I found that my parents have become abnormal.

On the weekend, they went to the "West Suburb Theater" to watch shadow puppetry, and their temperament changed drastically after coming back home.

My dad, who has always been a vegetarian, started eating raw meat.

My mom, who likes idol dramas, started watching horror movies.

They, who used to go to bed early and wake up early, often stay up all night.

My dad took out fresh meat from the refrigerator and gnawed on it, his mouth full of blood.

My mom turned off the lights and stared with wide eyes in the pitch-black living room, completely absorbed in watching horror movies with blood and evil spirits.

They still manage to get up and go to work as usual.

I tried to communicate with my parents.

However, they became emotionally agitated and started swearing and using foul language after just three sentences.

If I ask a couple more questions, they immediately become furious and unpredictable.

Dad waves a kitchen knife, threatening to "chop me into minced meat."

Mom holds an embroidery needle, wanting to sew my mouth shut.
