The answers on the test paper, this time, I had already made up my mind in advance.

Without thinking too much, I directly wrote that person's name on the answer sheet.

"Who is the extra one?"

"Answer: Zhao Ming"

Finally, I picked up the knife, deciding to use someone else's blood to ensure my own safety.

Why didn't I write my own name? Because I knew, given my current situation, it was impossible for me to be voted out.

And the next break was the moment I had to plan for myself.

But in the end, I still couldn't be that ruthless, unable to tell everyone to write my name.

Even though I knew that those who voted for me were courting death, I still didn't want too many people to die because of me.

Even if bloodshed was inevitable, I hoped it could be minimized.

After all...

We are still classmates...

"Ring ring ring."

After the exam ended, we collected the papers again.

Only this time, I paid more attention when collecting the papers.

I took them a bit slower, and at this moment, I noticed something.

"Why is the top paper always Li Muai's?"

It had been four consecutive exams, and Li Muai sat in the fourth row. Logically, the paper I saw should have been Tiantian's from the third row.

"Why hide Tiantian's paper?"

"Unless... she doesn't want me to see it!"

Thinking of this, I suddenly remembered Tiantian's nose-touching gesture earlier, and a bad feeling crept into my heart.

"One hour later, the fifth exam."

As these words appeared, the proctor left with the papers again.

After class, I immediately went to check the names on the blackboard.

Sure enough! Tiantian's vote wasn't on the blackboard!

I had a bad suspicion in my heart, and the only person who could help me verify this suspicion was Tiantian.

I stood in front of the blackboard, carefully watching the votes, and at this moment, Tiantian walked to my side, talking non-stop:

"Xiaoxue, I... I'm so scared! Shen Ming, he..."

"Chen Shuo died too unjustly. If he hadn't committed suicide, he definitely wouldn't have died!"

"How come there are so many votes for Shen Ming?"

"It's... it's too terrifying..."

"Xiaoxue, who did you vote for last round?"

Hearing this, my heart sank.

My votes were on the blackboard, and if she knew nothing, she would only think that my vote on the blackboard was cast for myself!


That vote was cast by her!

Thinking of this, I directly asked her:

"Of course, I voted for myself!"

"What about your vote? Why isn't your vote on the blackboard?"

Hearing this, Huang Tiantian's voice suddenly lowered.

"I... I also voted for Shen Ming."

But as she said this, she touched her nose again.

"She's lying!"

A flash of insight crossed my mind, and a thought surged in my heart.

I couldn't help but question her:

"We agreed to vote for ourselves! How could you break the agreement?"

"Look! I even voted for myself! How could you vote for Shen Ming?"

As I said this, my voice was loud, instantly attracting the attention of my classmates.

Upon hearing this, everyone gathered around.

"Huang Tiantian! How could you do this?"

"Yeah, yeah! Shen Ming is our vice class monitor. He worked so hard to lead us out, how could you kill him?"

"You must want everyone to die with you!"

"Right, right! You caused Shen Ming's death!"

"In the next round, let's all vote for Huang Tiantian, let her accompany Shen Ming in death!"

Although 30 people in the class voted for Shen Ming, at this moment, everyone acted as if they were righteous, condemning Huang Tiantian.

Finally, a voice emerged:

"I... I didn't vote for Shen Ming! I wrote Xiaoxue! Xiaoxue!"

"Xiaoxue didn't vote for herself! She must have voted for Shen Ming!"

The room fell silent. Everyone knew my good relationship with Huang Tiantian, but no one thought that Huang Tiantian would want to kill me.

"Huang Tiantian, how could you do this?"

"How could you lie?"

At this point, I began to accuse her directly. There was no point in keeping up appearances anymore.

"That's not true! I've been writing her name for three rounds. Check the blackboard, except for this round, she always had 2 votes!"

"So this time, I still voted for her. The one who killed Shen Ming must be her!"

Everyone realized the situation and started blaming me.

With a red face, I questioned Huang Tiantian:

"Huang Tiantian! Why did you vote for me? Why?"

"You voted for me first! Who else would vote for me in the first round?"

"You reported to the teacher, what wouldn't you do?"

"Do you know why others don't play with you? Because they fear you'll stab them in the back!"

Usually soft-spoken, Huang Tiantian suddenly spoke these words.

My heart turned cold.

Yes, in the class, if someone cheated, played with phones during evening study, or ate snacks during activities, I would report to the teacher.

But that's because I was the discipline committee member, wasn't that my duty?

I didn't have many friends, but I often helped with duties and shared snacks, so I wasn't that unpopular.

But I never expected, in my heart, the one who always supported and accompanied me, Huang Tiantian, saw me like this.

"I didn't vote for you! I only voted for myself before. This time... this time I didn't vote for you or Shen Ming!"

"The first vote must have been from Chen Jiao! Who else would vote for you for taking her boyfriend?"

As soon as I spoke, I knew I had said too much.

Hearing my words, Huang Tiantian's emotions became more agitated.

"I knew it! It must have been you! If it wasn't for you, how would the teacher know about us?"

Though I wanted to explain, despite reporting many times, I never told anyone about Huang Tiantian.

If someone knew, it must have been Chen Jiao.

But at this point, I didn't want to explain.

Because I knew, Huang Tiantian wouldn't trust me anymore.

I had explained before, she said she believed me, but still voted against me.

"She doesn't believe me, she never believed me!"

"The one who stabs you in the back is often the one you trust the most."

This thought came to my mind, and I clenched my fists, wanting to speak but ultimately giving up.

Suddenly, someone said:

"Let's write Xiaoxue's name next! Who told her to be a tattletale!"

"Yeah, yeah! Let's write her name! We all hate her anyway!"

Then a group planned to write my name, and only the committee member Haoren spoke up:

"Even so, we shouldn't write Xiaoxue's name, right?"

"Let's follow Shen Ming's idea, and have another tie!"

"If everyone votes for themselves, maybe we can find the extra person!"

He was popular, so some agreed to vote for themselves again.

Seeing this, I felt a bit lost.

But thinking of Shen Ming's fate, I had hope.

Don't just listen to what people say, watch what they do.

Didn't everyone curse Shen Ming viciously just now? Why did he still get 30 votes?

And Haoren...

I glanced at the previous votes, finally having an idea.

Returning to my seat, I took out a draft paper and wrote something.

Then, I quietly handed it to Haoren while passing by.

It said "Vote for Li Juan."

Though I couldn't speak of the deal, I hoped he would follow my suggestion as he supported me.

"Hope he follows my suggestion."

"The proctor should also make a deal with him?"

"How ridiculous! Now the only one I trust is her!"

Ending: Backstab

For me, the final exam finally arrived.

"Tap tap tap."

I never found the proctor's footsteps so appealing.

As expected, Zhao Ming died this time.

But today, the proctor seemed happy, ending Zhao Ming's life with a single stab.

As she paced the room, our eyes met.

Strangely, I felt...

She seemed... very pleased?


It was odd.

Looking at the paper, the question was the same.

"Who is the extra one?"

"Answer: Xiaoxue."

As I wrote the final answer, I felt a weight lift from my heart.

Whether the proctor was truthful or not.

This was my only chance!

I thought we'd wait 60 long minutes for the result, but unexpectedly, something different happened.

After collecting the papers, the proctor didn't announce the next exam but said...

"Alright, this exam is over!"

"The passer is Xiaoxue."

I never thought the proctor would say this.

A faint white light shield appeared around me.

The next moment, a strong light shot from her.

When I opened my eyes, everyone had shocked expressions.

In the next moment, people fell like blocks, cut into pieces!

Instantly, the room was filled with flesh and blood.

The proctor approached me.

"Well done."

"Congratulations on completing the 'Backstab Game'."

"I have a reward for you! A great reward!"

She grabbed my head, pressing hers against mine.

A force pulled us together...

I couldn't react before losing consciousness.

When I regained consciousness, I was in a vast world.

Opening my eyes, I saw countless proctors surrounding me.

Their faces were sunken, skin tight against bones.

Bulging black eyes, necks tilted unnaturally.

Scared, I wanted to escape, but the proctors followed.

The next second, I hit something hard, a... mirror!

I realized it wasn't a vast place but a mirrored world.

I was... a proctor.

No matter where I ran, I couldn't leave!

Then, a mechanical voice sounded:

"Proctor 444, next game in 8760 hours."

"Location: Linjiang No.1 High, Grade 3 (5) class."

"Exam question: Who is the extra one?"

"Answer: Xiaoxue."

I finally understood the reward.

In the end, I backstabbed them.

And the proctor backstabbed me.

What reward?!

The best reward?!

It was... to live on, worse than death...

- The End -

Content is blocked>Though I couldn't mention the deal, Haoren's support deserved a reward.

"I hope he follows my instructions."

"The proctor should make a deal with him too, right?"

"Funny! The only one I can trust now is her!"

Ending: Backstab

For me, the final exam had come.

"Tap tap tap."

I never found the proctor's footsteps so delightful.

As I expected, the one who died was Zhao Ming.

However, the proctor seemed in a good mood today, ending Zhao Ming's life with a single stab.

While she paced around inspecting the discipline, our eyes met accidentally.

Strangely, I could feel she was... very pleased?


Really odd.

Looking at the paper, the question remained the same.

"Who is the extra one?"

"Answer: Xiaoxue."

Writing the last moment, I felt a weight lift off my chest.

Whether the proctor's words were true or false.

This was my only chance!

I thought I'd wait 60 long minutes for the result, but something unexpected happened.

After collecting the papers, the proctor didn't announce the next exam time, but...

"Alright, this exam is over!"

"The one who passed is Xiaoxue."

I never expected the proctor to say that.

Suddenly, a faint white protective shell appeared around me.

Next second, a strong light shot from her body.

When I opened my eyes again, everyone had shocked expressions.

In the next moment, everyone collapsed like dominoes, cut into pieces!

Instantly, the classroom was filled with flesh and blood.

The proctor walked to me.

"Good job, you did well."

"Congratulations, you've completed the 'Backstab Game'."

"I'll give you a reward! A great reward!"

She grabbed my head, pressing it against hers.

An unknown force tightly bound us...

Before I could react, I fell unconscious.

When I regained consciousness, I was in a spacious world.

Opening my eyes, I saw countless proctors surrounding me.

Their faces were sunken, skin tight to the bone.

Their eyes bulged, necks eerily twisted.

I wanted to run, but they turned towards me.

The next moment, I hit something hard... a mirror!

Realizing, this wasn't an open space but a mirror world.

And I... was the proctor.

No matter which way I ran, I couldn't escape!

Then, a mechanical voice sounded:

"Proctor 444, attention. The next game starts in 8760 hours."

"Location: Linjiang High School, Grade 3 (5)."

"Next exam question: Who is the extra one?"

"Next exam answer: Xiaoxue."

I finally understood the reward.

In the end, I backstabbed them.

And the proctor backstabbed me.

What reward?!

The best reward?!

It was—rewarding me with a life worse than death...

- The End -
