There are a total of six beds in the room, three on each side. At this moment, there are four mothers sitting on the beds, holding their babies in their arms.

The yellow light did not improve their pale faces, instead making them look even more gloomy.

"Are you the new nurse?" asked the woman on the third bed.

I nodded, "Yes."

The four of them looked at each other at the same time, with a creepy smile on their lips.

"A new member, how interesting..." The woman on the fifth bed laughed, making a strange cackling sound.

I felt a hint of unease and involuntarily swallowed.

The light in the ward flickered, not bringing much brightness to the room.

Suddenly, the woman on the sixth bed spoke up.

"I want to go to the maternity ward to breastfeed the baby."

Upon hearing her words, I instinctively closed my eyes, "Okay, please follow me."

I heard a sigh behind me, as well as the sound of someone getting out of bed.

As I felt someone behind me, I groped my way out.

Open the door, then turn right while leaning against the wall...

I followed the wall until I reached the end of the corridor.

As I prepared to twist the door handle of the maternity ward, a pair of icy hands suddenly touched my neck.

Whose hand was it? Was it that woman's hand? But isn't she holding a child?

I dared not open my eyes, nor did I dare to ask. I continued to open the door to the maternity ward with a stiff neck.

Luckily, the door opened quickly, and almost at the moment the door opened, the hands on the back of my neck disappeared. I listened to the footsteps of the woman going in and confirmed that she closed the door after entering.

I heaved a sigh of relief, opened my eyes, and quickly ran back to Room 302.

Upon seeing me return safely, the three women in the ward all sighed at the same time. I stood by the wall crack next to the door, staring at the green light on the door, comforting myself not to be afraid.

It was quiet in the ward for a long time, until the woman on the third bed spoke up, "Nurse, could you help me find a band-aid at the nurse's station?"

I looked at her face and agreed.

I quickly left the room and walked towards the nurse's station. I saw the head nurse standing there.

When I saw her, to be honest, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Because she was wearing a white nurse uniform.

But when I approached, I saw the black hem of her coat under the white coat...

Wait! I carefully recalled the clothes the head nurse was wearing during registration. Although they were white, they were not this set...

A shiver ran down my spine...

I thought of Rule Seven and Rule Eight: Do not interact with nurses wearing black clothes, do not make eye contact with people at the nurse's station.

At that moment, "the head nurse" had already raised her head. I quickly lowered my head, absolutely cannot make eye contact with her!

"Xiao Liu!" I heard her call my name, "Can you come over and check the data with me?"

Ignoring "the head nurse," I walked into the nurse's station with my head down.

The medical kit was on the table at the nurse's station, and I quickly grabbed it. I was relieved, thinking of quickly grabbing it and leaving!

"Xiao Liu..." I was startled by the voice suddenly ringing in my ear. "The head nurse" had somehow walked next to me, and I could feel her burning gaze on me.

But I dared not look at her, I pretended not to see her, and quickly searched for a band-aid in the medical kit.

Found it! I quickly put the band-aid in my pocket, didn't bother to put the medical kit back in its original position, casually threw it on the floor, and prepared to leave.

"Xiao Liu, I'm talking to you, can't you hear me?"

"The head nurse" grabbed my arm, and before her face came close to mine, I closed my eyes. The smooth touch of her fingers made me feel as if she wasn't human.

I held my breath, ignoring her, and moved towards the wall to get out.

Finally, I left the nurse's station.

"The head nurse" stood there, only able to shout "Ah, ah" at me.

As soon as I stepped outside, I quickly ran towards the ward.

And when I pushed open the door, I saw the woman on the second bed breastfeeding her baby!

Rule Three: No breastfeeding in the ward. If it happens, immediately take the baby away and put them in Room 001!
