Darkness will eventually pass, and dawn will eventually come.

As the 8:00 am morning reading bell rang in the school, I finally opened my eyes.

The classroom was already in a mess.

There was blood, urine, and classmates who died with their eyes wide open.

There were many bodies lying on the ground, some standing up, while others would never get up again.

If it were the old me, I might have been scared and cried, but now I could only remain silent.

The blood on my fingers had dried, and I didn't know how many times my lips were bitten by my teeth last night, feeling numb.

Last night, the memories that lingered in my mind were my mother's nagging and the nights I worked hard with my pen.

Those things were my motivation to survive. If I didn't think about them, maybe I would have woken up like them last night, forever leaving this world.

Through all these experiences, I learned that relying on others is useless if I want to survive. In the end, the only person I can rely on is myself.

Many people cried in fear, and the whole room was filled with sobbing.

If I had opened my eyes last night, maybe I would have been one of the ones who died today.

Looking at the mess all around, I felt no joy in escaping death because I knew, even if I made it through today, could I make it through tomorrow?

But I want to survive.

Never before have I wanted to survive like this!

"Wh-what do we do?!"

"We're all going to die! We're all going to die!"

"There's still a werewolf! There's still a werewolf!"

The remaining people in the class have become somewhat deranged.

And at that moment, Qiao Qiao spoke up:

"I know who the werewolf is!"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes focused on her. At that moment, Huang Qiao Qiao took out her phone.

"Yesterday, I secretly installed a mobile camera in the classroom! As long as we watch the video, we can find out who the werewolf is!"

As she spoke, everyone's eyes were fixed on Huang Qiao Qiao's phone.

They saw that while everyone was lying down resting, a creature with a wolf's head bypassed them and scattered nails on the ground while everyone's eyes were closed.


No one expected that the nails, the rats, and the ghostly sounds last night were all deliberately done by someone.

Everyone quickly looked at each other's clothes and suddenly discovered that the werewolf was...

"Chen Wei! You're the werewolf!"

We never expected that Chen Wei, who disappeared when we were signing up and was thought to be dead by everyone, turned out to be the werewolf!

Everyone's hearts trembled, but just as we were about to catch him, Chen Wei fled at the fastest speed.

Several boys tried to chase after Chen Wei, but he still managed to escape.

[Chen Wei Loves Sour Fish]: Hahaha! You idiots!

[Chen Wei Loves Sour Fish]: I have the power to make the rules. None of you can escape!

[Chen Wei Loves Sour Fish]: Hahaha! You can't escape!

Seeing the messages from Chen Wei, everyone felt furious and bombarded him in the group chat.

[3836]: Chen Wei, you're inhuman!

[Candle Sky]: You're worse than a beast! You can harm even your classmates!

At this moment, the group chat received a yellow message.

[DM]: Last night, the werewolf completed the hunt.

On the fifth day, the werewolf's target is: the girls of Class 4 in Grade 12.

Upon seeing this message, all the girls panicked.

"What do we do next?!"

"Is he going to come and kill all of us today?!"

"I-I don't want to die..."

"Is he crazy?!"

My heart turned cold as well. As a girl, I couldn't change my gender in a day.

Now it was already the Bright Wolf stage, but thereis no guarantee that we will survive until the end. The werewolf's power seemed unstoppable, and we were trapped in this deadly game.

Amidst the panic and fear, a voice broke through the chaos.

"We can't let fear consume us. We need to think of a plan to protect ourselves," said Zhang Wei, one of the few remaining boys in our class.

His words resonated with some of us, and gradually, the chaos subsided. We formed a circle, with the girls huddling together for support.

"We need to stay vigilant and stick together," Zhang Wei continued. "We can't let the werewolf isolate us or pick us off one by one."

His words were met with nods of agreement. We realized that unity was our strength, and together we could increase our chances of survival.

As we brainstormed ideas, someone suggested creating a safe zone where we could all gather and protect each other. We decided to barricade ourselves in the classroom, reinforcing the doors and windows with desks and chairs.

We also assigned roles and responsibilities. Some would keep watch while others would gather supplies and food from the school cafeteria. We needed to be prepared for a long stay.

Through the chaos, a plan began to take shape. We would take turns standing guard, and during the day, we would search for any clues or tools that could help us in our fight against the werewolf.

Days turned into nights, and nights turned into days. Each passing moment felt like a battle against time and our own fears. We were constantly on edge, always aware that the werewolf could strike at any moment.

But we persevered. We supported each other through the darkest moments, finding strength in our unity. We refused to let the werewolf break our spirit.

Slowly, we started uncovering the werewolf's weaknesses. We discovered that it was vulnerable to silver, and some of us managed to find silver objects in the school's art room. We fashioned makeshift weapons, hoping they would give us an advantage in our next encounter.

With each passing day, our determination grew. We refused to be victims. We fought back, strategizing and adapting to the werewolf's tactics.

Finally, the day of the final confrontation arrived. We had gathered enough information and resources to face the werewolf head-on.

As the werewolf entered the classroom, its eyes glinting with malice, we stood our ground. We fought with everything we had, using our makeshift weapons and exploiting its weaknesses.

The battle was fierce, and not everyone made it out unscathed. But in the end, we emerged victorious. The werewolf lay defeated, its reign of terror finally over.

We had survived.

Exhausted and battered, we celebrated our victory. We mourned the loss of our fallen classmates but also celebrated the strength and resilience we had shown.

As the days passed and life slowly returned to normal, we carried the memories of that fateful encounter with us. We had faced death and prevailed, and it had changed us.

We knew that darkness could descend upon us again, but we also knew that we had the strength to face it. The experience had taught us the value of unity, courage, and the indomitable spirit of survival.

And so, we moved forward, ready to face whatever challenges awaited us in the future, knowing that the dawn would always come.
