The clinic was brightly lit!

The reception at the front desk, the cleaning lady, the patients in line!

It's abnormal, completely abnormal!

“Hey, queue up, you...”

I burst into the treatment room like a madman. Luo Cheng inside looked up at me, seemingly not surprised by my arrival.

“Hey, how can you cut in line like this!”

“Where's your sense of public decency?”

Behind me, a group of people were chirping away, some even reaching out to pull me away.

Luo Cheng stepped forward and waved his hand: “She had an appointment with me earlier, sorry, you'll have to wait a bit longer.” He closed the door, stood in front of me, and looked at me with a half-smile.

“What's going on with Yang Xiao?” I demanded.

Luo Cheng sighed, “Oh, him! His voice caused him trouble, so I treated and corrected it. What's the problem?”

“Why doesn't he recognize me?”

Luo Cheng gave a helpless smile, “Recognition is a choice. It's like me; I can choose to recognize you or not. That's a question for him, not me.”


I'm sure Yang Xiao wasn't pretending not to know me; he truly didn't recognize me!

That unfamiliar, bewildered look couldn't be faked.

“What did you do to him? Did your hypnosis create another personality in him?”

“Do you think that's possible?” Luo Cheng spread his hands, “Using hypnosis to create a split personality in a normal person?”

“Maybe others can't do it, but you absolutely can. Wang Leng is the best example.”

Luo Cheng shook his head, took two sealed bags from the bookshelf, “According to the rules, I can't reveal any patient information to you.

But for your emotional stability, I'll make an exception this time. These are the treatment records of Wang Leng and Yang Xiao. You can take a careful look.”

I hesitated for a moment and reached out to take the sealed bags.

“You can take them home, and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.” Luo Cheng handed me a business card. I dazedly took the sealed bags and went home.

Under the desk lamp, I stared at the photos of Wang Leng and Yang Xiao, reluctant to open the files. Two memory cards lay beside me, containing recordings of the treatment sessions.

After a moment of contemplation, I decided to open Wang Leng's file first.

Wang Leng underwent thirteen treatments in total, the cause being cognitive impairment.

Only two of the sessions involved hypnosis, and the recordings showed that Luo Cheng's treatments were perfectly fine.

Moreover, during the last hypnosis session, Wang Leng mentioned his dream.

“Dr. Luo, I dreamed that my wife and daughter were murdered.”

“Hmm, can you describe it in detail?”

“I saw someone break into my house to steal. After my wife and daughter came home, he brutally killed them. But due to lack of evidence, he was acquitted.”

“How is your relationship with your wife and daughter recently?”

“Same as always, very dull. However, after having this dream, sometimes I feel like they're not my wife and daughter, they seem very unfamiliar.”

“Cognitive impairment affects memory, thinking, and emotions. Your reactions are normal. As long as you actively cooperate, there will be significant improvement.”

“Dr. Luo, can you make me not dream?”

“That's difficult, but I can prescribe some sedatives to help you sleep.”

The sound of writing was heard in the recording, and they ended the treatment shortly after.

The treatment records and recordings of Yang Xiao were quite similar, with nothing suspicious found. The only difference was Yang Xiao's dream, where he dreamed of having a normal voice.

If that's the case, why was Yang Xiao so terrified when he found me?

Things wouldn't be that simple unless I found Yang Xiao, the Yang Xiao with the soft voice, to get the answers.

But I couldn't find him, leaving me with only one option.
