By this point, I can't pretend that these things are just my imagination. Since the day I received the so-called "rules," the neighborhood where I live has been abnormal!

Whether it's the eerie heartache, the crimson messages, or the ring with self-awareness on my finger!

All of this is definitely not normal!

Am I really still in my cozy home?

I don't know...

Really don't know!

Just then, I remembered the "mission" I had just seen, and my heart suddenly sank.

Of course, I didn't want to go, but if I don't, the me on TV will kill me!

Will kill me!

At this moment, I had to take out my phone and quickly record a video, telling everything that had just happened and sending it to Huang Meimei.

"Meimei! If I die, remember to tell my parents that I bought insurance!"

"And the money in my account, ask them to spend it sparingly..."

As I said these words, my eyes couldn't help but feel sour, and my heart felt extremely wronged.

Why am I so unlucky! Of all years, why did it have to happen this year when I didn't go home!

If I had gone home this year, how could this have happened to me!

I couldn't help but cry, but only for a brief moment.

Even if an adult feels wronged, it can only be a momentary grievance.

After all, right now, there is an unknown force watching over me.

I only know that if I cry, the next moment, I might really never have a chance to see my parents again!

The building at night was quiet.

I took the elevator downstairs to get some disinfectant.

As I sat in the elevator, I was terrified inside. Who knows if the mirrors on all sides would reflect my image again.

Fortunately, such a terrifying thing did not happen.








We arrived at the 6th floor.

Holding the disinfection gun in my hand, I felt like it was my weapon. I took steps closer and closer to room 604.

I was originally going to ring the doorbell, but when the wind blew, I realized that the door to 604 was actually open.


It's very inappropriate to enter someone else's home directly at this late hour.

So, I shouted at the top of my lungs, "Is anyone there? I'm the building manager here for disinfection!"

"Hello! Is anyone there?"

The room had dim lights but was silent.

The ring on my hand kept staring at me, seemingly reminding me to go in quickly.

Looking at the scene in front of me, I was really scared. I didn't know if the "me" who choked me earlier would appear again in that dim environment.

But I had no choice. I could only take a deep breath, summon my courage, and step forward.

[Pigeon! Let's consider this as an adventure Vlog!]

[Anyway, if I stick my neck out, I'll die; if I shrink back, I'll still die!]

Although I said many comforting words, my legs were still trembling.

"Is... is anyone there?"

"I'm the building manager here for disinfection!"

The room was empty, and my voice echoed inside.

But no one responded for a long time.

I could only move forward step by step. In a normal world, I would never dare to invade someone's home in the middle of the night.

But the situation now was obviously not normal.

To avoid being killed by "myself," I had to summon my courage and walk in.

Because it was the same floor, the layout of room 604 was exactly the same as my own.

I was familiar with the bloodstains on the ceiling.

With the disinfection gun in my hand, I continued shouting and advancing, just like before.

My voice was not soft, but there was still no responsefrom inside the room.

As I cautiously walked further into the apartment, I noticed something peculiar. The air felt heavy, as if there was an unseen presence lingering in the room. The atmosphere was suffocating, and a sense of unease enveloped me.

The crimson messages on the walls, which I had seen from my own apartment, were now more prominent and vivid here. They seemed to pulsate with a sinister energy, sending chills down my spine.

Despite the fear gripping my heart, I pressed on, determined to complete my "mission" and find out the truth behind these bizarre occurrences.

The ring on my finger continued to glow faintly, almost guiding me through the dimly lit apartment. It was as if it held some mystical power, leading me closer to the source of this enigma.

Finally, I reached the bedroom. The door creaked open, revealing a room shrouded in darkness. I hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to enter or not.

But then, a soft whisper echoed in my mind. It was a voice I recognized—my own voice.

"You must enter. The answers you seek lie within."

I took a deep breath, bracing myself for whatever awaited me inside. With trembling hands, I pushed the door open and stepped into the room.

The sight that greeted me was both perplexing and horrifying. The walls of the bedroom were covered in countless photographs. Each picture depicted scenes from my own life, meticulously arranged in a chaotic collage.

There were images of me with my friends, my family, and even mundane moments from my daily routine. But interspersed among these familiar snapshots were pictures that sent shivers down my spine.

Some photos showed me in distress, captured at moments of vulnerability when I thought I was alone. Others revealed dark, shadowy figures lurking in the background, their features obscured.

I felt a lump forming in my throat as I realized that someone had been watching me, documenting my every move. But who? And for what purpose?

As I continued to examine the room, my gaze fell upon a small journal lying on the bed. It seemed to beckon me, its pages filled with secrets waiting to be unraveled.

Trembling, I picked up the journal and began to read.

Its contents sent shockwaves through my entire being. The journal chronicled the experiences of an alternate version of myself, one who had been trapped in a parallel reality.

This other "me" had discovered a way to communicate with me, the version of myself in this reality, through the crimson messages and the ring. They believed that by completing certain tasks and solving the mysteries, they could bridge the gap between our worlds and escape their nightmarish existence.

The journal contained detailed instructions, guiding me through a series of challenges and puzzles. Each completed task would bring me closer to freeing the other "me" and restoring balance to both realities.

With a mix of trepidation and determination, I closed the journal and made a decision. I would embark on this perilous journey, not only to save myself but also to uncover the truth behind these inexplicable events.

Little did I know that this adventure would test my courage, challenge my perception of reality, and force me to confront the darkest corners of my own soul.

The game had just begun, and the stakes were higher than I could have ever imagined.
