no matter which direction I ran, I would always end up at the school.

While I was distracted, I inexplicably walked into the classroom.

The curtains, blackboard, desks and chairs seemed a bit smaller, like a miniature version seen through a giant rearview mirror, making me a little dizzy after looking at them for a while.

And my seatmate was unusually diligently reciting English vocabulary.

When the bell rang, the homeroom teacher with slicked-back black hair came in and announced that the entire morning would be self-study time.

Before the college entrance exam, the teachers of all subjects were racing against time to analyze the exam papers, correct mistakes, and go through the real exam questions for us. How could they leave us to self-study for the entire morning?

At this point, I was almost certain that I had never escaped this world.

The homeroom teacher standing on the podium turned his neck to us and said, "The self-study class today will be managed by the class monitor."

As soon as he left, the students in the class cheered and laughed loudly, but these noisy laughter sounded so unrealistic and absurd to me.

"Everyone, please pay attention to classroom discipline," a strange, unfamiliar voice suddenly appeared.

I followed the sound and found a short-haired girl with bangs covering half of her eyes. Her face was extremely pale, but her lips were overly red.

"Since the teacher is not here, why don't we play a movie on the multimedia?"

She said to herself, and I thought no one would listen to her, but someone immediately went to do as she said.

Something's not right.

I just realized that there was no such girl in our class!

My seatmate was like a wooden stump, keeping the same posture, staring blankly at the English vocabulary and murmuring to himself.

From the start of the movie, the atmosphere gradually became strange.

Except for the girl who called herself the class monitor, who had lively eyes, the rest were like marionettes without consciousness!

They mechanically raised their heads in unison, staring at the changing scenes of the movie, but their faces were expressionless, their eyes empty, just like my parents at home.

Could it be that they, like me, have also encountered the same situation?

The class monitor laughed recklessly at everyone, her mouth stretched out in an exaggerated way, revealing her white teeth: "What do you want to do after watching the movie?"

At this point, the bell rang,

but everyone continued to maintain the posture of looking up at the movie, as if they had not heard it.

This made me want to escape, but as soon as I stood up, I was met with the class monitor's gloomy smile: "Student, how can you still move?"

She walked towards me, her expression becoming more and more hideous.

I was sweating profusely, and my pupils shrank in fear.

Suddenly, a voice exploded in my ear: "Quick, run! Don't let her catch you!"

I didn't have time to think about whose voice it was, I just ran!

"Hiss... Ha..."

The class monitor's breathing became rapid, but the hissing sound was still in my ear, she caught up to me!

I rushed out of the corridor, but everywhere was closed classrooms, I had nowhere to hide.

Soon, I ran to the end of the corridor and fainted into the suffocating darkness.

When I woke up again, I was back in that strange classroom!

Compared to just now, I felt that my willpower and self-awareness were more restricted, and my sluggish and dull movements were almost no different from the marionettes around me.

But I was very clear that I could not be controlled by her.

The meaningless snow screen was looping on the multimedia, the movie had ended long ago.

And the class monitor's voice seemed to flash a gloomy tone:

"Perhaps you must really hate having your physical education class replaced by exams?"

At this time, the note in my mind flashed:

"Don't attend physical education class!"
