The next day when I arrived at the control room, I was the only one there.

Looking through the surveillance cameras, I indeed saw another sow next to pig number 33, a five-clawed sow.

The sow was calm and quiet, with no intention of resistance.

Suddenly, the broadcast came on.

"The 'Best Employee' evaluation is complete, and Qiu Qiu has won the title! Your decisions within the pig farm will be the highest authority beyond the rules! Congratulations!"

I couldn't help but laugh from the bottom of my heart.

At the same time, the pig farming guide was updated again.

《Pig Farming Guide Phase Three》

"Dear employee, congratulations on successfully reaching the third phase."

"Keep the boar and sow in the same pen."

"When punishing the sow, make sure the boar watches face to face."

"If the boar shows mating behavior, stop it promptly and perform castration."

"In the eleventh month, turn on all the lights, place the sow in front of the boar at the slaughter spot."

"Keep up the good work, the breeding plan is about to succeed!"
