After finishing the "meal," everyone involuntarily went to the toilet to vomit.

The surviving classmates had just returned to the classroom when the electronic voice of a woman sounded:

"Students, you've done a great job with your task.

"As a reward, the clue is: "I" is among you.

"Let's guess who I am in the afternoon.

"The third task: write the names of your classmates on A4 paper on the table within two minutes.

"There are 28 participants, and the task begins!"

As soon as the voice fell, an A4 paper appeared on each student's desk.

I looked around.

Classmates were eyeing each other, discussing in whispers, and writing from time to time.

But for some reason.

I always felt that the mastermind behind this was still playing with us.

Is he really in this classroom?

I recalled everything that happened today.

Zhang Xinmei - died due to her own cleverness.

Li Jiahui - died from forced exercise.

Liang Jiang and Song Yu - disabled by the rules of the summer camp.

Liu Lu - died in the "clean plate action."

Thinking back to their personalities.

Zhang Xinmei - manipulative and always gave Li Jiahui ideas to bully classmates and bully the weak.

Li Jiahui - once forced a girl who offended her in class to run laps in the hot summer, causing the girl to collapse from heatstroke and suffer a concussion.

Liang Jiang and Song Yu - always acted arrogantly in the class as class leaders, making all sorts of rules and freely criticizing classmates.

Liu Lu - in order to win the "Best Cadre Award," forced a classmate with gastroenteritis to eat spicy chicken nuggets in the cafeteria, causing the student to be hospitalized for a week.

Is this really just a coincidence?

No matter how you think about it, they all "got what they deserved."

The electronic voice suddenly began counting down:


Oh no!

I haven't written it yet!

"Since Lin Qiu is not willing to participate in this task, then help with the voting."

Is that it?

As I collected the A4 papers, I thought about the reasons why I escaped a disaster.

Many classmates cast hateful glances at me.

I felt a chill down my spine, but suddenly seemed to understand.

This mastermind is clearly trying to incite hatred towards me.

If there is another round of this game, these classmates probably won't hesitate and will directly write my name.

Damn it.

"Liang Gang, one vote.

"Song Yu, one vote.

"Liang Gang, two votes.


"Liang Gang, nineteen votes." The most.

This Liang Gang is probably the most hated figure in the class after Li Jiahui.

A rich second-generation, he often mocks classmates for not having good family conditions.

Because his dad donated a building to the school, he also became a school cadre, causing trouble, and even did outrageous things like making poor students bark like dogs to decide whether to give them scholarships.

So when everyone was at a loss about the mastermind.

Of course, he was the first one to be nominated.

Liang Gang was extremely angry and cursed loudly, "Who the heck voted for me?

"Am I such a boring person?"

The electronic voice of the woman laughed eerily:

"Students, you guessed wrong. As a punishment, the student with the most nominations will die by swallowing gold."

Liang Gang shouted in fear, "No, don't kill me, my dad is rich, I'll give you whatever you want..."

As he spoke, he took a gold chain from his neck and swallowed it in one gulp.

Then, he writhed in pain on the ground.

Perhaps unable to bear the pain, Liang Gang got up, ran to the window, and leaped out.

After Liang Gang's death, the electronic female voice did not sound for the entire night.

Perhaps the mastermind was tired.

Or maybe he had already achieved his goal.

At this moment, the students in the class completely lost trust and hope.

They were like frightened birds, becoming excessively suspicious of everything.
