Later, we shouted on the balcony for a long time, but we never heard anyone's voice again.

"Perhaps, everyone else is already dead," Chen Taotao looked very discouraged.

Song Xin patted her shoulder and said, "Not necessarily. Maybe some people have already broken the rules and escaped from this ghostly place."

Bang, bang, bang--

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door of our dormitory.

We looked at each other and dared not to speak.

"Is anyone there? Can you let me in?" the person outside the door shouted.

"Why don't we let her in? The rules don't say we can't let anyone in." Luo Mengying said.

"Yeah, let's let her in. Then we'll have six people, and we can complete six stories," Chen Taotao, who had been very discouraged just now, suddenly lit up.

Zhang Junhan was hesitant: "But, we don't know what kind of person the one outside is, and what her intentions are. What if she's like the girl just now..."

"The five of us are afraid of her? To her, we are also unknown... "This is a good opportunity to escape. We can't miss it!"

Song Xin thought for a moment and made a serious analysis.

Finally, we decided to take a chance, so we opened the door.

The girl outside the door was disheveled, covered in bloodstains, and looked like she had gone through a terrifying experience.

She must have had some ability to survive from the dormitory.

All of this was analyzed before we opened the door.

So when the girl came in, we kept a certain distance from her and asked her to truthfully reveal all her information.

It turned out that this girl's name was Zhong Ting, and she also escaped from the dormitory after a series of rules.

But in order to leave here, she had to listen to six terrifying stories from six different dormitories.

Now, she was only one story away from succeeding.

To make us trust her, she even took out a piece of paper that belonged to their dormitory, which had the rules written on it.

The pattern and texture of the paper were very special, and it was indeed the same as the one we saw in our dormitory.

So, she should not be lying.

To show sincerity, we also showed her the paper from our dormitory.

Finally, we reached a mutual agreement with her.

She would listen to a terrifying story from our dormitory, and then she would tell a terrifying story in our dormitory.

This way, both parties could leave the dormitory.

Finally, to ensure the safety of both parties, we decided that our dormitory would tell the story first, Zhong Ting would tell the second, and then our dormitory would finish the rest.

Before, Luo Mengying and Zhang Junhan had already told their stories, so it was my turn, excluding Wu Yuqi.

I took a deep breath and began to tell my story.

"In a dormitory building at a certain university, someone would go to the door to sell weight loss methods every night.

"Because it had always been rumored to be dirty, nobody dared to respond, and could only allow the other party to keep knocking.

"But there was a fat male student who really wanted it, so he had been waiting for the salesman to come.

"Finally, one night, the salesman knocked on the fat male student's dormitory door.

"Without a word, the fat male student opened the door to find a skinny old man outside. He told the old man that he wanted the weight loss secret.

"The old man just smiled at the student and walked away without saying anything.

"The next day, the guy's bed was soaked in blood, his roommate lifted his blanket and found that he was twisted into a spiral like a towel, without any fat left, not even flesh or bone..."

After telling the story, I looked at Zhong Ting. "Now, it's your turn."

But Zhong Ting suddenly pointed behind me and let out a scream.

We all turned our heads to look, and at that moment, Zhong Ting took out a fruit knife from her body and stabbed me.
