'Ring, ring, ring! The exam for this session is over.'

The unbearable 60 minutes passed again, and the invigilator, just like before, sealed the stack of answer sheets into a folder and spoke up.

'One hour later, the third exam.'

Then, as she left, Chen Jiao's body on the ground disappeared in an instant.

Although I don't know whose name everyone wrote this time, this hour is obviously a rare moment for us to search for clues.

But I still can't bring myself to be the first one to speak up and reveal my findings.


That thing has already infiltrated. If I were to speak up about what I discovered, I might become its target.

I can't imagine what consequences I would face if I became the scapegoat. Right now, I have to find my ally!

The classroom is buzzing with noise as everyone discusses the names they just wrote.

Some have noticed the problem and want to contact the outside world. But unfortunately, electronic devices are not allowed in the exam hall, so we have no way of contacting anyone. And the door, we've tried it before, and it's still the same, completely unopenable.

I pulled

Tiantian to the corner of the classroom, and then I said to her:

'Tiantian, in the previous exam, I wrote my own name, and this time too. Whose name did you write? You can write it on my palm.'

As I said that, I extended my hand.

Tiantian obviously didn't expect that I would vote for myself, and she was a bit surprised. But in the next moment, she extended her hand and wrote Zhang Kai's name on the palm of my hand.

Seeing this name, I nodded, and then I said to her, 'Tiantian, I have a method, but I don't know if it will work.'

After that, I wrote down this method and told it to Tiantian.

'If everyone writes their own name, it will result in a tie. Everyone will be both the first and the last. Maybe it can help us get out.'

'Moreover, if someone violates the agreement and votes for someone else, one person will die. But based on the vote count, we can determine who violated the agreement, and that person might be the extra one.'

When Tiantian saw my idea, surprise appeared on her face.

She obviously didn't expect there would be this method, but after thinking for a moment, Tiantian nodded.

'Okay! This method is feasible!'

If everyone votes for themselves, it will result in a tie. Although it may trigger a crisis, at least it can change the current situation.

Soon, Tiantian and I told the nearby classmates about this method.

However, I didn't tell others about my intention to determine the last place through this method. I just told everyone to try a tie, saying it might be a bug in the game.

Many people supported our decision, but there were also dissenting voices.

'If it's a tie, then everyone will be the last. What if we all die together later? I'm not taking such a risky move!'

Although Zhang Kai was sitting in the back row, his voice was loud and it immediately reached the front.

By saying such words, it was obvious that he still believed he would never be voted out.

Although both Tiantian and I thought he would probably be the next victim, in the current situation, we didn't dare to confront him directly.

And at this moment, the class monitor, Shen Ming, pushed his glasses and spoke up:

'If we continue with this game format, everyone will eventually become the last.'

'Instead of struggling at the end, why not try it now?'

'As the class monitor, I'll take the lead and vote for myself!'

After saying this, he looked at the people around him.

Like this, everyone, under Shen Ming's suggestion, decided to write their own names in the next round of answering.

'Everyone must not cheat! If anyone cheats, we'll all be doomed!'

'That's right! We've made an agreement, so no backstabbing allowed!'

'Whoever deceives others won't even have seasoning packets for instant noodles in their entire life!'

With everyone's agreement in place, the next round of answering began.

As we wrote our names on the answer sheets, a sense of unity and solidarity filled the classroom. We were all in this together, fighting against the unknown force that had trapped us in this twisted game.

Once the hour was up, the invigilator collected the answer sheets and sealed them in the folder, just like before. But this time, there was a sense of anticipation in the air. We were eager to see if our plan would work.

As the invigilator left, we all gathered around, waiting for Chen Jiao's body to disappear. And just as we expected, it vanished in an instant.

Relief washed over us, knowing that our plan had succeeded so far. The tension in the room eased, and we started discussing our next steps.

'Now that we have a tie, what do we do next?'

'Should we continue with this strategy or try something else?'

The classroom was filled with murmurs as we debated the best course of action.

Amidst the discussions, Zhang Kai's voice once again stood out.

'This tie situation is pointless! We're just delaying the inevitable. We need to find a way to break free from this game.'

His words resonated with some of the classmates who were growing tired of the repetitive nature of the exams.

'He's right. We can't keep playing this game forever.'

'But what other options do we have?'

'We need to think outside the box.'

The room fell into silence as we racked our brains for alternative solutions.

Then, a soft voice broke through the silence.

'What if we try to communicate with the outside world?'

It was Li Wei, a quiet and reserved student who rarely spoke up.

'We can't use electronic devices, but what about writing a message and throwing it out of the window?'

Her suggestion sparked a glimmer of hope in our hearts.

'That's worth a try.'

'We can write down our situation, our names, and ask for help.'

'If someone finds the message, they might be able to rescue us.'

The idea spread quickly, and soon, we were all scribbling messages on pieces of paper.

'Don't forget to include your name and where we are.'

'We need to make sure they know where to find us.'

With our makeshift messages ready, we gathered near the windows and carefully threw them out.

It was a long shot, but it was the only option we had at the moment.

Days turned into weeks, and we continued our exams while hoping for a miracle.

Then, one day, as we were preparing for yet another exam, we heard a commotion outside the classroom.

Curiosity and excitement filled the air as we rushed to the windows.

And there, standing outside, were people wearing rescue uniforms.

'We found them!'

'We received their messages!'

Tears of joy streamed down our faces as we realized that our plea for help had been answered.

The rescue team broke down the door, and we were finally free from the ordeal that had consumed our lives for weeks.

As we stepped out of the classroom, we couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the power of unity and the determination to survive.

We had overcome the odds and emerged stronger than ever.

The twisted game was finally over, and we were ready to embrace our newfound freedom."
