After a long wait, the screen in the cafeteria finally lit up, and a mysterious figure appeared:

"Dinner is about to begin, and there is a poisoner hidden in the cafeteria."

"If you can't discover the identity of the poisoner, you will never be able to leave."

"Someone will poison the food? And there is a spy in the cafeteria?" I nervously reminded Yi Linyang. He furrowed his brows, seemingly thinking of something bad.

The dinner time arrived, and indeed, the cafeteria was filled with various foods, arranged as a buffet.

Although there were many types of dishes, at first glance, they were all dark cuisine, eerie and hair-raising.

The culinary skills here are too impressive; just by looking at them, one feels satisfied.

For example, braised pork belly with soft and rotten oranges, stir-fried dragon bones with tomato skins, the sauce was mushy and completely mixed together, with a vibrant and intense appearance.

Stir-fried cauliflower looked like charred tumors; cucumber mixed with vinegar and topped with a layer of white, gooey sauce.

Burnt lion's head meatballs and honey-glazed char siu were blackened and seemed inedible. Sweet and sour spare ribs still had blood streaks on them, mingling with yellow and red colors, half-raw, revealing pale bone fragments.

The peppery bullfrog was not peeled, appearing as a blackish-gray sticky lump. The steamed fish and egg dish had boiled eel emerging from the solidified egg mixture, raising its head and opening its mouth.

The egg custard was covered in dense mold, resembling a dish for culturing fungi.

The ant-steamed egg was covered in twisted ants on the white eggs.

I really dare not choose anything!

In this malicious cafeteria, there won't be any good food to eat.

The trap during dinner is glaringly obvious; there must be poison mixed in.

But how will the poisoner strike?

Everyone rushed forward, nervously selecting and fighting over the best dishes, fearing they would be affected. Some even got into fights over a plate of green vegetable leaves.

The self-service food in the cafeteria was mostly contaminated, with terrifying appearances as if they contained Clostridium botulinum. Students avoided those and eagerly grabbed the ones that looked normal and clean.

However, Yi Linyang deliberately chose the rotten dishes, such as pickled fish, moldy tofu skins, blackened lion's head meatballs, and so on, picking them one by one and putting them on his plate.

I was about to take a meat sandwich and used chopsticks to stir it around, inspecting it, and it seemed fine. But Yi Linyang immediately knocked it out of my hand and said, "The filling is wrong, don't eat it!"

When I saw the dishes in his plate, I was scared out of my wits. "You can't eat this pickled fish either; it's full of toxins."

The fish was almost rotten, with yellow-brown fuzzy mold on it, apparently aflatoxin, which is highly carcinogenic.

He forcefully picked up a piece of pickled fish and said, "Eat this."

I was at a loss for words, on the verge of tears. I could see that seven types of food were already on my plate, and the self-service section of the cafeteria was empty. I could only return to my seat and prepare to eat.

Other people had started eating at their tables. The cafeteria used to be filled with laughter and joy, but now everyone had fearful faces, eating cautiously and nervously, all for the sake of completing the mission.

I started to miss the old cafeteria. What harm were a few bugs? At least they were a good source of protein.

It was apparent that there were problems with certain foods. Occasionally, people felt nauseous and dizzy, with foam dripping from their mouths, then clutching their stomachs and rolling on the floor.

After being poisoned, these struggling individuals, in their irrational state, would even desperately bash themselves against the walls, emitting a grating sound.

Even eating a plate of stir-fried beans could lead to trouble.

Some students were cautious and chose green string beans that appeared healthy.

However, uncooked string beans, seemingly harmless, actually contained highly toxic saponins.

I wanted to help, but those who had chosen the wrong food quickly became motionless.

I could only face thechaotic scene with fear and anxiety, desperately searching for any clues that could help me identify the poisoner.

I glanced around the cafeteria, trying to observe any suspicious behavior. My eyes landed on a group of students huddled together, whispering and casting furtive glances around them. Their behavior seemed odd, as if they were conspiring about something.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to approach them cautiously. As I got closer, I overheard fragments of their conversation.

"...making sure no one notices..."

"...the poison in the food..."

"...blame it on someone else..."

My heart raced with a mix of fear and determination. Could these students be the poisoners? I needed to gather more evidence before accusing anyone.

Unbeknownst to them, I discreetly positioned myself nearby, pretending to focus on my own plate of relatively safe food while keeping an ear out for any incriminating conversations.

As the students continued their discussion, I managed to catch a few more snippets of their dialogue:

"...the poison disguised as seasoning..."

"...keep an eye on everyone's reactions..."

"...ensure chaos and panic..."

The pieces were starting to come together. It seemed these students were intentionally poisoning the food and orchestrating the ensuing chaos. But why? Was it a personal grudge or part of a larger plan?

Just as I was about to approach them and confront them directly, Yi Linyang discreetly signaled me to stay put and observe further. He had been quietly observing the situation from a distance, and his intuition told him that there might be more to uncover.

I trusted Yi Linyang's instincts, so I held back and continued my covert surveillance. Suddenly, one of the students from the suspicious group got up and approached the food serving area. I watched as they discreetly added a small vial of liquid to a pot of soup that was about to be served to the students.

That was the moment I had been waiting for. I quickly alerted the cafeteria staff, and together we intercepted the tainted soup before it reached the tables.

The student who had attempted to poison the soup was immediately apprehended, and their co-conspirators were identified and detained as well. It turned out that they were a group of disgruntled students who had been plotting to create chaos in the cafeteria and blame it on innocent individuals.

Their motive was a convoluted mix of personal grievances and a misguided attempt to gain attention. They believed that by causing such a commotion, they would be noticed and their perceived injustices would be addressed.

Thanks to our vigilance and quick action, disaster was averted, and the poisoners were apprehended. The cafeteria returned to its usual state, and the remaining students could finally enjoy a safe and peaceful meal.

As for the poisoners, they faced severe consequences for their actions. The school administration took immediate disciplinary measures, and the incident served as a wake-up call for the entire student body.

From that day forward, the cafeteria implemented stricter security measures to prevent any further incidents. The safety and well-being of the students became the top priority, and the school community grew stronger in the face of adversity.

Although the experience was harrowing, it taught us the importance of staying vigilant and working together to ensure the safety of everyone in the community.

And so, with the poisoner apprehended and the situation resolved, we could finally breathe a sigh of relief, grateful that no lives were lost and the mission to uncover the poisoner was successful.
