Back downstairs, I carefully explained to them.

In fact, if we understand the rules this time, we will know how to survive.

If the wrong ball is found, his father will appear immediately, which means the correct ball is linked to the father and the ball.

When I took out the wrong ball, sure enough, dad appeared.

Moreover, dad was facing us head-on at the time, with his back to us, that is, his head and body were opposite, which was a reminder point for us.

Dad's head is the ball that naughty kids like the most, only when the right ball is chosen will dad not appear.

As for why I dared to throw the ball into their house, it was also a hint given in the rules.

The ball cannot be hidden in the neighbor's house, the upper floor has only one long corridor, there is nothing very special to hide objects, it won't give us a fatal task, so there is no point.

There is also the phrase that if the naughty kid finds the right ball, we are in danger, which means only the naughty kid can find this ball for himself.

When going out to find the ball, it's only the naughty kid, which also confirms my guess.

So hiding the ball in his own home, his family will not tell him, this is the rule.

After listening to my analysis, everyone praised me.

I smiled bitterly, I just watch a lot of TV series and novels, I can't guarantee to be right every time.

After completing the task of hiding the ball this time, the old man did not announce any new tasks for a week.

Every day, I carefully reviewed the recent experiences, reminding myself to be careful, otherwise, with one careless move, I could lose my life forever.

"Choose the favorite clothes for the female neighbor upstairs tonight."

"The female neighbor doesn't like black."

"The clothes that the female neighbor likes are very close to her body."

"The female neighbor likes dresses and thinks the shorter the better."

"The chosen clothes must be worn on her body, only when chosen correctly can it be put on."

"Remember to observe the female neighbor's makeup, the makeup and her dress match."

I remembered all the rules announced by the old man word for word.

It was soon evening, the room upstairs was opened, which was the female neighbor's house.

Unlike I imagined, the room was very bright, the light was glaring.

The room was filled with mirrors, the entire wall was covered with bright mirrors.

"Hello, is anyone home?"

"Come in."

Entering the room, I didn't see the female neighbor, only heard the sound of water coming from the bedroom.

Is she taking a shower?

We sat on the sofa, not daring to move around.

We could only keep looking around and observing the layout of the room, hoping to find some clues.

The female neighbor seemed to love mirrors, even the ceiling was made of mirrors.

The surface of the refrigerator was also covered with mirrors, sitting on the sofa, countless reflections of me were projected in the mirrors.

The door of the bedroom opened...

She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, so beautiful that she didn't look real.

Fair and smooth melon seed face without a single pore, a pair of expressive eyes, watery.

Long, dark, curled eyelashes, rosy lips, pearly white teeth.

She was wearing a silk nightgown, white like creamy, her slim body was alluring.

Some male residents showed a fascinated look.

"Today, I'll trouble you to pick out clothes for me."

She said with a smile and gestured towards the bedroom door.

"All my clothes are in there, you can go choose."

Her bedroom was very large, almost filled with wardrobes, and there was a separate dressing room inside.

The dressing room was also large, filled with hanging clothes.

There were so many types of clothes, all styles were there.

Just no autumn or winter, all summer clothes.

I picked up a random piece and found that the texture of the clothes was very good.

I carefully touched several pieces, they all felt good.

Observing carefully under the light, if it's a frequently worn piece of clothing, there would be faint traces.

The light penetrated through the fabric when it was held against the light.

I looked at several pieces but didn't find anything different.

At this time, several men walked out with clothes in their hands.

After they went out for a while and there was no movement, I furrowed my brow.

Did we choose the right clothes?

"Sis, those people are gone."

Jinfei whispered to me in my ear.

She had been quietly watching the whole time, and when those people went out with clothes, they disappeared.

The door had been closed since we entered, and there was no sound of them leaving.

I looked at the clothes in front of me, but I was really clueless.

With so many clothes, which one was her favorite?

One after another, several people walked out with what they thought was the female neighbor's favorite clothes.

But just like the previous ones, they disappeared after going out.

I held a purple skirt in my hand, observing the situation inside the room sneakily.

I saw that those who had just taken clothes out were standing still dazedly.

The female neighbor's long, transparent nails ran across the clothes, a faint smile appeared on her face.

When she turned around, her footsteps paused for a moment.

At that moment, the people in front of her walked directly into the mirror one by one.

The mirror rippled like water on the lake, then returned to calm.

Did they all go into the mirror because they chose the wrong person?

I watched this scene thoughtfully.

"Is this the one you picked for me?"

The female neighbor walked up to me, staring at the skirt in my hand.

"Do you like purple?"

"I do, except for black, I like all colors."

"I'll just choose again, and confirm it properly."

Taking the skirt back to the dressing room and hanging it back in place.

Suddenly I remembered something, so I carefully touched the white clothes and the clothes of other colors.

Observing under the light, an idea formed in my mind.

"Sis, which one do you think is the correct one?"

"Do you have any thoughts?"

Golden fei looked at me hesitantly.

"Sis, my brain is not good, I have no clue, whatever you choose, I'll follow you. I trust you."

I patted Jinfei's cold hand and comforted her.

The people who had ideas all went out, leaving only a few who kept looking at me.

I hung back the white skirt in my hand.

"I know which one it is, let's go."

Jinfei also looked at me in surprise, seemingly not expecting that I had already found out.

The female neighbor maintained a perfect posture, sitting on the sofa.

When she saw us coming out, she gave a standard smile.

"Did you find it?"

"Found it, you're already wearing it."

She looked at me innocently, pointing to the nightgown she was wearing.

"Are you talking about this one?"

"No, I mean the one inside you, or it can be said, your skin."

The female neighbor's smile froze, her mouth twisted at an odd angle.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

She looked at me, slowly stretched out her hand, and peeled off the nightgown she was wearing.

Her body was also perfect, white as jade with no visible flaws.

The female neighbor's mouth suddenly opened, and her eyes watched as it stretched bigger and bigger, until a hand emerged from inside.

We watched as a woman crawled out from the female neighbor's mouth, after going through several experiences, this time was truly the most heart-stopping.

The woman's body was covered in scars, not a single spot was unharmed, there were wriggling white worms on the scars.
