Not long after, 【DM】 sent another blood-red message.

【DM】: 【Day 2 of the game, werewolf hunting target: anyone without Peppa Pig.】

"What is this?"

Looking at the announcement in front of me,

I felt a bit scared.

"Is this a prank? Playing pranks even when a classmate has died, that's really going too far!"

But even though I thought that in my heart, I didn't speak up in the group.

For someone like me with social anxiety, it's really difficult to express my thoughts in front of everyone.

At this moment, some people in the group started criticizing 【DM】. Some speculated that 【DM】 was our classmate Shen Daimei, while others said it was Damon, but they were all refuted by others.

All 50 students in the class came forward, and not a single person admitted to being 【DM】.

And no matter how they talked to him, told him to leave, or even hundreds of private messages bombarded him, this account remained completely silent.

【Zhu Tian】: What the hell! This is the mark on Peppa Pig. We're all adults here! Isn't it too much to make jokes at a time like this?

And at that moment, the class leader in the group sent a message.

【Class Leader】: Everyone, be careful. I think something strange is going on here!

【Class Leader】: Even if there's a chance of death, isn't it too coincidental that Zhang Sang died of a heart attack overnight, Wang Wu died in a car accident, and Li Si, who was going to art school and had good grades, suddenly jumped off a building?

【Class Leader】: I don't mean to scare you, but we should be cautious! Whether you believe it or not, I think it's best for everyone to carry Peppa Pig with them today.

Of course, the class leader said a lot, but not everyone bought it.

【3836】: What the hell, class leader, have you gone crazy? We're in a socialist society, reject feudal superstitions!

【Chen Wei Loves Sour Fish】: That's right! What's there to be afraid of! Can this QQ group kill people? Impossible!

【Zhu Tian】: Maybe we should listen to the class leader after all. After all, the class leader has good intentions for us.

【Class Leader】: Three students have already been killed. What more do you need as proof? Do we have to wait for everyone to die to prove the existence of this game?

In the group chat, everyone could tell that the class leader seemed more serious.

I don't know if it was because of the class leader's words, but it made everyone think of the three classmates who died today.

Soon, some people in the group started saying they would follow the class leader's advice and carry Peppa Pig with them. After all, it's not hard to find.

Meanwhile, I was lost in thought.

Just as the class leader said, this whole thing is really suspicious! Three people just vanished like that?

I couldn't understand it and could only continue chatting with my best friend, Huang Qiaoqiao.

But what surprised me was that Huang Qiaoqiao, who never believed in the supernatural, was very certain about this game of murder.

"Wenwen, don't say it, but I really have my doubts. How could someone die so conveniently?"

"I saw something. I suspect that those three were really killed by that game!"

Hearing Qiaoqiao's worried tone, I quickly tried to comfort her.

"Qiaoqiao, how is that possible? Don't scare yourself. How could a game kill people?"

"Wenwen, why don't you take a look at this!"

Then, Qiaoqiao sent me a picture.

"After that 【DM】 sent the message yesterday, I saw the class leader saying that it's good for our health to go to bed early and asked us to sleep early. But at that time, Zhang Sang, Li Si, and Wang Wu kept saying they were going to stay up all night playing games, and today..."

"Wenwen, don't you think it's too coincidental? If we hadn't slept earlyand carried Peppa Pig with us, would we have been the next victims? I'm really scared."

Looking at the picture Qiaoqiao sent, I couldn't help but feel a chill run down my spine. In the screenshot, the class leader's message encouraging everyone to sleep early was timestamped just a few minutes before the announcement from 【DM】 about the next target.

Qiaoqiao's words started to make sense. It seemed too coincidental that those who ignored the class leader's advice and stayed up playing games were the ones who ended up dead.

I began to feel a growing unease, and the fear started to creep in. Could there really be some supernatural force at play in this game?

At this point, I couldn't ignore the possibility anymore. I decided to follow the class leader's advice and carry Peppa Pig with me. It might sound ridiculous, but if there was even a slight chance that it would protect me from whatever was happening, I was willing to try anything.

As the day went on, I noticed more and more people in the group chat sharing their experiences with the game. Some claimed to have seen shadowy figures lurking in the corners of their vision, while others reported strange noises and sensations.

The atmosphere in the chat became increasingly tense, with some pleading for the game to stop and others desperately trying to find a way to end it.

Amidst the chaos, the class leader sent another message:

【Class Leader】: I've been doing some research, and I think I might have found a way to stop this game. I need everyone's cooperation, though.

【Class Leader】: We need to gather at the school tonight and perform a ritual to appease whatever force is behind this. I know it sounds strange, but I believe it's our best chance to put an end to this nightmare.

【Class Leader】: Please, trust me on this. We can't afford to ignore it anymore.

The class leader's message sparked a heated discussion in the group chat. Some were skeptical, questioning the effectiveness of such a ritual, while others were desperate for any solution that could put an end to the game.

As for me, I didn't know what to think anymore. My rational mind told me that this was all just a coincidence or an elaborate prank, but the events of the past two days had shaken my beliefs to the core.

Should I trust the class leader and join the others at the school tonight? Or should I dismiss it all as a figment of our collective imagination?
