In short, this is our team. The five guys are me, a programmer, a lawyer, an old cop who looks like a thug, and a streamer.

We are old and young, fat and thin, smart and dumb, looking like different mountains from different angles, with various heights and weights. Basically, we are a ragtag bunch, but I tell you, until the last round when I managed to communicate with the escape room, I didn't realize that we were the strongest opponents it had ever encountered. If it weren't for my mistake, we almost won. So, I wrote down my painful experience, hoping it could serve as a lesson.

The escape room has two levels.

The first level is on the basement floor, and the second level is on the fourth basement floor.

There are two floors in between, but don't worry, it will make sure you visit all of them.

I'll give you the map of the escape room, all of it, along with everything I know.

This map was drawn by programmer No. 2 using gravity, nuclear magnetic, and some special algorithms. It's more detailed than the official one, even including a secret room we discovered later. There's surveillance there, monitoring all your actions in real time. Before the K Star visitors arrived, this was the control room and backend of the escape room.

Yes, they claim to be from K Star, which sounds a bit nerdy, but it's true. If you check the review sites and look at some comments from 2021, you'll see someone claiming to be a "K Star visitor" who left a bad review for the escape room. Since its opening, the escape room had always been popular, with everyone giving it five stars, except for that K Star visitor who left a negative review.

He said: "This escape room is great, but it has two flaws: it's too small and it lacks soul."

The owner said: "Then what do you think is the soul of an escape room?"

He said: "How about this, I'll come and sit with you. If it doesn't work, I'll help you transform it."

The owner said: "Sure, I'd like to see how you transform it."

You can still find this conversation if you look for it. So, the K Star visitors arrived and added a touch of soul to the escape room.

Alright, back to our team. Why do I keep mentioning them? Because I feel some people died unjustly.

For example, No. 5, the store reviewer. He died because he drew a line on the official map.

Makay said: "Hey, don't write! The map clearly states, 'This map is for reuse, please do not scribble or tear it off and take it away.'

Thinking back now, that was a rule.

But it was too late, the streamer had already drawn a line on the paper, and when Makay called out, he was momentarily at a loss.

He rubbed the pen mark on the paper and said: "I've already drawn it, it should be fine..."

Do you think it matters?

About a minute passed, we all stood still, and nothing happened, except his ID card made a soft "beep".

"See, what rules? Can it beat me up? I broke the rule, so what can it do..."

At that moment, his ID card on his neck suddenly started beeping urgently. The streamer said: "Hey, I mean—"

Then with a "beep", he exploded in front of us, blood splattering into my eyes.

The flesh, bones, and organs turned into liquid and splashed towards me.

I'm analyzing it clearly now, but at that time, I was completely stunned.

A perfectly round-faced streamer suddenly exploded.

What do you think, why did No. 5 explode?

Do you remember I mentioned the point deduction earlier?

Violating a rule deducts one point. No. 5 had already lost two points before, and this time another point was deducted, so he exploded.

He violated three rules:

1. Bringing a mobile phone into the escape room;

2. Taking photos with the phone;

3. Drawing on the map where it is not allowed.

Unexpected, right? The first two violated the second and third rules of the "Escape Room Guidelines".

The third violated a rule on the map.

It's said that people die in different ways. Some deaths are as heavy as Mount Tai, some as light as a feather. The death of this brother, I think, is lighter than a feather. Who would have thought bringing a phone would be a death sentence? With the previous two violations, he immediately turned into a blood mist.

What, you brought a phone too?

Well, it doesn't matter. In our team, except for Makay, everyone ignored the rules and brought their phones, some even took photos, losing two points inexplicably.

As for Makay, it was her second time here, so she naturally didn't bring her phone.

The second person to die was No. 9, a girl. Now I know her name was Lily, but at that time, I didn't even see clearly who was who, and she exploded.

Just a few seconds after No. 5's death, No. 9's name tag also started beeping.

No. 9 female player was scared pale and didn't know what to do.

I remember it was the old cop who shouted: "Throw it away! Quickly throw away your name tag!"

But it was useless. After tearing off the name tag, No. 9 still died. It was like something was blowing her up, making her swell like a flesh-colored balloon. Through her transparent skin, I saw her hard teeth dissolving, turning from bone to liquid, and then with a "bang", she exploded into blood mist.

Do you know why she died?

Again, because she violated three rules.

1. Bringing a mobile phone into the escape room;

2. Screaming.

You should have seen it, right? There are signs everywhere saying "No loud noises", "Walk quietly", "Do not run", as if the designer of this escape room pursues extreme quietness.

So, making loud noises is also a violation.

3. Exceeding the time limit for changing clothes.

I can post the "Changing Room Rules" here, check if you've violated them:

1. Please change into your work uniform here, men on the left, women on the right, according to your gender.

2. Couples must separate here.

3. Find your name tag and wear it around your neck.

4. This name tag is made based on the personal information you provided during the reservation.

5. If your real identity is a doctor, police officer, or soldier, please inform the staff honestly, and you will receive a gift.

6. Changing time is thirty seconds, starting with a "beep".

No. 9 female player started changing after the time was up, so she inadvertently lost a point.

Through these two incidents, I think you understand what a rule-based escape room is, and what creates those blood mists.

I suggest you check the mistakes you've made and how many points you have left. This will severely affect your safety.

Our check showed that except for Makay, everyone else had lost at least one life.

Speaking of Makay, I came to this escape room entirely for her.
