The first day of summer camp.

Probably because we couldn't get our graduation certificates as a threat, all 35 students in our class arrived at school on time.

When I entered the classroom, everyone was discussing in a lively manner.

"Our school is really something, organizing a summer camp."

"Yeah, who knows if they'll make us pay."

"You're an idiot, how much money can you spend in a week at school."


The classroom was buzzing.

So much so that we didn't notice when the projector turned on by itself.

Red words were projected onto the blackboard.

Bright red, somewhat like undried bloodstains.

It was terrifying.

"Welcome everyone to the graduation summer camp!"

A creepy electronic female voice suddenly sounded, reading the red words projected on the blackboard.

The class, which was just bustling, suddenly fell silent.

Only the dry electronic female voice continued to read the words on the blackboard, incredibly eerie.

"This summer camp lasts for 5 days, with a total of 36 participants.

"The goal of this summer camp is to complete all tasks - survive."

"Now, let's begin our enjoyable summer camp journey."

"The first task: run to the playground within 10 minutes."

After reading the last sentence projected on the blackboard.

The electronic female voice never sounded again.

I stared blankly at the blood words on the blackboard, shivering uncontrollably.

When the other students finally reacted, the class exploded.

"What the hell is this? A desperate game?"

"Who the hell is playing tricks? Get the hell out!" said Li Jiahui, the class leader.

"You guys can't really believe this, right?" This was Zhang Xinmei, Li Jiahui's right-hand woman.

While the students were discussing fervently, I secretly counted the number of people.

And I was right.

There were only thirty-five students in our class, so how could there be thirty-six participants?

Soon, others also noticed this blind spot.

Zhang Xinmei proudly shouted at several classmates who wanted to go to the playground:

"You idiots, the prankster doesn't even know how many students are in our class, and yet you still believe it."

But I had a different opinion from her.

If, as Zhang Xinmei said, this was just a prank.

The mastermind behind it must have known everything about us, so how could they not know that our class only had thirty-five students?

And think about the projector that turned on by itself without anyone controlling it.

The eerie electronic female voice of unknown origin.

And this summer camp that surprisingly aimed at "survival".

It's better to believe it exists than to believe it doesn't.

Once I figured this out, I no longer listened to Zhang Xinmei's nonsense and immediately set off for the playground.

When I arrived at the playground, there was only one minute left of the set time.

I turned around and saw Li Jiahui and Zhang Xinmei running frantically towards the playground.

I knew it earlier, why did I pretend to be foolish just now.

I chuckled to myself.

A gloomy electronic female voice came from the playground's loudspeakers, she started the countdown:


Li Jiahui panicked and pushed away Zhang Xinmei, who was holding onto her tightly, finally accelerating and making it to the edge of the playground before the countdown ended.

But Zhang Xinmei wasn't so lucky.

She seemed to have a leg cramp and was pushed by Li Jiahui, falling directly to the ground.

Zhang Xinmei gave up completely: "You idiots, I hope you all die from your stupidity..."

She didn't have a chance to finish her words.

Because the countdown ended.

Immediately after, a pack of wild dogs appeared out of nowhere.

Barking madly, they chased after Zhang Xinmei and ruthlessly tore at her.

Zhang Xinmei was terrified, she ran frantically, cried loudly, and cursed wildly.

In themidst of the chaos, the rest of us watched in horror and disbelief.

The dogs were relentless, biting and clawing at Zhang Xinmei as she desperately tried to escape. Her screams echoed through the air, sending chills down our spines.

Some students tried to intervene, throwing rocks and sticks at the dogs in an attempt to scare them away. But the dogs were unfazed, their focus solely on Zhang Xinmei.

Time seemed to slow down as the gruesome scene unfolded before us. We were paralyzed with fear, unable to comprehend the horrifying reality of what was happening.

Finally, a teacher arrived on the scene, armed with a broomstick. He swung it at the dogs, shouting and trying to drive them away. With each strike, the dogs momentarily retreated, only to lunge back at Zhang Xinmei with renewed ferocity.

It felt like an eternity, but eventually, the teacher managed to chase the dogs away. The playground fell into an eerie silence, broken only by Zhang Xinmei's agonized sobs.

We gathered around her, trying to offer comfort and support, but it was clear that the damage had been done. Zhang Xinmei was badly injured, blood staining her torn clothes and covering her body.

Amidst the chaos, I couldn't help but feel a chilling realization. The summer camp was not a prank or a game; it was something far more sinister.

As we waited for medical assistance and the authorities to arrive, the reality sank in. Our lives were at stake, and we were thrust into a fight for survival.

The first task had taken a devastating turn, claiming the life of one of our classmates and leaving the rest of us traumatized and on edge.

We knew then that this was no ordinary summer camp. It was a nightmare we couldn't wake up from, and we had no choice but to face the challenges ahead, hoping against hope that we would make it out alive.
