This is obviously a very absurd thing, I don't know why these lines of words appeared, but my intuition tells me that this is something useful for me, and my sixth sense did not miss it.

I wanted to leave the mall, but when I turned around, I found that the entire mall's doors had all been changed from glass to metal, sealed tightly and impossible to open. The security guard was nowhere to be seen. The huge sunset outside was falling, and the dim sunlight cast shadows in front of the door, making it feel like a black prison that was suffocating.

I persistently searched for a way out, but without exception, all doors were closed.

A young couple stood in front of the door of Building 3, looking anxious to leave.

"How come this darn door is closed? There's a show later, we'll be late."

There were some people gathered around, all very puzzled about why the mall's doors had suddenly changed in this manner.

At that moment, my phone vibrated, and the main page text changed: "Please crouch down and hold an umbrella within 1 minute. Remember, only one person can be under an umbrella."

A blood-red countdown began, and my ominous premonition grew stronger.

But it was too ridiculous to hold an umbrella in this mall, especially on a sunny day when many people had not brought umbrellas.

I happened to have the habit of always carrying an umbrella.

Most people saw this message on the page, but not many paid attention.

To avoid being called crazy, I secretly found a corner to open the umbrella and crouched down.

"Did you also see the message on the phone?"

A crisp female voice rang out, I raised the umbrella a bit and saw a young girl who also had an umbrella, opened it, and crouched down next to me.

I said yes.

She wanted to say something more, but the one-minute countdown had already ended, and the phone alarm sounded sharply, startling me.

There was no change or incident.

A man passing by apparently also saw the message on the phone but scoffed at it, laughing mockingly at the two of us for actually crouching down with an umbrella, "Only fools would believe this prank."

I looked around and saw no change happening, my face turned red, ready to close the umbrella and stand up.

However, he suddenly screamed in pain, the agonizing wails shaking my heart, what happened?

Just as I was about to ask, I realized his head was uncontrollably tilting back, his neck folding backward, as if an unimaginable force was tearing at his neck, until the flesh on his neck had been torn apart, with a large amount of blood gushing out from the torn gap, splashing everywhere.

This scene scared me so much that my hand, about to close the umbrella, stopped.

I struggled to tilt the umbrella in a slanted position to block out that terrifying scene, shakily took out my phone, and stared at the screen.

The next moment, the phone's instructions were updated again.

"Please randomly enter a store within 2 minutes, you can ask the store assistant one question, remember, only one.”

I stood up, saw the girl next to me still in shock, following the principle of saving lives, I pulled her up, ready to walk into the nearby store.

There were many bodies along the way, bloodstains everywhere in the mall, some loudly crying, some with a blank expression, but the one thing common was that they were all moving into different stores.

I didn't have time to feel disgusted, I just wanted to stay alive.

The nearest store was a noodle shop, I pushed open the door and found six other people inside besides some bodies.

We walked into the store, and saw the shop owner smiling, standing in the hall, the expressions of the people inside were varied.

"May I ask, are there any rules to be aware of in the store?"

His mechanical voice rang out: "This shop is small, it can only accommodate eight people, any extra guests will be made into delicacies.”

I glanced around and found a seat just right, so I sat down with the girl, about to comfort her, after all, at such a young age, being scared by such a scene was normal.

The alarm rang once again, the countdown ended.

The shop owner, still smiling, suddenly grabbed the girl's hand, I didn't understand what was happening, she struggled desperately, trying to escape, "Help me, save me."

Her youthful face was now full of tearful fear, the person who had just timidly talked to me had now turned into this state.

I wanted to help her, but I didn't dare to ask a second question, so I could only watch her being taken away.

I only heard a man next to me comforting a chubby woman, "Don't be afraid, take care of yourself, our baby is still in your belly."

Because I was the one leading her, I was the ninth person.

As I heard the wailing from the kitchen, fear made my heart tremble, I had caused her harm.

Not long after, the shop owner brought out a few bowls of noodles, "Beef noodles are here, each guest has one, do not fight, make sure to finish them all. To ensure the freshness of the noodles, everyone must finish in 10 minutes."

Her menacing smile still lingered on her lips, and no one dared to defy her.

The meat slices on top were still a fresh blood-red color, this was her meat. I resisted the nausea and took a bowl of noodles.

"Can I eat on behalf of her?" the pregnant woman's husband spoke up, the pregnant woman clearly had a strong desire to vomit and couldn't eat.

The shop owner pondered for a moment, looking at the pregnant woman's belly, and said, "Pregnant women need extra nutrition, she needs to eat a portion equal to that of two people."

This was a word game, if the pregnant woman ate two portions, there would still be one portion left for the baby. She needed to eat three portions of noodles, but there were only eight bowls here, destined for one person to not get to eat noodles.

Hearing this, everyone, including myself, began to eat the noodles voraciously, afraid that someone might not get to eat.

The pregnant woman was already too scared to eat, and could only dry heave on the side.

Her husband's face turned pale, they were going to die here today.

In order to survive, the husband had no choice but to ignore his wife and eat a bowl of noodles.

When the countdown ended, the wife still couldn't eat anything, she was immediately picked up by the shop owner and taken to the kitchen. The man kept pulling at his hair, he loved his wife and child, but in a life or death situation, he chose to live.

I had no sympathy for him, I just took out my phone again, waiting for new messages.

"In three minutes, there will be a wonderful performance on the first floor, hope everyone arrives on time."

The phone vibrated again, and a new message appeared.

Without hesitation, I walked out to the stage that had been set up outside.

Next to the stage was a sign that read: "Please take your seats in order, no talking allowed."

To my surprise, I saw my name on the judging panel. This was truly unbelievable.

I was among the first to arrive, watching as more and more people came, each one sitting down in their designated seats, filling up all the empty spots. I felt waves of shock in my heart.

The deaths were so random, so why were these seats perfectly filled with the people who survived?

This was definitely not a coincidence, there was something controlling all of this.

The attendants came over, checking each name on the list and the corresponding person in the seat, once confirmed, they signaled to start the show.

Men in red lantern pants, bare-chested, holding waist drums, walked onto the stage.

The backdrop was red, they were dressed in red, the scene before my eyes blurred into a red haze, I could barely see these people dancing traditional drumming, like flickering flames.

After the dance ended, my phone vibrated once again: "Please arrive at the 5th floor within 2 minutes, there you will find what you desire."

I hesitated, the elevator ride up and down would already take 2 minutes.

I had just passed those elevators, only one elevator went straight there and could only hold a maximum of 14 people, but there were definitely more than 14 people here.

It was another frantic dash, running because I knew the way, I quickly made it to the side of that elevator. I wasn't too late, there weren't many people inside yet.

The people inside kept frantically pressing the elevator's close button, and since we came in shortly after, I managed to get in.

It wasn't until the elevator was full with 14 people, seemingly possessed, that the people outside kept pressing the open button to no avail, the elevator began to ascend.

I glanced over the people in the elevator, including myself, there were only 4 women, no elderly or children.

One of the women in a sexy tight skirt spoke up, "Don't you think this place is very eerie?"

The man next to her cursed out loud, "Do you really need to say that."

"I always feel like this is a screening process." I spoke up.

"I feel the same way." A hoarse male voice continued, he wore a mask so I couldn't see his face clearly, but he gave me a weird sense of familiarity.

The elevator reached the 5th floor, and the countdown ended.

As the doors opened, we were greeted by a long corridor, with pictures and text about the introduction of this mall.

There was a tour guide standing there, expressionless, guiding us through the corridor while mechanically reading out the text.

World Trade Plaza, established in 2004...

The sound of panting came from behind, as someone climbed the stairs.

It was the husband of the pregnant woman.

Seeing us, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards us.

"I also managed to escape, haha."

Noticing that none of us paid him any attention, he felt a bit puzzled, "Why are you all looking at me like that with those eyes?"

"Rule number two, no using the stairs." The tour guide stopped the mechanized reading, staring at the man with a dead stare.

His eyes turned particularly fearful, he must have forgotten this rule.

Under everyone's gaze, his flesh began to fall off in pieces, revealing his internal organs, in an instant, the ground was littered with fragments of skin, fat, and organs, blood flowing everywhere.

Even after seeing countless bodies on the way, witnessing this scene, my mind went blank and a cold shiver went down my spine.

"Ugh." Someone couldn't help it and ran to the side to vomit.

"Let's continue." The tour guide looked at the bodies on the ground and forced a small smile.

As we finished the corridor, the notification sound of my phone rang out:

"Congratulations to all for completing the first round of challenges, in 15 minutes, the second round will begin. Participants 287, survivors 14. Friendly reminder: Please keep your phone charged."

I checked my battery level, luckily it was fully charged before leaving, after all the running around, I still had 70% battery left.
