Extra Chapter: The Truth

My name is Qiaoqiao, and just like my name suggests, I have been a very beautiful girl since I was young.

Every year when it's time to receive red envelopes, I always get the most.

Every time we take a photo, I always stand in the middle.

But if you think that I'm beautiful but not intelligent, then you're completely wrong.

I'm not the kind of empty-headed vase. On the contrary, whether it's exams, studying, or interpersonal relationships in life, I excel at all of them.

Others find it strange that Liu Wenwen, who is the most introverted and ugliest in our class, is my best friend.

But only I know that even the most gorgeous flower needs leaves to set it off.

If I stand alone, it's considered very beautiful, but with Liu Wenwen by my side, people will think I'm twelve times more beautiful.

Liu Bo is the class monitor, and we chat every night. I kind of like him.

When the "Hunting Game" first appeared, I thought it was just a joke.

The gift I received was the "Seer," who can verify someone's identity every day by consulting the "DM."

I immediately verified Liu Bo's identity and found out that he was a "Werewolf."

Then the "DM" sent a message informing me that Liu Bo and I became a third-party force called "Lovers."

The information is as follows:

1. "Lovers" need to eliminate the influence of "Good" and "Werewolf." If one party is injured or killed, the other party will suffer the same fate.

2. There are two ways to eliminate the "Werewolf." One is to let the "God," who has the ability to kill, eliminate the "Werewolf." The other is to use hidden rules and conduct a vote among all players to identify the "Werewolf." However, only the "God" can mention the "DM" to reveal the identity of the "Werewolf" and enable the voting option.

Naturally, I didn't believe it. Are there still people so obsessed with games in this day and age?

But when I saw the wound caused by accidentally cutting myself with a piece of paper also appear on Liu Bo's hand, I suddenly realized that this game was not a joke.

We could only accept this reality, Liu Bo and I.

And, of course, we didn't want to die. The difficult part was killing off the other classmates.

"If that's the case, as 'Lovers,' we can eliminate the 'God' and 'Werewolves' and win. Then the remaining 'Civilians' can survive," I said.

"Perhaps I can provide some clues to reduce the deaths!"

Even though Liu Bo became a "Werewolf," he still saw himself as a savior.

He didn't plan to use broad rules to kill those classmates struggling to survive.

But I didn't care about the life or death of others; I just wanted to survive.

However, since Liu Bo wanted to save more people, I naturally wouldn't stop him.

Day Two of the Game

Liu Wenwen has been by my side for a long time, and when you raise cats or dogs, you develop some attachment, let alone a person?

So on the first night, I said goodnight to her early so she could rest.

The next day, the person I verified was Liu Wenwen, and indeed, she was a "Good" person.

I intentionally played a game with Liu Wenwen and had her draw Peppa Pig on her body.

But what I never expected was that Liu Wenwen would tell me she wanted to protect me because she was the Witch.

"If only we could both survive," she said.

"Unfortunately, you're the Witch," I replied.

At that moment, I knew that if I wanted to survive, I had to eliminate Liu Wenwen.

But I understood her well.

I knew she wouldn't stand in my way; on the contrary... she would be my ally.

Day Three of the Game

In the morning of the third day, I revealed Liu Wenwen's identity to Liu Bo.

Liu Bo and I shared the same idea. Although we knew Liu Wenwen was the Witch,we couldn't bring ourselves to eliminate her.

She was our closest friend, and we couldn't bear the thought of causing her harm.

Instead, we decided to protect her and find a way for all three of us to survive.

We knew that the game was becoming more intense, and the tension among the players was rising.

There were discussions, accusations, and suspicions flying around.

As the days went by, the number of players dwindled, and we had to be more cautious than ever.

Day Five of the Game

On the fifth day, we received a message from the "DM" that the hidden rule was activated.

This rule allowed a player to sacrifice themselves to save someone else.

We knew we had to make a decision.

Liu Wenwen and I both looked at Liu Bo, knowing that he would be the one to sacrifice himself for us.

But Liu Bo surprised us.

He said, "Qiaoqiao, I'll sacrifice myself. You and Wenwen have a better chance of winning if you continue together."

His words touched my heart.

He was willing to sacrifice his life for us.

But I couldn't let him do it.

I said, "No, Liu Bo. We will find another way. We will all survive."

Day Seven of the Game

As the game continued, tensions rose even higher.

We knew that time was running out, and we had to make a move.

During the night, Liu Bo and I discussed our plan.

We decided to reveal our identities as "Lovers" and put our trust in the remaining players.

We believed that there were still good people left who would help us.

We knew it was a risk, but it was our only chance.

Day Eight of the Game

When the morning came, we called for a meeting with the remaining players.

We revealed our identities as "Lovers" and explained our plan.

Surprisingly, the other players listened and agreed to help us.

They saw the sacrifice Liu Bo was willing to make and the trust we placed in them.

Together, we devised a strategy to eliminate the remaining werewolves and ensure the survival of the "Lovers."

Day Ten of the Game

After days of intense gameplay and strategic moves, we finally identified the last werewolf.

The "God" used their power to eliminate the werewolf, and we emerged victorious.

Liu Bo and I stood side by side, holding hands, as the remaining players applauded our victory.

We had overcome the odds and survived.

As for Liu Wenwen, she was the last "Good" person standing, and she smiled at us.

In that moment, we knew that our friendship and bond had grown stronger through the game.

The "Hunting Game" had brought us closer together, tested our trust, and taught us the value of friendship and sacrifice.

And as we walked away from the game, we carried those lessons with us, knowing that we would always be there for each other.
