Warm liquid splashed onto my face, and I saw Wu Yuqi's right hand rolling to the side of my feet.

My hand trembled, and the knife fell down.

Next to me, Luo Mengying and the others screamed and huddled together.

"Lin Bao, have you gone crazy..." Zhang Junhan stared at me in disbelief.

"I'm not crazy. There's no way to save Wu Yuqi in that state. Since there's a glimmer of hope, I don't want to die!"

I trembled all over, looked up at Zhang Junhan, and gritted my teeth.

"I agree, Lin Bao. If there's a chance to stay alive, why not fight for it!"

Chen Taotao resolutely walked over. She picked up the knife on the ground and without hesitation, she struck down.

But Chen Taotao's strength was too weak, and she didn't manage to break Wu Yuqi's bones.

Zhang Junhan and Luo Mengying quickly went over to help.

Finally, the five of us, at the entrance of the restroom, successfully cut off Wu Yuqi's limbs and tongue.

After everything was done, Song Xin's phone rang, indicating a countdown of fourteen minutes.

We held our breath, filled with unease and fear, waiting silently.

We waited for more than a minute, and nothing happened. Chen Taotao couldn't help but sob.

Then the rest of us finally couldn't hold back and burst into tears.

Perhaps we were happy to have saved our own lives, or perhaps we were remorseful for cruelly severing our roommate's limbs...

Song Xin hugged me, whispering in my ear, "Bao, I feel unforgivable."

I reached out and gently patted her back. "You're not wrong. I know you did it for us."

Song Xin sat up straight, looking at me with disbelief. "You know?"

I nodded gently.

I've known Song Xin since we were little. How could I not understand her?

She gets nervous every time she lies, just as she did when she spoke just now.

So I knew that she didn't check Wu Yuqi's breathing when she saw her.

And at that chaotic and frightening moment, no one remembered these details.

Song Xin fabricated the lie that Wu Yuqi might turn into something terrible to lessen our guilt and make us believe it.

Because she knew that as long as someone died in the manner described in Luo Mengying's story, it would be considered punishment.

That way, we could survive.

But in the end, she couldn't bring herself to be that ruthless, so I decided to take action.

Human nature always seeks self-preservation. As long as I took the lead, those who wanted to survive would naturally follow...

Fortunately, we succeeded.

The lights in the dorm suddenly went out, and our hearts, which had just calmed down, tensed up again.

But soon, the light returned.

A new note appeared on the back of the dormitory door.

This time, the note had more words, and it read as follows:

"Rule change successful. Horrific stories are allowed to be told in the dormitory, but each person is limited to telling one."

"Before telling six horrific stories, leaving the dormitory is not permitted."
