The chubby kid who took the newspaper came rushing towards us with the newspaper in his hands.

Jiang Yuntian's "Holy shit" perfectly matched my current mood.

Maybe I can accept being impulsive and harming myself, but I've decided that I can't accept others being impulsive and involving me.

Chubby kid, I'll remember you.

"My name is Liang Xiaopang, good fortune is meant to be shared, we should face difficulties together later." The man who snatched the newspaper unfolded it in front of us and generously shared information.

Me and Jiang Yuntian: ?

Forcing others to sell, right?

[A ghost's patience doesn't last more than ten minutes.]

While that old ghost hasn't reacted yet, I quickly read the content of the newspaper.

The newspaper was filled with densely packed photos, and in each photo, the people had expressions of fear.

Where's the information about the black card?

Finally, in the gap in the middle of the newspaper, I saw a few small red words: [The black card is hidden in a building that is lit up with red light.]

A building lit up with red light?

I remembered Jiang Yuntian's text message.

[Do not enter the building lit up with red light, if you do, good luck to you.]

Just as I was contemplating, the red card old ghost had already taken action.

The chubby kid tried to slip away after handing me the newspaper.

He had just said we should face difficulties together, and now it has become "I'll face the difficulties"?

Fortunately, Jiang Yuntian grabbed the chubby kid.

I stuffed the newspaper back into the chubby kid's hands and said, "Chubby kid, quickly return the newspaper to its owner. Why are you so rude, taking other people's things without permission?"

"I...I dare not!" The chubby kid said, then let go of his hand, and the newspaper fell to the ground.

The fallen newspaper slowly floated up and flew back into the hands of the old ghost.

"You see, this newspaper is sensible, it can return by itself."

The chubby kid was relieved, but strange things happened.

"While others accidentally step on landmines, you directly dance in the minefield, right?"

Jiang Yuntian cast a reproachful look at the chubby kid.

The red card old ghost held the newspaper with both hands.

What's eerie is that although it had nothing on its face, I could clearly feel that it was smiling at us.

The red card old ghost slightly lowered its head and began to read the newspaper, "Li Si, will die in a car accident three seconds from now."

Just as the words fell, a truck appeared from behind me, passed through my body, and headed towards a middle-aged man wearing glasses.

The truck didn't pass through the man, instead, it ruthlessly crushed him.

Then I clearly saw a new photo appearing on the newspaper in the old ghost's hand, and the person in the photo was the man who had just been crushed!

"Run!" Someone in the crowd shouted.

The old ghost spoke again, "Chi Han, works at a brick company..."

It's over, it's my turn!

If I run now, can I escape?

Before I die, I have something to say, "Let me clarify, I don't work at a brick company."

"Miss, does it still matter to argue about this at this point?"

The old ghost ignored me and continued reading, "Chi Han, works at a brick company..."

"Woof woof woof!" Little Black suddenly barked.

I almost forgot about this dog.

Huh, that old ghost... seems to have shut up.

All the people who were prepared to escape suddenly froze in place.

[Remain still when the dog barks.]

Now is a great opportunity for me to escape.

But...remain still when the dog barks...

Forget it, I feel like the old ghost is more terrifying.

So I ran out of the convenience store.

Little Black was still barking.

"Didn't they say to remain still when the dog barks? Why is sherunning away?" someone in the crowd murmured.

I didn't have time to explain. I just knew that if I stayed there, I would be the next victim.

As I sprinted down the street, I could hear the sound of chaos behind me. People were panicking, trying to escape the impending disasters predicted by the old ghost.

I needed to find a safe place, away from the reach of the red card old ghost.

But where could I go?

I racked my brain, trying to think of a building lit up with red light. There were a few bars and clubs in the area, but none of them came to mind as having a distinct red light.

Then, a thought struck me. The red light district!

There was a small red light district on the outskirts of the city, known for its adult entertainment establishments. It was a place I had never been to, but if there was any building lit up with red light, it would be there.

Without wasting a second, I hailed a taxi and gave the driver the address of the red light district.

As the taxi sped through the streets, I couldn't help but feel a mix of fear and anticipation. I didn't know what awaited me in that district, but it was my only lead to finding the black card.

After what felt like an eternity, the taxi finally arrived at the red light district. The area was bustling with activity, neon signs illuminating the streets in various shades of red.

I paid the taxi driver and stepped out onto the sidewalk. The air was thick with a mixture of excitement and sleaze. I took a deep breath and started walking, my eyes scanning the buildings for any signs of a black card.

As I wandered deeper into the district, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The atmosphere was heavy, and I couldn't shake off the feeling that I was being watched.

Just as I was about to give up and leave, a particular building caught my attention. It stood out from the rest with its intense red glow, emanating from every window and door.

This must be it, I thought.

With a mixture of trepidation and determination, I approached the building. The entrance was guarded by a burly bouncer, who eyed me suspiciously.

"What's your business here?" he gruffly asked.

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to answer. But then, I remembered the words I had read in the newspaper: "The black card is hidden in a building that is lit up with red light."

Summoning my courage, I replied, "I'm here for the black card."

The bouncer's eyes widened, and he motioned for me to follow him inside.

I stepped into the dimly lit interior of the building, my heart pounding in my chest. What awaited me here? Would I finally find the black card?

As I ventured further into the building, guided by the bouncer, I couldn't shake off the feeling that I had entered a different world. The air was heavy with smoke and the sound of music reverberated through the walls.

Finally, we reached a door at the end of a long corridor. The bouncer turned to me and said, "Behind this door lies your destiny. Good luck."

With that, he opened the door, revealing a room bathed in red light.

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what lay ahead, and stepped through the doorway, ready to face whatever challenges awaited me in my quest for the black card.
