Only a few high-level executives have full access.

The message sender is an anonymous user with a black avatar, and you can't tell who it is.

Are they trying to stir up trouble without taking responsibility?


"Who is it?"

"Sherly, the HR director, what's she up to?"

"Who granted anonymous access?"


HR director Sherly: "I'm sorry, I'll check right away!"

A deathly silence fell over the group.

Until ten minutes later, the company's big boss, who had never shown up in the internal group before, actually made an appearance.

Just one sentence: "All departments will work overtime until 12 o'clock tonight. Project 1 will be launched ahead of schedule. Everyone, work hard and thank you for your efforts."

Swish, swish, swish!

Immediately, there was a line of "Received!" below.

The big boss added, "HR will calculate overtime pay according to the regulations."

For a while, the group was filled with praises and compliments.

Even though it was the dead of winter, those who kissed up were popping up like mushrooms after rain.

Especially the "thumbs-up" emoji, everyone used it perfectly.

Then, I heard the VP in charge of HR roaring, "Who the hell is that anonymous person? Find out right away!"

I was about to pull the keyboard over and resign myself to hard work when the pop-up appeared again.

"Reminder: Dear workers, it's time to go home!

If you insist on working overtime, please follow the rules below:

1. If unnecessary, please try not to move around, as there may be fatal dangers anywhere other than your workstation.

2. Smoking is prohibited in public areas! Warning: The original smoking room is extremely dangerous and cannot be used for now!

3. Don't eat the staff meals! Don't eat the staff meals! Don't eat the staff meals! You can order takeout!

4. Be vigilant of food delivery.

5. Don't make coffee! Don't make coffee! Don't make coffee!

6. This rule will be in effect until the death quota at dawn reaches 4 people. Good luck surviving!"

- Anonymous!

At this point, it was time to leave work.


Our department head, Lu Ming, was roaring, "Who the hell did this? I'll skin him alive!"

I glanced at Da Pan, who was sitting at the desk next to me.

Da Pan pursed his lips and turned to ask our supervisor, Ye Tao, "Tao Ge, should I confront him?"

Ye Tao adjusted his glasses and didn't even lift his head, "Old Zhang's team is already on it."

Da Pan pushed the keyboard away, clearly unhappy.

Ye Tao used to work hard too. He led our team and had face even with the big boss.

But that was in the past.

On the desk to my left was Xiao Zhao, a new intern who had recently joined.

A girl in her early twenties, full of tricks. Even on such a cold day, she still wore her usual schoolgirl outfit with white knee-high socks and twin tails.

Let me put it this way, in our tech industry, women are considered rare and precious creatures, and Xiao Zhao, well, she must have been born with the blood of a panda.

As far as I know, there are at least a dozen male colleagues who are circling around her in the company.

But Xiao Zhao is quite obedient and not demanding. She followed me after joining the team and wasn't fussy.

Xiao Zhao looked up cautiously and asked me, "Brother Ze, does our company really play this kind of game?"

"Mo Fang, obviously someone is playing a prank. Let's just do our own work." I said casually, but my heart was pounding a bit.

"Take a look at your OKR progress report. It's a good opportunity to work overtime, isn't it?"

At this moment, Ye Tao suddenly stood up and clapped his hands.

The ceiling light shone on his thin face, casting a cold white glow.

"Stopright there!" Ye Tao's voice echoed in the office.

The room fell silent, and all eyes turned towards Ye Tao, who had never shown such authority before.

"I know some of you are concerned about the anonymous messages we've been receiving," Ye Tao continued. "But let me assure you that it's just a prank, nothing more."

A collective sigh of relief swept through the room. The tension that had been building up suddenly dissipated.

"As professionals, we need to focus on our work and not be distracted by such antics," Ye Tao emphasized. "Our priority right now is to meet the deadline for Project 1. Let's channel our energy into that."

The team members nodded in agreement, their confidence gradually restored.

"Now, let's get back to work," Ye Tao concluded, his voice firm and resolute. "We have a goal to achieve, and I believe in each and every one of you."

The team dispersed, returning to their desks with renewed determination.

As I sat down, I couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Ye Tao. He had effectively diffused the tension in the room and refocused everyone's attention on their work.

But amidst the relief, a lingering curiosity remained. Who was behind those anonymous messages? And why?

As the night wore on and the team diligently worked towards the project deadline, the anonymous messages were momentarily forgotten. The office buzzed with a mix of concentration and anticipation.

Finally, at midnight, Project 1 was successfully launched ahead of schedule. The team members cheered and celebrated their accomplishment, feeling a sense of pride and satisfaction.

As we prepared to leave for the night, Ye Tao approached me.

"Ze, I want you to investigate those anonymous messages," he said, his expression serious.

"Me?" I asked, surprised by the request. "Why me?"

"Because I trust your analytical skills and your ability to handle sensitive matters," Ye Tao replied. "I want to uncover the truth behind those messages and ensure that our team members can work in a safe and supportive environment."

I nodded, feeling a mix of responsibility and intrigue. It seemed like this mysterious prankster had unwittingly brought me a new challenge.

As I left the office that night, I couldn't help but wonder what secrets lay hidden within the company and who was playing this dangerous game.

The journey to uncover the truth had just begun.
